Droid Revenge

Oky-dokie here’s another one

Invisiforce it is Thanks guys

Dash was having one of those days. To start his home had been attacked by a gang and held hostage until he found two new rival supers that were in his city. Then when the telephone service was running that his mom and dad were heading towards the people that had tried to destroy the house. Heather (Dash’s secret friend) already had a close friend she liked to hang out with. Flex was even attempting to show off by flying outside the plane on their trip to Nomanisan. He was flying up, down, and all around the plane almost up against the windows. As he came whizzing around for what seemed like the 50th time a sudden lurch shook the plane. Dash looked around with wondering eyes and then looked outside. Flex was flying in fast patterns like a wide receiver. He whizzed around the front of the plane and came to Dash’s window. He looked panicky and instantly screamed into the wind.

“Get out!!”


“Get out of the plane!”

“Are you crazy?!?”

And with that, Flex flew around to the front again. Dash looked towards the front of the plane. Frozone started to walk towards it when the door started to shake violently! It blasted inwards as if it had been blasted off. The cockpit was nowhere to be seen past the doorway!

“What on earth?!?” Dash screamed against the gale as the door was flung against the back of the aisle.

As he looked at the outline of where the cockpit once was a grey-ish material was slowly eating away at the plane! Where there once was a Learjet there was nothing but space!

“Jump!!!” screamed Frozone to Dash and Electragirl. Dash closed his eyes as the trio jumped out of the plane into the air.

Invisiforce opened her eyes really slowly as she expected the sun to be rising into the cave.

“Hmm…that’s funny.” The sun should be rising right into the cave about now. She opened her eyes but as they grew accustomed to the surroundings all she could wish was that she wasn’t seeing what she was seeing. The cave walls had grown grey and looked rather metal-ish.

“This isn’t the cave? Is it? Where am I?”

“Your at my facility.” said a strange voice.

She turned around to see a strange man sitting in the corner. The figure had a grey jacket covering his face and shoulders. He wore a black buller hat and looked rather poor and helpless.

“You are inside of the volcano of Nomanisan.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Estes. Or at least that is what my friends call me. And who might you be. Sneaking into my private cave without permission.”

“My name is Invisiforce, I’m a super sent to Nomanisan on a mission. I had a family emergency and had to res…”

“Oh…you mean your parents, right.”

“Yah…how did you know?”

“Listen, when you live in a volcano you know a lot about the surrounding countryside. I saw our parents set out with you. I saw your father get injected around the mountainside, I saw your mother also get injected, and I even saw you get scrapped by that nasty machine. Those machines are all over the mountain but I have no clue why. I saw your family get attacked by those men and I saw your father get shot with that shock dart.”

“Wow you do know a lot. So what do you do around here?”

“I’m a mastermind creator. I create ideas and attempt to complete them by force.”

“Your V.E.?”

“Yes, I’m Van Estaban. A unfortunately reduced Van Estaban.”

Van Estaban rose from his seat and stood up. Invisiforce gasped as she realized that he had no face!

He is using her invisiblity huh? Oh boy, I hope invisiforce and her parents can escape this thing alive.

(You’re story is going to sound really similar to my fanfic, so I’ll keep reading yours, you keep checking mine. Deal? :wink: )


uhhhh just one thing…he actually isn’t using her invisibility :smiling_imp:

just guess

oh boy! Hmm, I’ll keep guessing then.

He is a robot that is getting a new head? :laughing:

No the droid is getting smart…

Oh man, I really don’t know! I want to find out though. I hope you post a new chapter ASAP.

(PS: I posted a new chapter as well. Could you check it out once you get the chance?)

When i just read the one about Vi being so happy about three days ago… (couldn’t post yet.)

It was good…

I’ll try to get the next chapter up soon.

Thanks a lot Al-Bob.

Okay due to public demand i worked all night and came up with the nect chapter…at 10;30. So if it has some grammer problems don’t blame me…lol

Flex was the first to catch his senses as the group was hurling towards the ground. He quickly pulled the group together and attempted to communicate with them.

“Okay here is the situation…We are falling at 250 feet a second. That means that we are almost falling a football field a second. That’s not good. We are 25,000 feet above the ground but that will decrease rapidly when you are freefalling. Trust me I’ve had these kinds of problems before. What we can do is this; My rocket boosters work for 30 seconds and then they go out. If I can reduce our speed to 10-25 feet per second I can let you guys fall slowly enough to not break any bones. Any one object…good. Okay Electragirl you be on my right arm. Dash you need to be on my left arm. Hold tight when I start the rockets. Frozone you will need to get off first and make a little stretch of ice that Dash and Electragirl can get onto. Then I can come down and land on the ice later. Okay we’re done to 15,000 feet isn’t that fast huh.
1000 feet,






okay hold tight.”
Flex started his rockets and the little group started to slow down as they started to make out the waves below them.

“Frozone can you reach the water and make some ice for yourself to get on…I can’t slow down enough if you stay on.”

“I’ll try…”

Frozone extended his arms and a ray of ice shot out. It hit the water and soon a little circle of ice had formed. Frozone quickly jumped down. He fell 78 feet but his skis quickly came out and he landed smoothly and without harm onto the circle.

Flex now groaning in pain and exertion gave one last flight effort.

“Okay…7 feet a second…”

And with that he let the two children fall…

AHHHHH!!! They both screamed. They landed like swan divers into the ocean without any sign of injury or belly-flop. They quickly climbed up onto the ice rink that Frozone was keeping in tact.

“Hey, where’s Flex?”

“Is that him on the horizon?”

It was Flex. What he had known was that once the boosters expire they blast a final explosion and unfortunately Flex hadn’t attempted to use them because they were for adults. He had just guessed that they would blast him up. What he didn’t expect was them blasting him off all over the place. So now he was out of control over a barren ocean with nothing to break his fall!

“Dash save him!” Electragirl shouted as Flex started to dive towards the sea.

Dash was away in a second. A big wave appeared as he left and the group on the ice couldn’t see what happened. Suddenly from their left a figure appeared. It was Dash and Flex. Dash was having a hard time controlling Flex and steering himself towards the ice block. Finally he made it to the group. Flex was breathing but was unconscious.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Time to keep going towards the land.” Frozone said. “I hope Flex will be awake when we arrive.”

Soon the iceburg was hurtling towards the land with Frozone at the helm and Dash as the motor.

Invisiforce shuddered against the wall as Estaban removed his cloak revealing a robotic face full of shiny silver metal pieces encasing the face. He starred at her with blank expressionless eyes. He didn’t blink as she shuddered and fainted…

She woke up to see her door open and a robotic figure standing in the opening with a piece of paper in its hand. She walked over to it and took the note. The robot sensing the motion looked down at her and slowly turned around towards a back door from her chamber. He walked through the open door and left her.

She unfolded the paper to see a very fine handwriting.
Very sorry for the startling introduction. Yes, my name is Van Estaban and yes, I did steal the Omnidroid from the Government Secret Facility. The thing that is different from that Estaban and this Estaban is that I have changed. My droid has corrupted my brain to the point that all my intentions are turned into something it uses to destroy items. My face is slowly turning into a droid due to an injection the droid put into my face when we were flying to this island.

My intentions have always been to the best of the public and the advancement of scientific achievements. I have donated loads of money towards the Nobel Prize foundation and many other foundations of wonderful intentions. My current state provides that those advancements are quite limited due to unwanted thought invading my brain.

My latest invention is high secret but I feel confident in telling you because you are part of it. My idea is to defeat the world of supers because of corruption that will soon take over the world. My droid has set up a nearly unbeatable plan to plant scientific devices all over the world and have them inject droid DNA into every human on the planet. It currently is working on a device that would destroy devices of mass destruction or normal public building by injection disintegration germs or “X-Germs” as I like to call them. They are highly destructive and can destroy a jet plane is about 30 seconds.

We tested it out this morning on a Learjet to see how fast it would do when the plane is in motion and it went even faster as the germs spread all over like liquid. The plane was destroyed and with it all the passengers. Unfortunately this was not part of the plan but it was to my droid.

As you can see my droid really isn‘t mine. I am his is more like it. It has currently put me on standby for a new sheet of metal to go on my arms and legs. This will be part two of three steps for me to become totally droid and no human.

I regret ever taking this droid away and would very much like to make friends with me for my plan to work. My plan is to make a new superpower-house of supers who could take down the droids that my Omnidroid will produce. This plan would succeed if I could only produce supers with another super. Then the children would posses multiple supers like you and your family do. My plan relies only on you. Would you please help me.

Sincerely Your V.E.

Oh boy, the first part was really exciting Al-Bob. A really nice way to start it all off. To cap it, you did a really great job V.E’s plan. So my understanding is that it is going to be the Droid;'a army vs an Army of Supers? it gets pretty exciting.

My only suggestion is to break the long note up into paragraphs. BUt other than that, sweet chapter.

yah that was the only problem with that chapter that note was written in like 2 minutes so i was really flying.

I’ll try to see what i can do…

Ah, that looks much better.

I can’t wait to read your next chapter.

Next chapter-Saturday/Sunday

Oh man, I can’t wait that long!!! :open_mouth: :laughing: Just kidding. I can’t wait for it. Good luck.

Hey don’t worry…sometimes i can’t wait that long either.

But you tend to update so quickly, so I expect a quick update.

yah…that’s becuase i get restless and take school time to write more.

Its fun and the sooner i get finished the better for my schedgule but it makes my days really full.

Well, then I’ll just wait until Saturday/Sunday then. :wink:

Just got caught up with the last two chapters now, and it’s very interesting where you’re going with V.E. and the plan with the droid, Al-Bob. It’s exciting just thinking about what would happen in your next update. :slight_smile:

[in mysterious voice]

anything can happen… :smiling_imp: