Cars 2- First Official Trailer.

Yeah…hopefully Lightning has learn’t what he was taught and he’s even more mature…

Whooa! I’m so glad to see them there!

Yeah…the funny thing is whenever I look in a trailer I always pause every now and then to look for clues…Like a Spy or whatever!!! :laughing:

Someday when I’m terribly bored I think I’ll go look at every detail in the trailer. :laughing:

Has it occurred to anyone that someone needs to stay behind to look after radiator springs? This is how I think they will write out Doc, he just stays behind. I also expect Lizzie, Red, and maybe Flo to stay behind as well. I hadn’t expected Sarge or Fillmore to be returning either, but its great that they are.

Edit: Also I think the sheriff would stay behind. And possibly Sally, but I could see her being either option.

That makes sense,and also because Sally’s the town lawyer…she’s problbly [spoil]going to say bye to Lightning in the begining…[/spoil]

Wow, I’ve missed a lot. :open_mouth:

I think Sally will be in Cars 2, especially with Bonnie voicing Dolly in TS3.

Wow, I can’t believe the amount of cameos and Easter eggs hidden in the poster and trailers! :open_mouth: Looks like Pixar really picked their shots carefully for us fans.

I agree Cars has one of the strangest ‘worlds’ in Pixar’s universe. It didn’t occur to me the amount of loopholes and suspensions of disbelief that were in the film (which probably is half the beauty of it, you don’t notice the implausabilities because you’re captivated by the visuals and storyline). At least, not until I tried writing a now-defunct crossover fanfic. I’m glad though that Pixar has decided to take the Cars series to a whole new genre, and I suppose this is their way of ‘cooling off’ after the drama-laden narratives of its latest films. I do agree that The Incredibles would have been a more suitable candidate for a spy film (I can’t wait to see what Mr Bird does with the M:I franchise), but Pixar always does the unexpected. So maybe we should expect the unexpected, and we might just be pleasantly surprised! :wink:

Are any of you kind excited to see how everything’s changed in RS…and what’s happend with the characters?

^ I am! I’m looking forward to see what Tom Foolery the Radiator Springers have been up to since we last saw them!

Yes! :smiley:

Well, I’m still excited for THIS sequel, but I think everyone knows how I feel past the excitedness. I love all Pixar movies, but, like everyone else, I have a favorite(two, actually!).

Yes, I can’t wait to see some Radiator Springs.

I’m so excited for this movie, but could somebody please answer my question from a few pages back? Is that Mator (the UFO) on the East coast of South America in the poster?

I almost sure it isn’t.

Not just because I’m sure he won’t be in Cars 2, but because that part of the continent really looks a lot like that.

I’m so excited! I hope they keep the romance between Sally and McQueen! <3

Thanks for replying Spirit. I’m sure you’re right, but you have to admit, it does look a little like Mator, right?

Yay!!another shipper!!! :smiling_imp: You and I are going to be good friends!!! :smiley:

Rumor has it that the next trailer (yes, a brand new one) is set to premiere in front of Tron Legacy. That’s a very strange marketing strategy, but if it’s true I’d like to see a more serious trailer geared toward the Tron audience. It would definitely be a step in the right direction for me.

^ It’s weird, because they rarely premiere two trailers attached with the same film (it can happen, anyway), and Tron is set to premiere with the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer attached.

So let’s wait for new information. I’m also hoping for a new one, featuring other locations besides Japan (and maybe a glimpse of some absent characters).

I think it is too early for a new trailer… :open_mouth: