Chicken Little

His other movies are much better. And those are good theories, LQ. :slight_smile:

I remember when my siblings and I watched this on a bootleg DVD. We enjoyed it, but we felt it was absurdly short. I wouldn’t mind rewatching it for nostalgia sake, but it’s probably one of Disney’s half-*ssed films in my opinion. I did remember the TV and cinema promos used the hit song Dragonstea Din Tei (Numa Numa), my sibs and I sang to it all the time, it was awesome.

Does anyone remember playing the video game? I remember one of the early levels had him running through the school hall escaping from someone who wanted to kiss him, and you had to control him to avoid obstacles. Man, that was thrilling back when I played it! :slight_smile: Then it got in the bog-standard explore the level and collect shiny gold coins (in this case, baseball cards) and I got sick and gave up on it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, IV. :slight_smile:

I do remember that promotional stuff TDIT, as a matter of fact. Before the movie came out, I did think it was kind of fun watching the little guy dance around. The movie’s still unpleasant to me, but the actual main character was the one thing that never seemed to bother me from it, at least not so excessively. :confused: And I never played the video game, but I do remember that they made a sequel video game called Ace: Back in Action or something like that based on the movie at the end. I didn’t play them, but perhaps you knew about that one too?

I heard of Ace: Back In Action, but never played it. :slight_smile: I found the development between Chicken Little and his dad touching, but felt that it could’ve been fleshed out more with a longer running time.

I hate this film. The animation is really bland, no real plot, too much running around, things flying at you without giving you time to breathe, too many unnecessary pop culture references, and barely any likable characters. I know there are people who like this film, but I just found it to be an eye-strain.

I could stand everything wrong with this movie, if I liked the characters. But nope, the characters are crap too, with no development. I think the movie has one good song near the beginning. Only redeeming quality.

One Little Slip? It’s catchy enough. But boy, it was the first time my mom flat-out acknowledged to me that she didn’t like a Disney movie. She said even Home on the Range had a better story.

That is the song I meant! Sometimes I have to sit and wonder what our “new renaissance” films would be like if we were still in the Dork Ages. Scary ideas. o_0