-Dangerous Keepings-

This is it…the last chapter. Enjoy!!! :smiley:

“Day and Night”

Christmas Eve found Finn and Holley spending a nice, quaint time with the original residents of Radiator Springs. There was a light dusting of powdery snow on the ground and Sally had rented out the Wheel Well for them all to celebrate together. As Holley gazed around the place she could tell there was still some damage but it definitely on the road to recovery. They had all done a fastidious job sprucing it back up with strings of red and green bulbs, a fir tree, pots of poinsettias and the traditional mistletoe.

Finn interrupted Holley’s dreamy stare and asked, “Can I get you a drink?”

“Oh, yes, please,” she smiled warmly.

“Champagne?” he offered at once.

Holley’s eyes perked up, “My favourite…how did you know?”

He grinned devilishly, “I told you I was observant.”

She rolled her eyes teasingly, “Alright, don’t be cheeky!”

After Finn disappeared to the bar she spotted Mater driving over to her, his tires swivelling mischievously.

“Miss Holley! I ben lookin’ fer ya! There’s sumthin’ I want ya to have,” he said with a toothy smile. Whipping around his tow cable he produced a leafy ring spotted with red; a holly wreath. Placing it on her roof his mouth opened wider with glee and he shouted, “Well, it fits ya perfectly!”

Holley laughed with amusement. She’d gotten used to the puns on her name over the years, but the wreath topped them all.

Before she or Mater could speak McQueen dashed over and broke into the laughter. His voice was anxious as he spoke, “Mater! Now is the right time!”

“Where is she?” Mater asked, leaving Holley feeling out of the loop.

“Finn’s got her busy in the bar mixing up some drinks.”

“Alrighty. Excuse me, Miss Holley,” Mater said rushing off with McQueen.

Holley watched curiously as the pair circled through the other townsfolk. They spoke quickly with each one and left them hushed. Finally, Finn emerged from the bar and pulled to the side as Sally followed close behind. Once outside the bar, her eyes searched the silent crowd with confusion.

McQueen drove forward into the open space and called Sally to come nearer. Holley’s expression softened as she saw Sally’s face light with excitement. Suddenly she knew where this was going.

“I’m sure you are all aware of what a loyal and kind citizen Sally is to this town,” McQueen began, “but what you don’t know is what a loving, caring and all-around amazing girlfriend she has been to me for five faithful years.”

Sally’s eyes swelled with tears and she didn’t speak. She stared affectionately back at him, awaiting the question she’d longer to hear since her childhood.

“And I think I’ve waited five years too many to ask you this, but Sally Carrera, will you marry me?”

“Oh, yes! I will!” she cried and kissed him tenderly before the crowd.

Holley sighed with happiness for her friend while the others flocked around the newly engaged couple. Through the crowd Finn appeared and approached her without a drink.

“May I escort you on a short drive? Leave the new couple to be received?” he suggested calmly.

She didn’t question about the drink but simply replied, “Of course.”

They drove quietly together until they came to the old mine shaft. Stopping just outside the entrance of it Finn began to talk again.

“I apologize for not bringing your drink. You see, McQueen asked me to distract Sally while he prepared to pop the question, so to speak,” he explained.

“It’s fine,” she said tactfully.

“Speaking of distractions,” he turned to face her and looked into her eyes, “You, my dear, provide one hell of a distraction. Are you aware of that?”

Holley gasped at his outspokenness but was intrigued by his words. “I-I…” she said breathlessly.

“It’s no wonder Sir Mater was attracted to you on his first mission. And I am certainly not an easy one to crack, but you’ve done it. However, unlike Mater, I won’t settle for friendship. And I’ve got a good feeling you won’t either…” he left the statement wide open for her to intercept.

Her heart pounded with the exhilaration and the realization that this was not another bittersweet dream. Finn was really saying these things to her!

“Don’t toy with me, McMissile. You know how I feel. I’m sure you’ve known all along. You also know very well the dangers of crossing work and relationships,” she warned him, “That’s what worries me.”

“Ah, correct, love and business certainly do not mix or merge. We do have lives outside of C.H.R.O.M.E. though, ones we are free to spend as we wish,” he reminded.

But Holley was hardly listening; she was still stuck on his first line. Love? Was he imposing that what they had could be more than just a crush?

“Well, you’re right on that. I’m willing-,” she paused to correct herself, “I want to give it a try if you’re in on it.”

“Unstoppable spies by day and lovers by night; I like the sound of it,” he said confidently.

Holley smiled at him then began looking around the area purposefully.

“If you’re searching for mistletoe I haven’t hung any,” Finn grinned smugly.

“Pardon?” she said innocent surprise, “Well, we don’t need it you know…”

He chuckled lowly and moved closer to her, “No, we don’t need anything but each other.”


<3 Did you like the ending? I thought it was a sweet way to finish the story. And [i]of course[/i] I had to throw some SalQueen in there! It's in my blood!  <img src="//pixarplanet-forums.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/2X/4/4d009dd141f26b0a611a818d8d3d4fc9f50168cf.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="8D" title="Chuckle"/>  Anyway, I truly hope you enjoyed this story and I would be grateful for one last comment from my readers. You have been a wonderful and supportive bunch, thank you.  :slight_smile:

Great story! I kind of knew that Lightning was going to ask Sally to marry him but hey, it was great! I would love to see more fan-fics like these in the future MissCarrera.

Did you know before this chapter or during?

My next piece will most likely be a Finn one-shot I’ve written. :slight_smile:

Wonderfule Chapter! A great way to finish off a great chapter. You did a wonderful job with the whole story.

I started to think that during the story. I would love to read that Finn one-shot that you mentioned.

Thanks pixarmilan! I really enjoyed your comments all the way through!

Ballboi: Well, you are very smart then. :wink: Yeah, the one-shot should be out this week sometime.

You are very welcome MissCarrera. I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole story.

Yeah, I enjoyed reading this story from beginning to end. Keep up the great work! :smiley:

Wow, awesome stuff, MissCarrera! :smiley: While Personal Affairs was by far more emotionally moving, this one is the kind of romance/action story that I love reading. :-D) I’d heard a little about Finn/Holley relationships at some point and didn’t really like it (I didn’t think it’d work, with Finn being older and all), but you really pulled it off and made it enjoyable to read. And you did a great job with their accents and keeping the character traits in line. My favorite chapters are Bullets and Bright Lights, and that ending to
Bullets was, like everyone else said, epic. ;-o

There was one little thing though… I kept getting confused when you switched between character’s thoughts. For example, in one paragraph, we would be seeing from Finn’s perspective, reading what he thought. Then in the next paragraph we’d suddenly be seeing from Holley’s perspective, and the only thing separating the two paragraphs is a little space. It’s not really a huge deal, like, I was able to figure it out pretty quick, but it is just a tad bit distracting. But other than that, I don’t think I had any other qualms. :wink:

I had been wondering up until the last chapter why Finn kept calling Sally “Miss Carrera” rather than Mrs. McQueen (thinking this story was set after Personal Affairs), but you cleared that up at the end. :unamused: :slight_smile:

Oh, and was the title of the last chapter, “Day And Night”, a nod to the short, or just a coincidence? :slight_smile: :nerd:

But yeah, overall and throughout, a highly enjoyable and fantastic read! :smiley: :mrgreen: :wink: :sunglasses:

Thanks!!! :mrgreen: I like how you say that I “pulled it off” Snipe. Being that this is a non-canon pairing with minimal fics out so far I was really shooting for that. Something that is believable and makes people understand the possibilty in them being a couple. I’m glad you enjoyed “Bullets” as well, like I said, that chapter is my favourite. :smiley:

I appreciate your feedback on the POV changes too. I can understand that being confusing and I know there are particular parts where I flipped like that. I will be sure to keep that in mind for my future work!

Actually, no the title was not meant to be connected to that at all! I think this is the second time you have caught a non-intended reference in my work. 8D But I think that is a cool coincidence!!

I think this was my favorite chapter. I mean, the ending’s always the best part. (Remember that “full-circle” concept we talked about? :wink:)

“Holly wreath”! I get it! Hahaha, that’s so cute and so…Mater. :unamused: When he said “Well, it fits ya perfectly!”, it reminded me of the part in the credits where he found his hood. ----> “It’s my hood! It’s my hood! I ain’t seen this thing in 20 years! Well, it fits me perfectly. How do I look? ACHOOO!..Aww, dang.” 8D

Okay, I knew you weren’t going to let this story close without some L/S but I had no idea Lightning was going to propose! Bt-dubbs, that was the sweetest proposal ever- I loved it. <3

Is the old mine shaft where Mater and Lightning surfed the rails on their rims and then got chased out by Lizzie in Cars 2? It’s not something on your part, I’m just asking.

I love how Finn gets so direct at the end of this; he knows what he wants. :wink: The ending with the “missing misletoe” was nicely done too!

Overall, the story was creative, had a great storyline, nicely portrayed, and full of nice action and surprises with a splash of romance. I give it a 4.8/5! Another awesome job, MissCarrera! :smiley:

Yeah, that is pretty cool. :-D) Too bad it wasn’t a coincidence though… then I coulda said “Coincidence? I think NOT!” 8D

I knew I recognized that from somewhere! :laughing:

Now, I recognize that from somewhere! OH! It was the crazy teacher in The Incredibles when Dash got in trouble for putting the tack on his chair. 8D

^Yup! :-D)

I love that scene. <3

SallyMcQueen: Hahaha! Yes, that line just came to me naturally and I knew I recognized it but honestly I couldn’t rememeber the exact part! 8D I’m glad I surprised you with the surprise but even more happy that you enjoyed it. :smiley: As for the mine shaft, no, the one I’m talking about is the one located in Tailfin Pass somewhat near the Wheel Well. I believe there is another out in Ornament Valley though, like you mentioned. (And this is why I love the first video game for teaching me all this :laughing: ). Also, wow! That is a great rating! I’m thrilled, so thank you!

Snipe: You are officially the master of making Pixar references. I swear you are!

On another note, I’m posting my Finn one-shot today for those who are interested it should be up shortly on the fan fiction board. :smiley:

[quote="pixarmilan":zustbtpe]I love that scene. <3[/quote:zustbtpe]

I love how the principal is all freaked out and is just like, "You and your son can go now. o_0" :lol:

[b:zustbtpe]MissCarrera[/b:zustbtpe]: Ahhh. My crappy galore PSP game didn’t show any of that so that is why I don’t know. :-\

That would be the mine shaft used for the Delinquent Road Hazards race, right? :slight_smile: I love when you take stuff from the video game like that. I think you did that with a scene behind the waterfall a while back, too. Either that or it was x3haijessiex3.

Hehe, well, maybe. :slight_smile:

P.S.- I almost wrote “Delinquent Toad Hazards” up there! 8D

You know what I’m talking about, Snipe! And yes, that was me who did that as well. :mrgreen: Delinquent Toad Hazards… 8D

Late comment is late.

An excellent story. I think you’ve just made a Holley/Finn shipper out of me. :wink: