Aw, I’m sorry. hugs
Oh, thanks, IncredigirlVirginia:) I think I really did catch cold, but I feel better today.
Mood: Happy
Reason: Visited my best friend - it was her brother’s birthday.
Mood: good
Reason: I don’t have one
lolz You’re right! I’ve seen The Producers, I should know this!
mood: jealous
Reason: my younger brother saw my 2nd favorite basketball player today in public.
Mood: Exhausted!
Reason: Fun filled day in San Francisco. We went to go to church, and after we went to Fillmore street and ate at a little cafe. My friend with me never had been to SF (I was like waaaah? We lives only 45 mins away!) So we did a quick tour of the city, driving around seeing the major sights. It was nice to get out of town for the day!
Mood is…sigh.
Let’s just say, while I was gone for half an hour at a piano class, I come back to the news that my cousin (who is living with us now) attempted to kill himself by filling a tub with water and getting in with a hair dryer. My mom stopped him, but now he’s with the police.
Leirin: My thoughts are with your family, and I’m glad that your cousin was stopped, and now can get help.
Mood: Tired
Reason: Had a long and busy day, and I’m still writing my research paper.
Mood: Sick
Reason: I am with a runny nose and a cold, been partying all weekend in a windy and rainy weather ,
MOod: Excited
reason: I’m working tomorrow.
Mood: Happy
Reason: today I watched a future CULT FILM
I"m in a terribly good mood, which is strange, because we’re completely behind schedule, which usually gets me angry. But today I could type a huge rant about why I’m happy. (Even though I won’t)
Mood: hungry
Reason: All we have is Chef Boyardee and Ramen noodles. And my brother just finished off the Chef Boyardee.
Reason: My job! I spend 7 hours on my feet, with one 1/2 hour break. I work in a winery, so lots of stocking of wine bottles and cleaning of wine glasses. I’m not complaining. It’s exhausting, but I need the money!
Anyway, I go to school 4 days a week and work 3 days a week now. So my Pixar Planet time has been dramaticaly cut, but I’ll still check in each day.
Mood: determined
Reason: I’ve got a research paper due next week and I’m determined to get a great chunk of progrss done tonight.
Mood: Good!
I just watched The Incredibles, and I can’t wait for Easter tomorrow.
mood: happy & annoyed.
reason: got a whole bunch done on my project today asdfghjkl;YES. i think i’m losing my voice & my throat hurts so i’ve been poppin’ cough drops like pills. except pills terrify me so cough drops are just like, YES. my friend is texting me once, like, every two minutes. JUST STOP ALREADY OKAY. i plan on watching both ratatouille and httyd later, so. yay. also, easter tomorrow.
Mood: Tired
Reason: Another long day of cleaning wine classes, stocking wine, making cheese plates, and the such.
Oh, and my friend and I are planning to rent an apartment in the town where we go to college, so save on commuting time, and just to be on our own! We just need to find 2 more roommates, housing is soooo expensive in California.
Mood: Very Very Bored and happy.
I actually don’t think I’ve ever been this bored. Happy because it’s Easter! x