no he was entertained by his angels and by Lucifer…
but the eternity BEFORE he created the angles he must have been bored.
Actually, eternity is more like an eternal present; it’s not time like the world we live in, so it’s basically impossible to understand. I’ll ask HIm when I get to Heaven.
so basically “God” became conscious at one point, but was always there.
No. God was and is and will always be alive.
eternity is forever, no matter how fasy you travel thru time.
Eternity is forever, but it’s not time.
everlastingly: for a limitless time;
Eternity, not everlastingness.
Okay, i understand what you’re talking about, but this universe will not last forever, and sooner or later, we’ll be in a place that does.
I just need more evidence, and when the time comes, If the time come I will 100%believe, I’m just that sort of person.
Name one thing that has disappeared.
Well, my point is that nothing has ever disappeared, why should we be any different?
I assume you are referring to this:
So you are taking second hand information as truth. Neither God nor Jesus said that, you are only taking Peter’s words for that and Peter could have been exaggerating or lying or whatever. Granted he also could have been telling the truth but no one could ever know.
Anyway, what as stupid thing to say. There are many Christians such as St. Thomas Aquinas, Gaunilon the monk, St. Augustine, Blase Pascal etc. The list is plentiful. These people were all Christian and many rejected such arguments that you have presented in this thread. But they were Christians and accepted the Holy Spirit so surely they would have understood the word of God, yet still managed to reject many of the arguments presented in the same manner of Dawkins, so Dawkins’ word isn’t really any less than that of those philosophers just because Dawkins doesn’t accept the Holy Spirit. And don’t come back with “Oh but they aren’t real Christians” as an argument because it isn’t, and it’s pathetic and would make anyone that did look stupid.
I’m sure you A113, like Thomas Jefferson, and as such I will quote a piece from a letter from Jefferson to Peter Carr:
If a God or Gods do exist, surely reason appeals to them and let those who reasoned their ways through life into the Kingdom of Heaven or whatever it is. If God does not then He is really just as “jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciciously maelvolent bully”^ as He was in the Old Testament.
ALso, I’d like some evidence to back up your claims that Dawkins is worse than Supreme Court and the Constitution.
^Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, 2006
Name one part of the Bible that has been proven wrong.
It seems that people are ignoring this.
BDD some people seem to be ignoring a lot of stuff.
you got to learn to live with it.
Evolutionists often ignore it because they can’t explain it, and instead of explaining, they’ll often say, “Ooh, you’re just so stupid; you’ll never learn”, or even tell us to look it up, when we clearly already have.
So sad.