Despicable Me

Today I’ve been seeing endless advertisements for this movie, and I still really want to see it.

I watched these, and… I just had to stop. It really hurt that much, especially with the really irritating high pitched chipmunk-like voices. They’re not appealing or even funny; they just look and sound annoying. :unamused:

The original trailer was better though, but it didn’t grab my interest in watching it. Might rent it and watch it for two nights when it comes out on DVD or something though.

Again, this may be a case of the marketers making an own-goal (World Cup fever, heh). They think they’ve got a winning campaign by focusing on the Minions, but they don’t realize they may be alienating some who think it’s just a ‘sidekick gimmick’.

Personally, I don’t mind the Minions (they remind me of the ‘silent greats’ like Scrat and Wall-E). But I’d really like to see other footage of the zany ‘Spy vs Spy’ action, or the hinted-at touching surrogate father-daughter moments. I know there may be more to this film than they’re letting on because of the favourable reviews, but the average trailer-viewer is none the wiser.

Why are American animation studios so bent on showing off the inane and insipid bits? Do they hope we’d be ‘pleasantly surprised’ when we walk in expecting a screwball comedy and we get a heartbreaking emotional piece instead? Well, good luck convincing fickle moviegoers to buy a ticket in the first place; I’d rather know that there’s more to this ‘kiddy’ flick before I put down my Ten Quid instead of discovering it in the theatre post-purchase.

“IT’S-SO-FLA-FEHHH!” :laughing:

I feel pretty interested in this one. I’m not sure about the other Villain-is-Protagonist movie (whatever it’s called). Sure it might as well have it’s extremely irritating clips and quips, but other than that, it’s a “Huh…interesting.” movie.

I actually really want to see this. I mean, it looks good. And it has Steve Carrel, who I just love anyways, so I might be a little biased there :laughing:

And that old guy in the scooter reminds me of the professor from Futurama

I’ll give you a clue… it rhymes with ‘Sega-Hind’.

Steve is my favourite ‘poker-faced’ comedian, more so than Will Ferrell. He did a great job with the voice, it sounds like a mix between German and Eastern European accents.

I saw this movie yesterday morning at a special free advanced screening at my local movie theater. The theater was packed and there were two rows reserved for the press.

It was really exciting to see the film two weeks before it comes out, especially since it was free! But really, I felt so priveleged getting to view the movie so early.

It was good and I really enjoyed it. There were quite a few laughs and it was very cute over all. The youngest of the three girls is so funny!

I really want to see this one.

The five current reviews for Despicable Me on Rotten Tomatoes are all fresh. Wonder if that 100% will stay!

I think the movie definitely was fresh! I can see it getting a general consensus across the board as good, but nobody will be calling it a masterpiece.

I hope it doesn’t get too many negative reviews!

See what I mean by not judging a book by its cover? Or in this case a movie by its really bad marketing campaign? :wink:

That’s a WIN! Daffy Duck is a champion!

Anyway, I plan on seeing Despicable Me. It looks like a decent movie, way better than the rest of the animated films coming out for the rest of the year. I love Steve Carrell, and the trailers made me laugh. So I’m going to give it a shot and see it in theaters!

Yeah, I was thinking about this today, actually. Not the best marketing campaign at all. Less Minions please.

Entertainment Weekly gave it an A- and enjoyed it a lot. In a way, the “Minion-centric” advertising could work to its advantage by lowering expectations. I keep thinking, “OK, this does have an actual plot and characters, right?” (I know it does, they just don’t seem to be promoting that aspect of it.)

More on the marketing and advertising of this movie…apperently IHOP has a bunch of new dishes for children themed after the minions. I can’t remember all of them that that the radio commercial listed, but one was "Cinniminions "

I was actually quite surprised to find such positive reviews on RT. When I saw teasers/trailers for it (didn’t they show a couple minutes from the movie before another animated feature years ago? That was terrible!), it did not impress me one bit… but now I’m intrigued. I might actually see it in theaters as opposed to renting it.

Oh, and did you notice that the EW reviewer says this movie is “produced by the folks behind Ice Age and Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” From what I’ve seen of the cast and crew, aside from Chris Meledandri and two storyboard artists who worked on one Blue Sky movie each, it’s hardly from the “folks” who brought us those films–as if that is any indication of the quality of DM. It’s sort of an irresponsible choice of words, unless I’m completely ignorant to something she knows about the crew… Just saying.

[i]It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!![/i]

Ahem… anyway. I’m sort of on the fence about this one. The teaser caught my interest, but the trailers…not so much. I like the sounds of the plot (father-daughter relationships always get me), but Steve Carell’s accent and most of the jokes fall flat for me (except the Statue of Liberty one…heh). The positive reviews are a hopeful sign however, and being a huge fan of animated movies, I’ll probably check this out.

Here’s the link to the EW review:,20398274,00.html

I think this may be good. If some of the people from Blue Sky are in on this, then it should be good.

So far it has a 8.0 rating on, which, for those of you who don’t know, is actually pretty high. In fact, it’s enough to land the movie onto the site’s Top 250 list. However, only 329 people have voted so far, and since the movie hasn’t been released yet, the rating is inflated, and therefore not an extremely accurate judge of the film’s quality. An encouraging sign, regardless.

I’ve just realized, I’ve never posted here before :open_mouth:

I’ve been wanting to see this ever since I saw the first teaser trailer with the inflatable pyramid, last summer.

So, I am very very excited to see it getting great ratings and good reviews.

Can’t wait for the end of this week to come!
