~Family Tidings~

Yes! You totally should have said that, MissCarrera. 8D :-D)

Hahaha! Darn! I should have! 8D Anyways, final chapter will be out tomorrow after school. :smiley: Quick, make your calls on the gender! :sunglasses:

I’m going to predict that it’ll be a boy.

Umm, ummm, ummm, ummm, ummmm, ummm, ummm,…a boy! :slight_smile: <3

[size=50]Watch it be a girl.[/size]

^ 8D

I’m hoping it’ll be a girl. And… maybe her name could be Jane. :-D)

The wait is up! Let’s see how it plays out. :wink:
(By the way, this chapter was written over a month ago, so the gender and name was all already determined).

By the time Doc and Mater arrived, Sally had resorted to loud wails and moans. McQueen whispered soothing words but he had a good idea that most weren’t reaching her mind at the moment. To his relief, he heard Doc clamour up the ramp, followed closely by Mater. The room was now lit and Doc rushed to the bed. McQueen backed away some while Doc circled her. He spoke in a low voice and asked her multiple questions, most of which she nodded to.

“Mater! Bring the others here and send Flo up to the bedroom. Hurry!” Doc instructed sending Mater to bolt from the room.

McQueen lurched forward. “Wait-what? I thought Mater was going to tow her to the clinic?”

Doc turned steady eyes on him. “No, there isn’t time. This baby is coming fast and it would be too dangerous to move her this far into labour.”

McQueen reversed until his bumper hit the wall. This was it; right here, right now. Things were happening too fast! He suddenly felt dizzy again.

“Now come here, son. Get on the bed and take her weight on your side,” Doc ordered.

McQueen edged towards the bed and halted. “Doc?”

“What is it, boy? She needs you at her side.”

“I sometimes faint at the sight of gushing oil!” he confessed sheepishly.

Doc’s face went blank and he blinked before saying gently, “If you get on the bed I promise you won’t see any.”

“O-OK,” McQueen stuttered and jumped to Sally’s side.

She pressed to his side and he could see she was at her weakest. Sally was one of the strongest cars he knew, both physically and emotionally. It hurt him to see her like this; tears lining her skittish eyes and gasping for a deep breath. Her entire body vibrated with random jolts of pain.

He nuzzled her lightly and he saw her eyes somewhat relax. “It’ll all be over soon,” he said in his softest voice, and this time he knew she was listening. She became less tense and the shrieks ceased to gentle whimpers.

“I’m here y’all!” Flo’s voice boomed into the room cheerfully.

He felt Sally cringe with anticipation and he nuzzled her fender again with reassurance.

“Middle of the night, ain’t that how all babies are brought in?” Flo laughed lightly as she moved to Sally’s other side with Doc.

“This is going to hurt at first, but it’ll be better once you get settled,” Doc explained shortly, “Lightning, you stay there.”

With Flo’s help, he propped Sally onto her side with her roof side being held upright by McQueen’s body. While being flipped to this position, Sally let out a piercing scream. At last she subsided to heavy breathing and Flo gathered a few blankets from the closet.

The next two minutes were a mess of discomforting sounds and yelling voices. McQueen squeezed his eyes closed and tried to focus on anything besides what was going on around him. He thought of the two names they had chosen and reminded himself repeatedly, Vivian Jane if it’s a girl, Drake Hudson if it’s a boy, Vivian Jane if-

“It’s a girl!” Flo exclaimed happily as if it were her own child.

He opened his eyes and heard a small cry from the other side. Doc carefully and slowly lowered Sally back onto all four tires while Flo mopped up the oil. McQueen helped Sally to the floor and Doc moved aside to allow them a view of their baby.

McQueen stared in awe at the petite car in front of him. She was a bright red Porsche Turbo with keen green eyes that gazed adoringly back at him. His heart swelled inside and he was overcome with a familiar feeling. It was the way he had felt after winning his first race without Doc. It was a feeling of pride and independence, one that signaled a new chapter in his life.

Flo tossed a blanket on the baby’s body and tucked it in to form a cocoon around her. McQueen sighed with happiness. Vivian McQueen- she was perfect. And he had a good feeling that even after twenty-four years, his life was just now beginning…


That's it everyone! The sequel to "Personal Affairs" is complete! I LOL'd when I read [b]SallyMcQueen[/b]'s comment. You cursed it.  :wink:  And [b]Snipe[/b]; whoa, that was freaky close! I chose Vivian because it is a pretty name that also means lively, something I can picture their child being! I chose her make and such to be a good mix between the two parents and Jane came from my middle name.  :laughing:  The name Drake would have been my male choice because I think it's a cool guy name and also the name of one of my fav celebrities, Drake Bell. <3 (The guy from Drake & Josh!) The middle name Hudson came from obvious reason.  :wink:  Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this story to its fullest and read more of my work in the future. My next fic is going to be very unlike this one but will be by the title of "Here After" once I get it posted on here. Thanks so much for reading and I would looove to hear your final thoughts on this one! Love ya all! <3

Darn it. I’m always wrong when it comes to guessing things. Anyway, loved this fan-fic! Can’t wait to see what other works you have in store for us. Specifically, that “love triangle” one you mentioned a while back.

Thanks Ballboi! Yeah, the love triangle one is still in the works. I’m on chapter five now. I’m putting a lot of effort into it. It is going to be similar to “Personal Affairs” style-wise, except I’m trying to increase the chapter length. And I’ve mentioned to SallyMcQueen that it is very hard to write Francesco’s accent so that’s why it is taking a bit longer.

Oh, alright. Thanks for giving me an update on it!

I really love your stories! I’ll read the next one! :wink:

Just thought I should pop in and say that I loved this story! Excellent work! :slight_smile:

Wow, I loved it, MissCarrera! :smiley: You did a great job of capturing the chaos that can ensue for some people in such circumstances, and the calmness for others. Births can be frightening at times and you really did great getting that through (believe me, I know… I was in the adjacent room when both of my youngest siblings were born. It can get pretty scary sometimes. It can be somewhat hilarious too, from a different viewpoint. :laughing: ). Aw, Lightning’s so cute too, always so worried about everything that he can’t think straight. 8D And I love this line, it’s so true…

^ :-D)

Vivian Jane McQueen is a pretty name.<3 But whoa, that is incredibly cool how close I got there! (and a bit freaky o_0 ). I was thinking of x3haijessiex3’s fanfic actually, and then the fact that Jane is what I’d name my first girl, being my favorite girl’s name. :laughing: And it’s pretty awesome that that’s your middle name as well, MissCarrera. :slight_smile:

^Aw, what a perfect ending. <3 But wait, the end? Sheesh. :neutral_face: o_0 :frowning: Well, through and throughout, it was amazing and beautiful. Probably you’re most emotionally realistic one. I give it a 4/5. I still like Dangerous Keepings more, but… that’s understandable, seeing it had plenty of action and my kind of romance. :stuck_out_tongue: I still loved this one though! I’ll be looking forward to more by you, MissCarrera! :wink: :sunglasses:

cries :cry: Okay, I’m sorry. Just give me a minute, I have to get over the fact that it’s…over. :cry: sniff

That…was…amazing. <3

I love how the whole story was like a road to this big, momentous occasion. (Well, isn’t that what a pregnancy basically is? :unamused:) You know what I mean.

Snipe said alot of things I was going to say, right down to the “babies being born in the middle of the night” thing!

I love how, in McQueen fashion, Lightning waits till the last minute to mention that he faints at the sight of oil. Great to know. :unamused: 8D

Can I say that I laughed at that part? 8D I just imagined everyone all serious in this dire situation and Sally’s in pain and all of a sudden Flo just bursts in, “Hey, y’all! :smiley:8D

By the way, OF COURSE it was a girl. OF COURSE. :unamused: Well, I guessed right about Doc so I don’t feel as bad. :slight_smile:

Although I’m not a huge fan of the names, I do like the “Vivian” and “Hudson” aspects of them. And plus, the way you described her, she sounds so cute! <3

I found it funny how Vivian was born in their bedroom… on their bed, nonetheless!


“Honey, you were born right there! points



But anyway, the ending was awesomely done and, man, I really loved this story and I think it’s my favorite. I mentioned this before, but I just love sequels! :smiley: I give it a 4.5/5 (I know, decimal. Cause to me, it’s better than a 4, but I never give perfect scores so.) It was well organized and almost perfectly executed. Each story, you just get better and better. :smiley: Can’t wait to read the next one! :wink:

Wow! I can’t thank you all enough! Each and every one of you. <3 To know that my story brought a smile or a laugh to you, that it entertained you is what I loved to hear. And I really appreciate the support you guys give me as readers, it makes a huge difference in motivation and the qualty of the work. So, thanks again and hopefully I’ll see more from you on my next story! :mrgreen:

Lol nice parody of “Break a leg” 8D


Haha thanks! :smiley: I see you’ve been checking out all my fiction, that’s great!!

Yeah, i’ve read all of them :slight_smile:

Awesome! I better keep working at some new stuff then!
