Current Mood

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Violet Parr!

Hope things get better for you and mo, little_chef. And it’s great that a former enemy has made amends. :slight_smile:

Mood: Confused, Excited and Frustrated

After a relatively busy week sorting out group projects, student visas, and fixing an appointment with family friends tomorrow, I should be free mid-afternoon today to indulge in some fanwork. Thing is, I have so many ideas and I don’t know which one to pick to work on today! There’s a fanfiction I’m working on, some fanart ideas I’ve got for an upcoming movie, and my ‘Best and Worst of 2009’ videos I’ve yet to complete from last week. So many fanwork, so little time…

Current Mood:Sad
I was at a funeral today for a person I never knew nor knew existed. But apparently she’s related to me and I didn’t really wanna go but everyone else was going and I’m not allowed to stay home by myself so… Anyway, I ordered 2 packages. I ain’t saying what any of them are (you’ll laugh) I was pretty sure it was gonna come today and if not Monday. I was thinking about it the whole time thinking I would be able to stay up till later then Midnight playing them. We got home and there was no box on the front door :frowning: I went to the mail box thinking maybe my other package is in there since it’s small. It wasn’t in there either. And I’m going to ANOTHER funeral on Monday! You have no idea how excited I was! And they don’t give mail on Sunday’s, which is completely stupid and Sunday will be a boring day I bet and I was gone for 9 hours today and the funeral is 1 hour so 8 hours of waste. At least I know and have met the person who the other funeral is for. :slight_smile:

Mood: excited!

Reason: Got to go to the snow for the very first time! :smiley: So hard to walk in however. Had a really great day. Also, got my reference sheet for Vince Lichtenstein of Star Vacation finished. Now I’m going to work on his story. He took around 3-4 layers! :open_mouth:

Mood: Heartbroken.

I need sleep…and an extra hour or so. :confused:

Mood: tired, but pretty happy

Reason: Well, I’m 16, so that’s why I’m tired :stuck_out_tongue: And I went to a pizza party with some family earlier and then I hung out with my cousin for a bit. Then when I got back I got a PM from little_chef <3 I think I’m going to play my bass for a while, eat dinner, watch some TV and then go to bed and get ready for school (which is coming an hour early this week :unamused: )

Mood: Tired

Reason: My brother woke me up at 5 in the morning.

Mood: ticked off

Reason: my little brother is seriously starting to get on my nerves. Like yesterday he borrowed money from me and didn’t want to pay it back, so my mom said she would just pay it and when she gave me what i lost my little brother looked at me me like “wow, you’re really making her pay you” and I mean, he’s making her pay me! He’s the one who can’t keep a deal and will lie to get what he wants. Then when my mom dropped us off at home today she told him not to lock the door on me cuz she saw him running to the door to get there first, and after she left, of course, he locks it, and I yell “OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!!!” and then when he did open it we started arguing about that and a bunch of other stuff that has been happening, so I just left and went up to my room to wait for mom to get here so she can be sort of a referee and he won’t take and cheap shots at me.

I seriously can’t stand that kid. :angry:

Current Mood: Good

Reason: Just had a good day :) , that’s all. I’m kinda sad though, because I’ve gotta get off the computer soon and I didn’t really get anything done :-\ :roll: . Well, at least I got to post.

Oh, and I read an awesome TI fanfic today! So that made me feel good :) !

mo: Ugh, that makes me frustrated just reading it! :angry: Your brother really seriously sounds like such a jerk, considering everything you’ve said about him in the past. Blah, I’d kill to get away from a kid like that. :laughing: Hope things get better for you soon - it’s no fun feeling like you’re stuck in a corner with no way out. :frowning:

Mood: Kinda relieved :slight_smile:

Reason: It’s two days until school and I haven’t gotten any work done (had a full day yesterday with no time to get caught up), so this morning I started my reading and did the homework sheet afterwards… holy cow. It’s so not intense compared to last semester. I got half of it done within an hour.

Thank God for an easy last semester. :smiley:

little chef

Mood: Sort of happy

Reason: I’ve been feeling sick all weekend and monday. today is the first day where I feel a little better.

Mood: Annoyed

Okay, I meant to set aside yesterday to indulge in a little fan TV spot and sketch-doodles for an upcoming movie, but then my friend called in the morning asking for help with his assignment. I’m known among my circle as “the guy to go to” for writing essays, and I don’t know whether to feel flattered or exploited. They usually promise me money or dinners in return for their essays, but I feel bad taking ‘gifts’, and I want to help them voluntarily. Besides, no amount of cash or food will tempt me if I just don’t WANT to do the freakin’ assignment (They’re poor at English and/or too lazy to research).

But anyway, I feel bad if I refused, so I gave him a hand and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening typing most of it out for him. By the time it was dinner, I was too mentally spent and just spent the rest of the night in front of the telly.

I mean, it felt good to help someone in need, but in this case, it was at the expense of my time to satisfy my creative urges. :frowning:

Mood: happy :smiley:

reason: Today I had absolutely no homework, tomorrow is the season premier of the new season of South Park (which I don’t really enjoy watching that much, the only reason I really watch it is cuz all my friends do, and I do occasionally get a laugh, but I think I’m just getting a bit too old for that comedy), and… this is my 900th post! Only 100 more to go until I get to the 1000 mark! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mood: really happy

Reason: after having a stressful week, I read something from a Pixar Planet friend that made me smile and forget all of my past troubles.


Why: Iv’e renewed my love/faith in Jesus, that’s why!!! I was listening to “Hold my Heart” by 10th Avenue North one night, after waking up miserable and crying. My life has been renewed, and I feel more alive than ever. AND, I haven’t insulted anyone(on purpose :cry: ) in over a week!!!<3

@IncredibleVirginia: It’s neat to see that Jesus is making a revolutionary change in your life. It’s incredible to see something happen to someone from the eyes of someone who’s grown up with the faith.


Mood: Bittersweet

2 things: Good news, and bad news

Good news: My class ring came in the mail today! :smiley:

Now, here comes the sick and twisted part:

I have to go to a barbeque at my dad’s house, and I already had plans for that day :K

Aaaaw, thanks!! Did you go to Winterjam?? I love Third Day!!

Mood: Happy

Okay so I attended the first General Meeting/Election for my local Malaysian Society, and I was running for the Secretarial position. I was real nervous, cos’ I didn’t prepare a speech, and I wondered how many I would be up against. Eventually, they announced who are the candidates and I was the only one (compared to the other two positions, who had two and three candidates each)! Of course, I still had to give a speech for formality’s sake (cos’ they can technically vote against me if I’m incompetent or a loony). They then proceeded to grill me about my motives and available free time and all that in front of the audience, before exiting to ‘count’ the votes. Finally, I was allowed in and surprise, surprise, I won the vote!

I’m so elated! :smiley:

Mood: excited

Reason: Today I have my Improv show, which starts in about 3 hours and 15 minutes, and we’re going to be playing some games that we’ve never played in a show before. So yeah, that should be fun. I also found out that Green Day is going to start their US tour in August. I am so going to try to snag some tickets! :stuck_out_tongue:

Mood: Blarg

Reason: I just got out of the hospital and I’m on a new antidepressant, but the time to get used to it is a few weeks and in the mean time Prozac is giving me a headache. Guh. X___x;

thedriveintheatre- I know how you feel, situations like that are difficult. I used to help out a lot of students in one of my biology classes until I realised that really, they were just taking advantage and should be able to do the work themselves. I know it feels good to help someone else, but there comes a point where you sort of end up doing all the work for them instead of just helping them out (well, I found that anyway) and then after that they just expect so much more from you, which is really unfair. If these guys are your friends, they’ll understand if you say that you’ll help a bit to start them off but that they should continue on their own two feet.

And congrats on winning the vote for your Malaysian Society! Nice one!

Hope you feel better soon, Netbug009!

Mood: Mixed.

Reason: Went to see my university today to have a quick look around in order to help me choose accommodation. It was lovely seeing the place again, though very strange as it was my first visit since I firmed it, so it’s all official now. I got a bit upset this evening because now it’s all decided, I’ve sort of started to realise that I’m going to have to leave home behind and I just know I’m going to get so homesick in the first few months. But at the same time I’m really excited to finally get the chance to be independent and I know the place I’ve chosen is perfect for me in every way- even down to the socialising areas, such as the Stumble Inn, the university’s on-campus pub, which was complete with a group of very large, rowdy rugby boys who’d just finished a match that afternoon and were still covered in the mud from the pitch. :laughing:

It felt so right looking around, but I also don’t want to leave home behind. Guess everyone has to do it at some point, though.