Chicken Little

Oh, I was hoping

he’d lose just so I’d feel really sorry for him. xD It’s sad that his dad only liked him when he was a winner

though =P

I sorta liked it. So what if this film isn’t a Pixar created picture. It’s still a cute little tale that is fun for the younger crowd to check out. Granted, it doesn’t have the emotional movements that are found in most of the older Disney flicks out there, but the Pixar films weren’t that moving either. In fact, when CGI became the focus of most film studios, plot fell to the wayside and gee-whiz effects took center stage.

I have never sat down and watched this movie. I believe the movie is premireing on disney channel tonight so i finally get to sit down and watch it.

Well, I just watched it for the first time in years and noticed how awkward the animation in that movie is, and how short it is. Well, it’s still really fun to look at. :sunglasses:

I saw that movie last weak, first time when my friend offer me to watch I refused his offer but now I saw that on last week it’s a good movie overall.

Not the best film ever, but better than Disney’s ads made it look. I really liked the relationship dynamic of the main pairing. I thought it was well done.

To me, Chicken Little felt like Disney was trying to ‘Shrek-i-fy’ the story.

It felt a bit too pop-culture at times, notably with the film trying to start up 3-4 different ways, as well as the kids whipping out their cellphones in that one scene.

Though after awhile, Runt taking almost any line and turning it into a song cue got kind of old. Though I still don’t know the song he was doing the lyrics for after Chicken Little goes ‘it’s too late for that.’

I have to say that I’ve never gotten motion-sickness watching animation, but I almost did in one scene watching Abbey talking. It’s like they let some guy at the facial controls on her and he didn’t quite make it all flow together.

No matter what, I still think of this being largely something that just felt like the executives green-lit to try and piggyback on the CG craze.

Really? I thought it sounded like Dory’s voice…

I watched it because I am a fan of fairy tale twists (if Chicken Little’s a fairy tale…maybe more of a fable). My favorite character was Fish out of Water.
I thought it was clever to make the sky piece turn out to be a spaceship panel. And the little alien, Kirby, was really adorable. I really liked it and thought it was cute, but the end with the movie within the movie kinda disturbed me. I disliked how Abby was so in love that she looked like she couldn’t think. And all she did was panic and depend on “Commander Little”, which was very unlike her character earlier in the film.

I think that this film by Disney is quite good.

I even hugged The Ugly Duckling at DLRP. :laughing:

I thought the movie and it’s music was actually pretty good


I thought it was a little over the edge.

I’ve heard of teens going out and doing big things but these are just kids.

The storyline was great but they got rid of a scene, made both kids get involved with a romantic scene, but other then that using barney (voice) was a stoke of genious.

I decided to remove my pointless comment, but I don’t hate or dislike the film. I really think that at least the director and producer and artists worked hard with what they had, but I don’t think they really had the most control of the film. Other people did.

While i like this film, I feel like after the aliens have their first scene this film turns into a completely diferent movie, its like in the middle of production the director sat down and watched " The War Of The Worlds" and said " DUDE are those giant alien war machines exterminating humanity? We need to have THAT in our childrens movie"

I was in middle school when this first came out. My friend and I were obsessed with it! I happened to go to Disneyland around that time. I got merchandise, met Chicken Little. it was great.

I don’t really like the movie THAT much anymore. But it holds nostalgia for me, no matter how bad it was.

I have no clue why this movie gets so much hate, I thought it was pretty cute. A bit weird how it appeared to suddenly switch genres halfway through, but still an enjoyable movie! Doesn’t really feel a lot like a Disney movie, but it’s still cool.

I have to admit I just really don’t like this movie. I never did. It gets on my nerves.

I don’t blame you. I tried to like it. I thought I was going to, but I was disappointed to find out how wrong I was. There’s no reason why it couldn’t have been really good, and while I do enjoy maybe two or three short parts, they are short-lived, which is too bad. :frowning:

Yes. Some periods of it are decent. They wasted an opportunity with trying to be “cool”, as well as the ever-pointless “Aliens!” explanation.

It’s my least favorite of Mark Dindal’s films. The Emperor’s New Groove and Cats’ Don’t Dance were better to me.

Speaking of Mark Dindal, I don’t think he’s to blame for most or all of the shortcomings. He seemed to barely be the one in control. I remember that his first two films had trouble in production, and he was called in at the last minute to make big changes, so he had to be quick-minded, and they both turned out very well. I heard this movie took about five years to make, and maybe that whole time it had to be made so that Disney could show they could make CG films on their own, and they would naturally have a different tone than the 2D films. Maybe the same thing would have happened with Chris Sanders on American Dog, not because it was all his fault, but because Disney wasn’t under great management at the time, whereas DreamWorks gave him and Dean DeBlois full control on How to Train Your Dragon. I’m probably wrong about all of this, but I’ve thought about it.