I’m curious. If you believe in God, but not in the Bible, why do you believe in God? I’m not trying to insult you, but it seems that it would be impossible to believe in parts of the Bible, but not all of it.
I don’t ‘not believe in the Bible’ I just don’t believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. Seeing the Bible as God’s infallible word, applicable to every situation just doesn’t sit right with me. I believe that the Bible is a human text, written by men and women, but inspired by their view of God, that is why it contains so many different styles.
In Genesis there are two different accounts of creation, does this mean creation happened twice? Of course not, it is just two different peoples interpretation of creation, that’s how I see it.
I suppose I believe in God because I’ve been brought up as a Christian, either way may worldview (Blik if you will) contains an omnibenevolent creator.
Now I’m curious, to those of you who do believe in creation over evolution, how do you explain the existence of the bones of prehistoric creatures? And the fact that we can see through the fossil record, to a degree, how creatures have evolved?
No “transition” fossils have ever been found. Sure we have found extinct species, but that does not mean that what we have today is in some way evolved from the fossilized creature.
I’m sorry. I always try not be rude. But can I laugh?
Yeah, fossilization is an extremely rare phenomenon. With the billions and billions of species that have ever existed, sometimes it’s hard to say a concrete actual group of animals has evolved from this one or this one. What it shows is that previous species that could after develop in new species actually existed.
I dont’ get the evolution questioning. And every creationist argument I haver ever erad or heard simply didn’t work.
Why do some people refuse to accept evolution as a fact but accept every other part of science? If you’re going to refuse a part of objectivity, refuse all. Refuse all science. And stay away from, let’s say, hospitals and stuff!
Mitch, I completely agree with you. The very idea with out the existence of God, grinds my guts. People who don’t believe in God, that’s their choice. I acknowledge that opinion. But those who are offensive with their Atheism, just completely turns me off to even respecting that opinion. I’m not saying I am prejudiced towards atheists, but that aspect changes their overall character to me.
The theory of Evolution just has too many gaps and holes for me to ever think that that could ever be the origin of our species. Its funny how most of the fossil record proves creation! The fact that all of a sudden there was a plethora of fossils at one time doesn’t read a “slow change of the species overtime” like evolution preaches. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? The only thing that confuses people over creation is the whole six days thing. sigh, guys guys, They are not literal 24 hour days. if you look at 2nd Peter 3:8 (sorry can’t quote it, I may not be allowed to) it answers that question. there you go.
Now, Before you guys jump to any conclusions, I will not, I repeat NOT pre-judge you because of your beliefs. Whether you believe in God or not, I always get to know people before I judge them. I am just expressing my beliefs and am not trying to insult anyone here. so lets all be friendly with one another, you know you must "Love your neighbor as yourself " (Matthew 5: 43-45)
Truly speaking though, I think this topic is too controversial to be on a website where children browse.
I used the argument with my christian religious studies teacher a while ago:
Well if god started the universe, what started god? Because if you think that it can’t be right if the universe and the big bang just ‘happened’, what about God? Eternal or not, there was nothing to propel him/her/it to be there, he was just there, which is the same as the big bang.
Well its all something we’ll never understand. whether you believe in Creation or Evolution, we’ll never ever really know how it all exactly happened. None of us were there to see it! BTW Wall-E, nice avatar! XD
One thing that irks me to no end is why Im being tought evolution like its a fact at school. If evolution is just a theory and can be tought, why can’t creation be tought as a myth? you can’t tell me its because of serveral religious differences because believe it or not, Evolution is becoming like a religion as well. their just different theories on the same thing. ever hear of Darwinism?
Pay more attention in science class A scientific theory is not synonymous with the popular definition of theory. There is evidence and peer review behind a scientific theory. They’re open to being testing and amended. Gravity and Germs are a scientific theory.
I wouldnt say gravity is a theory, you can see the effects of it. I wouldn’t say germs are theories either i’d say they’re proven facts. (plus im feeling those germs right now im cathing cold )
That’s rather the point I was making and why evolution is being taught in schools and creationism isn’t. There are facts and then there are theories. Facts are facts, obviously, such as ‘Things ‘fall’ to earth’. The theory is when scientist take these facts and assemble them in an attempt to explain why and how this is. ‘Gravity is the curvature of spacetime in proportion to the mass and momentum of an object’. A theory has to be supported by already known facts and any new ones that come to light.
hmm, i think you’ve only got B, human growth can be misconstrued as evolution which is commonly the case. If that were the case Evolution would be declared a fact which it is not. Its still viewed as a theory.
A scientific theory isn’t the same as the popular meaning of theory. Evolution is a theory in the same way as the theory of gravity. A theory is an explanation of how things happen. There are still details to be worked out in both cases regarding how they function, but the general ideas of them are accepted as fact.
I really don’t give a hoot what my parents say/beleive, as they’re both fools. My dad drinks, dips, and smokes, and my mom is the most naive person I’ve ever met. My dad never says it, but I can tell by his views and opinions that he’s an Athiest, and that doesn’t sway me at all. My mom seems to beleive just whatever the people at my church say. Well, here’s my stance. I entirely and fully agree with evolution, but I don’t understand why that means I can’t love Jesus too. I believe we evolved over time, as God deemed necessary. I mean, really. Every year, humans are getting taller, less hairy. AND our unnecessary appendix is shrinking. At the same time, you can’t convince me that this much stuff, per se, happened by an accident. It was a miracle, by His hands. And BTW, Darwin went to church, and in no way was Athiest. If you must be Athiest, don’t blame him, you’re making a mistake. Noone can do that for you.Yes, I’m an uneducated fool. Yes indeed. But, I’m smarter than my parents, and that, my friends, is evolution.
You’re right in that he wasn’t atheist, he was agnostic.
He initially went to church. He was very religious before the voyage on the HMS Beagle. He was going to become a clergyman and would go around the ship quoting the bible, but his research on the trip changed that. He was agnostic.
“I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine.”
“Nor must we overlook the probability of the constant inculcation in a belief in God on the minds of children producing so strong and perhaps as inherited effect on their brains not yet fully developed, that it would be as difficult for them to throw off their belief in God, as for a monkey to throw off its instinctive fear and hatred of a snake.”