Czarine's deviantART

Just started on DA a week or 2 ago. Don’t have much devations yet, but I’m working on it.

Just finished this piece earlier this morning:
czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -141620596

I have to Photoshop stuff from my sketchbook more oftenly! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have any tips or suggestions, please, do post them! :smiley:

Neat stuff you’ve got. I just got a dA yesterday and it’s pretty cool. :smiley:

You’ve got some great stuff there, very cool! I can’t wait to see more stuff from you, and I hope to see some killer fan art as well!

That’s actually not such a bad idea! I’ve taken Wall-E Bluray screenshots a few months ago to study all his and EVE’s parts and expressions and such. But never actually did anything with it.

Next thing I post up there will be a Pixar fan-art, probably Wall-E :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: WHUT. You have Blu-Ray screenshots?! How’d you get those? I can’t seem to get my computer to screencap from Blu-Ray. :frowning:

Ooooh, WALL•E fan art! Me likee! :smiley: I really like the phoenix art you had in your gallery… the finished Photoshopped one was incredible! :slight_smile:

Will you be starting a fan-art thread as well? Just wondering. :wink:

little chef

I don’t really have much Pixar-related material to start it with, at the moment (I don’t even think I have any)…

@About the BD-screenshots: I use VLC Mediaplayer to play my DVD’s/BD’s, and it has a very useful screencap tool. You can even play frame by frame to catch the perfect moment. :slight_smile:

I know my next post was supposed to be something Pixar… but this wolf sketch I made back at school was just too awesome to ignore. :blush:

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -142390281

Wow, that’s awesome. Hope to see your Photoshopped one, if you’re still gonna work on that. Great job, I love it! You’ve got some serious talent. :slight_smile:

Not bad :slight_smile: I especially like the phoenix one. I think it’s the coloring.

This is how that wolf sketch turned out:
czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -145394334

I was tired and rushed it in the end… I don’t really like how this has come out, but bwegh… on to the next project, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m also busy on a Disney wallpainting! My dad is a professional painter, so he’s going to help me. What I’m going to do is make a LOT of sketches of my favorite Disney characters and then scan them and put them into 1 big 5000×5000px photoshop file. They’re going to be outlined and colored digitally and there will be a nice background, etc… so it will turn out like some kind of poster. Then I’ll go to a bookstore and make a big print of my poster and we’re going to project it on my wall and my dad will make a wallpainting of it! :smiley: I’m so excited!

Anyway, I started off with my first 2 sketches, the Brother Bear characters Kenai and Koda:

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -146954302
(he’s not finished yet, I’m currently busy making him look a bit more furry)

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -146954526


You have some really nice pieces, Czarine! I think your wolf sketch turned out pretty neat! And I really like the idea of your next big project! A Disney wall painting sounds like a lot of fun! Your first two sketches look good! Can’t wait to see others! :smiley:

And this is how Kenai turned out!

Kenai (Finished - outlined and colored) :
czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -149667356

Except for the little error in his left eye (which is going to be fixed in the poster), I’m very happy about the result! This is my best colored piece of art I’ve ever done (digitally), so… Yay! :laughing:

two thumbs up You did a wonderful job coloring! It looks really nice!

Koda (Finished - oulined and colored) :

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -149841520

Aaaaand there’s Koda too! Now… who shall I do next? ;3

Gah… I want to upload some Pixar stuff, but my Pixar related art fails! :frowning:

Anyway, here’s a random sketch I made… this is nog going to be on the poster. It’s Nita from Brother Bear 2, right after her transformation into a bear.

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -150070260

I loved Brother Bear as a kid. Haven’t seen the second one yet, but these look really great! Keep at it! Love your stuff. :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the ‘Nitas Transformation’ drawing, because I was getting sick of how the lightrayes looked. Just didn’t seem right.

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -150070260

@ffdude1906: Thanks man, will do! :slight_smile:

large image alert

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -151357770

I filled in this Disney meme… I was bored. Also, I kinda rushed it, but still… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for triple posting (I wouldn’t have to if people gave me feedback :cry: ) but I just updated my DeviantID:

czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -151687527

… Okay, another update. If people would give some feedback, I wouldn’t feel so ashamed about spamming my own thread :stuck_out_tongue: (hint hint!!!)

The Eagle of Guidance - Sitka:
czarine-the-restless.deviantart. … -153349507