Do you plan to write a book someday?

What kind of stories would you write about philipsteele? If you don’t mind me asking.

I was actually wiriting a book and it was going well even spoke to a publishing company about self publishing. But my laptop crashed and all my work was lost so I decided to pursue my career goal (racing) and leave writing for when I retire.

I am considering writing a screenplay right now. In college I am talking a fiction writing class. I think I have a great idea for an animated film.

Oh, good plans for writing Race&Animationfan!

Writing a story right now :smiley:

I wish I had a good idea like you guys said, I just have more the love of writing than an idea to go with it :smiley: That’s always been my problemo

I figure I’ll show you the story I’ve been writing.

This isn’t the updated version. So this is only the beginning of it.

Well, I have this awesome story idea I’ve been working on for the last couple of years. I’ve always wanted to write stories, but only this latest one has been any good. The others were these trippy mash-ups of whatever books I happened to like at the time. I write whenever it comes to me, but I really should write more :confused: What’s important to me right now is creating strong, fully developed characters. Without that, I’m not going anywhere. And that just takes time.

That sounds great! And you’re right, afterall, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Aw, thanks! And you would like it- it involves history :smiley:

Well how are you planning on tackling it so it doesnt turn out to be a plan anymore?

Sweet! What sort of history?

All sorts, really! Not sure yet what time periods I want to focus on, but it’ll probably include bits of everything from the time of the American colonies onward. Definitely will involve Industrial Revolution(s), WWII, the 50s, 60s, 70s. A longtime obsession with Pride and Prejudice means that the Regency’s going to be involved, too :smiley:

That seems like a Epic Tale Guilt! It’s like the ‘neverending hi-story’!

I’m still in the progress of finishing my four-part novel series, with just one last book to go and about halfway through the book as well. Finally, After 2 years of good focus and 1 year of on-and-off writing, I’ve finally come to the close with my very first serious novel!

At the direction my life is going, I might hope to write a book some day. But we’ll definetely see.

Thanks! Yours sounds great too. Congrats on getting close to the end! I’m sure you’re excited :smiley:

I’m more relieved than excited. I can finally work on other projects with it out of the way!

I’ve just joined a site called Wattpad. It’s a book writing/reading site.

The only stories that I’ve ever written are on I think that is as far as I’m gonna go as far as book writing is concerned.

^ I’ve never actually done my own fanfiction, but I’ve roleplayed in other people’s stories and such and I love it! I have problems coming up with ideas, but I’ve always felt like my writing is pretty good…but then it’s someone else’s idea -__-

I’m always afrid to put my ideas on the page because I fear that the idea has been done before.