Central Cars 2 Discussion (Part 2)

Tow Mater: 8D LOL! I thought you were serious. Haha, it’s okay MissCarrera, I thought it was funny too.

Now that you say that, I really want to go see the movie again and just count how many deaths they were, but I agree with you. Rod’s death made me almost cry, for some reason. :cry: He was just a really cool character. :slight_smile:

Zudnapp is one of my favorite characters from the film. Especially since he is German!

SallyMcQueen: Me too! I was really disappointed when he died! Same with that guy at the very beginning, you know the red car that was the first character we saw? Can somebody please tell me his name? I never caught it and I can’t think of it…

Leland Turbo! [spoil]RIP Leland, Doc and Rod.[/spoil] :frowning:

I can’t believe they [spoil]originally planned to have a scene showing him getting crushed.[/spoil] Haaarsh, Pixar! D:

Oh, and body count. I counted at least 6, including [spoil]Doc[/spoil], not counting [spoil]the large group of mooks Finn blew up while escaping the derricks[/spoil].

Agents Redline and Turbo

A mook who falls in the water chasing Finn

The two mooks from the “Carate demonstration”

Doc, like I said.

Haha you two! xD
I found it funny that you found it funny :stuck_out_tongue:

Tow Mater: LOL! Well, it was very funny. :smiley: I can’t remember what it was again now though, I’ll have to go back and re-read it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Of who? Leeland or Rod? :open_mouth:

I saw Cars 2 again today (That’s #3! :mrgreen:) and I noticed some things, like always. :unamused:

-Is Ramone now the town doctor? 'Cause [spoil]when Mater brings in the lemon car that can’t make it to R. Springs in the beginning of the movie, he lands in Ramone’s shop and ends up on a lift so I suppose Ramone is going to fix him up, which would make me think he’s now the doctor.[/spoil]

-This is really nothing to do with the second movie but I thought of it from the first. Since we don’t see Chick in Cars 2, we don’t really know how he ended up. Since Lightning turned down racing for Dinoco and The King retired, do you think Chick really ended up racing for Dinoco? Honestly, I don’t think Dinoco would want someone like Chick racing for them after what he did. :confused:

  • During the movie I noticed that during the three races, except for Francesco and McQueen, the order of the racecars behind them are always the same. Carla (the female Brazilian racer) is always third, that green Maserati is always behind her and Lewis and Jeff are always behind eachother. I’m just going by the wide shots of the races where I saw the car colors were in all the same order every time and [spoil]when they all crash into each other during the Porto Corsa race[/spoil] but I just thought it was slightly interesting. :slight_smile:

Did anyone see Cars 2 in 3D? I’m not a fan of 3D so I’ve only seen it in 2D. But, was it good in 3D? :slight_smile:

I saw the movie twice. The first time in a one screen theatre from the 30s, they don’t do 3D as to preserve the atmosphere of an old fashioned movie house.

The second time I went to a modern theatre, but didn’t want to pay extra for 3D.

Ugh… I hate 3D. Though animated 3D is a lot better than live action shot in 3D, and both are thousands of times better than 3D in post, which is just as gimmick for your dollars. And I hate the decrease in luminance! :angry:

IMO the 3D in Cars 2 was take or leave. It didn’t ruin anything but didn’t add much either.

I agree with you on that!

[quote="ellie-jessie-eve":avdqhrqy][quote="Ding":avdqhrqy]Though animated 3D is a lot better than live action shot in 3D[/quote:avdqhrqy]

I agree with you on that![/quote:avdqhrqy]

Double agreed! The only movie I saw in 3D was [i:avdqhrqy]Avatar[/i:avdqhrqy] and the only thing that looked good were the animated things. :-\

[quote="Netbug009":avdqhrqy]IMO the 3D in Cars 2 was take or leave. It didn’t ruin anything but didn’t add much either.[/quote:avdqhrqy]

Well, at least I know I didn’t miss out on anything. I hate the fact of paying extra for 3D. :roll:

Here’s how 3D in post works: “Hey, let’s spend an extra 2% of effort to convert it into 3D, and then charge 150% the price for tickets!”

Animation in 3D works really well though, because 3D animated films are, well, supposed to be 3D in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bahahahaha, exactly! 8D I’m still surprised at how much seeing a regular 2D movie cost! $11.00 is crazy. That’s what I get for going to a movie theater owned by Disney. :-\

I believe that is how much it costs at my local theatre too but I can’t recall…And I saw it in 3D! I had this movie pass for 2 free tickets that I saved since X-Mas just for Cars 2 so when I used that I only had to pay an extra $3 for the 3D. Plus, I missed seeing the first Cars in theatres so I decided to go whole-hog and get everything I could out of the film. I’ve only seen it once though, I never see a movie more than once in a theatre no mattter how much I love it, that’s the real rip-off to me. I don’t think the 3D was fantastic or anything, in fact I liked the surround sound better than that. I just loved the sound when the cameras flashed and it literally sounded like it was coming from all arround you!

Sorry, I want to ask you something, guys! :smiley: Has someone seen a walmart comercial with the original cars (2006) and mater was talking with walmart truck? in wikipedia says something like this, but I haven’t seen the commercial while the first cars was in theatres, Has someone seen it? :smiley:

I know I might of mentioned this a few times already, but did anyone catch the State Farm jingle Mater said in the movie? It was something along the lines of “Like a good neighbor, Mater is there” or something like that.

Yeah I realize of that, but I guess it doesn’t excist that commercial :confused: , I want to know about walmart commercial :smiley:

Who do you like better with Carla? Shu or Francesco?