thedriveintheatre - Ha! I’m glad you had fun talking to us crazy bunch in the chat room. Things can get pretty silly in there, but it’s always a blast to talk to you guys.
That’s really neat that a former Pixarian and Disney employee came to that SIGGRAPH seminar, by the way! I’m not surrpised that he had both positive and negative comments to reveal about both studios, particularly seeing as all companies have their flaws. Nevertheless, the information he gave must have been most interesting to listen to. It’s a rare opportunity to gain some valuable insight such as that, so I’m glad that you were there for it!
red - Wow. What a project! I’m glad to hear that you’re confident that you’ll ace the exam, though, which I’m sure you will.
Current Mood: Equally neutral and tender.
Reason: I was feeling a bit anxious yesterday, for some reason, and harnessed a demanding demeanor to top it all off, but today I’m doing much better. I recently listened to my parents talking about how they trust God in every situation, no matter how bad the circumstances may seem, and it’s always uplifting to see them act so positive. Additionally, I’ve lately been reading some past Skype chats that I’d had with some of my Pixar Planet friends, and I got a good chuckle out of them, as well as quite a few smiles. Heheh.
– Mitch