Art Jamz!

When is the closing date for this Art Jam?

^ Anywhere between the 21st and the 23rd. Then as usual a week break and back at it the first of the month.

Here’s red’s Art Jam! I think it’s downright hilarious. 8D

:laugh: That’s a good one! Ratatouille’s New Groove…lol
During school, I made one, but here’s the problem: my digital camera doesn’t have that good of quality. So if I posted it up, you guys probably won’t be able to see it that clearly. );

Tell red that she came up a really clever and creative drawing. I love it. It looks sweet.

JesusFreak - Ha-ha! That’s great. Tell red that it’s awesome. :laughing:

– Mitch

That’s such a cool idea, and I love red’s style of drawing! Hilarious! :laughing:

Here’s my contribution : link :slight_smile:

Holy cow Archibald! That is absolutely amazing work you have done there! The characters are drawn to perfection! I love what you did with Syndrome’s hair. It looks really scary, yet a little funny at the same time. Nice work.


he looks llike a goomba…

JesusFreak - You’ll tell red that he/she did an awesome job, love the style too ! :smiley:

Archibald - Love the look on Bob’s face… It’s also a great job ! :wink:

Love both the idea and the execution (pardon the pun), Archibald! Great colour scheme, too, very dark and mysterious. :smiley:

Red (via JesusFreak) and archibald: Well done! I’m so pleased to see such great entries! The “official” close date is monday or tuesday but you can always post you entries whenever you finish them.

Good, because I’ve thought of some, but didn’t have that much time to draw them, plus I need to draw them big enough for my digital camera to catch clearly.

Hey kids. I’m wrapping up this round of jamz. Don’t forget, you can draw the simplest of sketches and post them. The point is to have fun sharing our creative sides!
Next jam starts in a week, and I’ve already got the theme. Try not 2 miss the next one!

And thanks for participating Red and Archibald! Well done!

Wooooowwwww am I late posting the new jam. 4 papers, 2 video projects, 80+ storyboards, 1 oral report, a powerpoint presentation, and a to-be-announced animation assignment will do that to you.
(Did I mention that all due within the next 2 weeks?)

Anyways time for a new jam! This round is sequels! I’ve noticed a lot of awesome ones floating around the forum lately. It’s all up to you in how it’s presented. As long as you’ve got at least one main character from the original you’re good. OC’s are welcome.
The catch this time around is it should be either a dvd cover or a movie poster. Cookie points for taglines and other text.

Since I’m so busy due to school and because there’s currently a Halloween contest over at PPdA I’m doubling the length of this round to 2 months. Hopefully even I’ll be able to post some artwork or at least get my banner going.

Oooh, great idea for the next Art Jamz Haunt! I can’t wait to see what people have to contribute.

Man oh man. I am truly sorry folks. I pretty much fell of the side of the earth, huh? Turns out the animation department of my school enjoys torturing their students with a ridiculously heavy workloads. I put a ton of effort in, and while my online accounts suffered I managed to get on the dean’s list. But enough of that nonsense. It’s back to my poor neglected art jamz.

Some people have expressed the desire to keep the sequel sketch jam alive and I’ll be happy to do so. For the rest of you who want to do a different theme I have a new one in spirit of the massive amounts of snow Michigan’s been getting I’m calling for a Pixar snowball fight. Any characters, any movies! Have at it folks. I’ll run this one, as well as the sequels theme, until the end of January.
Have fun kids! And happy holidays!

I would really like to see a Pixar Sequel artwork piece, but good luck to all who shall participate.

My semester’s FINALLY over, this’ll get me outta my artist’s block! I just needed something to do…

Snowball fight eh? Let’s take it to the next step, I’ll mix the sequel and snoball fight together! Oh yea…ideas, ideas… :wink:
