Elastigirl Question and answer. :)

A friend of mine Violet Parr posted a similar thread to this and I’ve decided to do one as well. I will be roleplaying as Elastigirl so post any questions you have for me :slight_smile:

Please no innapropriate or rude questions :unamused:

Yay!! I knew you would. :laughing: This will be so fun. :smiley:

Are you happy in your marriage?

Do you want more kids?

Yes I am very happy. I adore my husband.

thinks Well not at the moment…to tell you the truth I’m not sure. Our lives are pretty busy saving the world every day and Jack Jack is still very young.[/b]

I like answer #1. <3

I knew you would. :slight_smile:

You’re my role model. You’re a super, a stay-at-home mom, gorgeous, and pretty smart, too. Who do you look up to?

What is Violet’s middle name?

Where did you and Bob meet?

How long were you together before marrying?

Thank you. smiles and thinks Hmm…thats a tough one but if I had to choose I would have to say my father.

Her middle name is Marie

smiles Well we met a few times fighting crime but are first official meeting where we introduced ourselves was on a rooftop in the city. <3

We dated through college so I’d say around 4 years.


Were your(and his) parents at the wedding?

Do you have siblings? Does he?

Where do your, and Bob’s parents live?

Are you prepared for Violet to date?

Are you and Bob religious?

This is so fun!! :-D)

My mother died when I was young but my father was there and yes Bob’s parents were there. :slight_smile:

No I dont have any siblings and I’m afraid Bob doesnt either.

My father lives in Georgia and Bobs parents live in Metroville.

More prepared then Bob is. :slight_smile: But Its still hard dealing with the fact that my daughters growing up.

We are protestant.

Yes this is very fun! :smiley:

Please answer this!!! Mr. Bird is very clearly Conservative, but are you and Bob?

Have you and Bob ( :open_mouth: )…ever contemplated divorce?

Please tell me Vi is not adopted and you and Bob are both her parents?

Yes sometimes.

No we havent ever talked about it. :slight_smile:

She is not adopted Bob and I are her parents. :slight_smile:


I can’t think of more questions. :open_mouth: Wait!!

Where was your honeymoon?

We went to Bermuda. smiles


nods It was so beautiful.

I love this game, haha :smiley:

When and where were you born?
What is your favorite color?
If flexibility wasn’t your superpower, what would you want it to be?

What is the best and worst thing about your power?

What is the funniest thing you’ve encountered as a super?

Have you ever worn a different hair-style?

I was born in Georgia 37 years ago.

My favorite color is orange. :slight_smile:

Hmm…I think I would want to have my daughters power…invisibility.

The best thing is that I can reach things from high up…and I never have to worry about breaking a bone.

I’d have to say my suit malfunctions… :slight_smile:

When I was younger I had long hair but I prefer it shorter now.

What is you favorite question someone here has asked?
What’s you favorite movie?
What’s your least favorite movie?