Current Mood

Mood: A combination of happy-not.

Reason: No more holidays. :frowning: But got fastest network in the campus to download stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

But most of all, NOT happy. :frowning:

Mood: Hungry and happy

Reason: Yeah guys, this is good - I’m hungry! :laughing: Course it’s just past 11:00 AM my time, and I slept in really late because of a sleepover, so that might be the reason… haha. Happy because I had a really great time last night with my best friend and it’s also my 700th post! :smiley:

little chef

Exhausted… Lifting is hard work

It’s the hard knock life

Reason: Gotta lotta stuff to do, most of them assignments and I just have a feeling it’s gonna take over my weekend. :frowning:

Mood: Tired

Reason: I just feel sleepy.

Current Mood: Hungry, reluctant

Reason: I haven’t eaten anything since the toast I had like 10 hours ago, oh boy, and I go to work in 45 minutes. I think I’m finally gonna get to start on my stuff for my art school application, but some of it is gonna be really hard. Mainly a self-portrait I have to do without a photo reference. Argh,…


It’s like I want to cry, but I can’t. In my family’s province, in the Philippines, there’s a flash flood going on called Typhoon Ondoy. About a month’s worth of rain fell down in about six hours, and my family’s house resides right along the river. My cousins, uncles, grandparents, aunts, and all their maids managed to evacuate the house, but the flood is so high that it has submerged the roof. Every posession is gone and all they managed to save was one of their cars.

Can you image that? Every photo, furniture piece, instrument, paperwork, and electronic left behind by other generations and bought swept away in a matter of hours? It’s too much for someone to handle. My family worked hard to get where they were in life and it’s all gone now…

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry FounderofAzn. That’s pretty hard to believe. It’s one of those things you never think could happen to your family. I’m glad everyone got out OK, though. At least they’re all right. That’s so sad, though, losing everything. I can’t imagine. No, I don’t want to imagine. It must be hardest to loose all the pictures, all those memories. Well, God bless you. Everything happens for a reason. I don’t know exactly how much comfort my words can bring, but I hope they help at least a little. You and your family will be in my prayers. I’m really, truly sorry.

Oh my goodness FounderofAzn. I’m really sorry to hear that… I’ll be praying for you.

Wow, just wow. That’s terrible, I really hope things turn out well for you. That’s rough. We’ll all be rooting for you, keep your chin up. If you need moral support, I’m sure everyone here will be willing to help you out. That’s one thing that’s so amazing about this place, everyone would do just about anything for the other members on here. We’ve got your back. :wink: Just try not to lose sight of the importance of what you still have.

FounderofAzn: I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine losing everything like that. You and your family will be in my prayers as well.

Mood: Frustrated
Reason: I went to the computer lab to work on some Maya projects tonight only to find out that the school’s key access server was down. Without it, certain programs like Maya won’t run. I have so much to do this weekend and it really sets me back. Tried working on other non-Maya related homework, but that’s like 10% of the work I have to get done this weekend. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Mood: Stressed
Reason: Senior film animatic’s timing is still off. I really need to keep this thing under 3:15, but it just keeps getting longer. :confused:

FounderofAzn: When I saw a report about the flooding on the news, I wondered whether one of us here on PP could have been hit by this disaster.
It’s so sad to hear that this has actually happened. :frowning:
I’ll be joining the prayers for you and your family.

Current Mood: Kinda crummy, but a bit inspired

Reason: I have a sinus infection. Hoo boy. Haven’t been sick in a while, this is kind of a bummer

Inspired, because it’s really awesome reading these posts towards FounderofAzn, it’s very cool to see all you guys band together for her. I’ll continue to root for you, as we all should. The people here are so caring and amazing. :slight_smile:

Current mood: Somewhat annoyed

Reason: Somewhat of a transportation issue that might happen in a few months. >.<

Current Mood: Tired, a bit sick, but content

Reason: Having a sinus infection is kind of tired. Just watched Wall•E with my mom, had a good time with that. Walked my dogs too. Gonna get my hair cut, do homework, draw, and something else, I dunno. XD

FounderofAzn: I’ll be praying for your family and friends’ well-being too. I hope everything will turn out okay for y’all.

Mood: Anticipating

The pilot episode of a new show called Flash Forward premieres tonight in Oz! I’ve seen the promos for it and it looks spectacular! And John Cho from Star Trek will be in it as the detective partner to relative newcomer Joseph Fiennes!

The promo looks absolutely riveting, I can’t wait! :smiley:

P.S. 00:14, Up reference? :laughing:

You’re all amazing. Oh, and sorry for any confusion VioletParr. I’m not physically affected by the flood, my parents and I are in our apartment in California. It’s my close relatives who live in the Philippines (grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins) who just got everything in their house swept away. One of them died by electrocution today also.

Mood-Same as yesterday, less shocked though.

I’m feeling better. It’s something I don’t want to believe, but the evidence is in front of me and I’ll just have to accept it and go help my family.Thank you so much guys, my family and I defintely appreciate keeping us in your thoughts and I’ll never forget it.

I’m really sorry that happened to your family, FounderofAzn, and I’m especially sorry to hear one of them died. I’ll try to keep you and your family in my prayers as you all deal with this,

Mood: OK, a little bummed because the weekend is over and school starts again. Pretty excited because Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days comes out on Tuesday, so I’ll be playing that all weekend. Also, season 2 of The Clone Wars starts on Friday with an hour long premiere. New Star Wars and Kingdom Hearts. Two of my favorite things in one weekend.

FounderofAzn: :cry: I’m soo sorry to hear that! That must’ve been terrrible! I can’t imagine the awfulness of going through such loss…I’ll be praying for you. Hang in there. :slight_smile:

Current mood: Very stressed and infuriated.
Reason: One class I have is giving very very overwhelming homeowork and the teacher expects us to memorize EVERYTHING so he can test on random things here and there unexpectedly. I’m not kidding- the whole text!! :imp: It’s very inconsiderate- we have regular other classes, too!