
Anyone here have a Facebook? :slight_smile:

I do but I rarely go on it.

I do, and I get on it everyday.

yes. I do it mainly for the apps sake.

Yes I definitely do.

Are you asking this because you want to contact us?

Yeah… :slight_smile:

I have a facebook, and I’m friends with about 5-7 members here on Pixar Planet.

Yep, I do have a facebook! I’m friends with many of you guys here.

I love facebook. I go on it every day. It’s an addiction.

I feel like we already have a thread for this. It was like deja vu when I saw this thread. I still haven’t been able to find one like it, but it just seemed like we already had a thread for Facebook. :laughing:

Omg, I don’t care what anyone says, I hate Facebook. Maybe it’s cuz of all the people I have on there. Small-town folks in their small-town worlds and little cliques, always posting dumb pictures of the food they ate because they think they’re ~that~ important; talking about all the things they do together that I’m not involved in, because I’m not part of their “circle”… yeah. I hate it. I can’t relate to anyone. I feel like an outcast as it is, and Facebook makes it worse.

At least people on Twitter and Tumblr are way more like me, and I share more interests and things in common with people online than I do with people I know IRL. :'I

I didn’t mean to rant, but I really, really hate Facebook.

little chef

I’m probably gonna use it less with the new changes they’re implementing soon. I feel like I have no privacy with Facebook. At least Google+ gives you some pretty thorough privacy controls, plus it’s a lot less clunky than Facebook’s mess of a layout. I pretty much just use FB to talk to people on chat right now.

I’ll probably delete my account as soon as Google+ is available. Bryan, you sound like you already use it. Is it out of beta yet? I really hope so.

It just came out of beta. I have an account but I don’t really use it.

I’m sop excited! I just made one. :smiley:

I have one but I don’t use it as much as I used too. I really can’t be bothered looking at new updates every five seconds.

Maybe i should try GooglePlus, it did always seem more trustworthy than Facebook.

I tend to update my status every day.

I made another email address today JUST so I could have a google+ account. I’m deactivating my facebook on Monday.

I thought you have to be 18+ to join google+