~Family Tidings~

:open_mouth: …Oh. Yeah! :smiley: I’m laughing because Snipe and I had the same thing about “Peace”. 8D But oh my gosh, yes! It can totally stand for Porsche! Just because you said that, I went on Google and looked up Bonnie’s birthday. Alas, it’s not a reference. She was born Sept. 22. shrug :neutral_face:

Hahaha! Well you have to describe something that’s epic while being epic. :sunglasses: I just kept thinking about the final race in the first Cars while reading that part of the chapter (that score was awesome, I have it on my iPod. No shame. :mrgreen:)

Ha, yes! High five, Snipe! We secretly tag-teamed you. :sunglasses: (Just kidding. 8D)

Oh yes, totally. I actually put my first short film to that music. :-D) And I’ve had the CD since before the movie came out. Unfortunately, we’ve listened to it way too many times, and I hardly listen to it now. But seriously, it was like, all we listened to for years. It got so bad that our parents actually went out and started buying us other music because they couldn’t keep listening to the same stuff over and over. 8D

That’s so funny you guys thought it stood for ‘peace’! Now I feel weird for having never thought so too! LOL, and thanks for checking SallyMcQueen! Wow Snipe! You guys DID listen to that a lot! I’ve got quite a few from the original soundtrack on my MP3 as well. I tend to do the same thing with songs I love. When I’m having a song obsession I will listen to it over and over. You guys might not know it, but the song “Paradise” by Coldplay, I actually listened to it over 100 times, not kiding! It is the best song when it comes to writing. It just gets me all focused and in the mood for some reason! 8D

Snipe: Hahahaha! 8D That brings memories of when I tricked my dad into buying the soundtrack for me and then how much my parents hated how every time we were in the car, I had to listen to it. It was CD #1. :sunglasses: And I remember re-playing Life is a Highway like my life depended on it. 8D

Story of my life! Every time I get a new song on my iPod, I’ll listen to it a thousand times and then after like six months, I’ll be like “Wow, I didn’t even know I had this song.” 8D

I actually don’t know that song but I love their new single, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall. <3

Hahaha! Replaying it like your life depended on it…I love that!

I’ll have to check it out! In ‘Paradise’ there is actually a line where they sing “every tear a waterfall…”

I’m confused. What song or score would you guys be talking about?

We were talking about the Cars soundtrack. :-D) Or at least, at first. 8D :wink:

Ah, alright. The Cars soundtrack was pretty decent but I never knew Randy Newman did the score for it.

Yep. In fact, that’s how I started liking Randy Newman. Heh, actually, Cars is what got me loving everything Pixar. :laughing: :mrgreen:

That’s cool. I kind of already explained somewhere else when I started to like Pixar. It’s kind of a long story actually.

Hehe, yeah. I actually don’t think I’ve posted my whole story here on PP yet. You wouldn’t want me posting it here though. 8D

How come? I’ll just leave mine by saying it was something very nostalgic for me.

I was saying I wouldn’t want to write it on this particular thread because it’d be too long (and way off topic). And if you’re asking why I hadn’t posted it anywhere yet, that’d be because I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. One of these days someone will bump the thread that we talk about it on, and I’ll be like, oh, okay, and then write my story. But for now I’m gonna be lazy cause I don’t feel like doing it yet. :-\ 8D :roll:

[b:2bi4jhqv]Edit:[/b:2bi4jhqv] And actually, we’re getting way off topic from the topic that was already getting off topic. So, back on topic. 8D :wink:

Yep. I think we should try to get back on topic here.

You and me both! :smiley:

brain hurts :open_mouth: Well, which topic are we going back to? The topic before the topic got off-topic? :wink:

^ 8D Yeah… something like that. :laughing:

I’m pretty sure Snipe was referring to the actual fan-fic rather then the first off topic discussion.

“Cars” started my Pixar love affair too! <3 Oh, and I don’t mind if you guys get off-topic on my thread. I encourage it to some degree. :sunglasses: But really, I don’t mind at all! I never made any rules asking you to refrain from small-talk so you won’t get in trouble for it! I’ll get us back on topic however…


“Do you really need to kiss that thing every night?” Sally asked while she watched her husband press his lips to the golden trophy perched on display in the living room. It had been over two months since his win and he was still keeping up the silly routine. She could only be thankful that he did it in the privacy of their own home.

McQueen laughed lightly, “What’s wrong with it? Are you jealous?”

She rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, “Oh, yes, very!”

He smiled devilishly and planted a brief kiss on her lips. “Well, there. Now you’re even. I was thinking, perhaps I should name my trophy? How about…Sally?”

“Name it? You’re joking, right?”

His eyes roamed the room nonchalantly as he said mischievously, “I could always name it Lizzie if-.”

“Sally will be fine!” she replied while a grin broke out on her bumper. They laughed in unison until Sally’s voice dropped off abruptly.

“What is it?” McQueen pestered immediately. Sally wasn’t due for at least another week, but lately he had become hyper-aware of her every action.

She winced and said quietly, “I think that’s enough joking around for tonight.”

McQueen frowned gently. He felt helpless, it bothered him to see hurt in Sally’s face. He knew she was almost constantly in pain these days, though she was no wimp to let it show. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

After helping Sally up the ramp and into bed, he turned off the lights and climbed onto his usual side of the bed. He let his eyes shut but his mind continued to run wild. In just a little while, he’d be a father! He could buy tiny white-walls from Luigi and sippy cans from Flo. Mater could teach some backwards driving and they could race around Willy’s Butte…the possibilities were endless!

Not yet feeling sleepy, he let himself generate more and more ideas. Suddenly he felt pressure against his side. Sally moaned softly and rested heavily on him. He looked at her with surprise but her windshield was still closed. He’d avoided touching her while she slept for months since it only caused her more pain. And now here she was lying against him. He studied her face with curiosity but she remained motionless except for her breathing. Forgetting what he’d been last thinking, he shrugged it off and closed his eyes again. He adjusted himself to better support her weight and felt a patch of wetness on the sheets. His eyes shot wide open with alarm and he leapt from the bed.

“Mmm…” Sally groaned audibly when he disappeared from her side.

“Sally! Wake up!” he called out to the lump in the darkness.

“What?” she whimpered but didn’t open her eyes. The pain was getting so intense she thought it would hurt to do so.

“Y-You’re leaking!” McQueen exclaimed with panic.

Finally her eyes sprang open. She attempted to move but cried out in distress. “St-Stickers? “she said anxiously. He wasn’t sure what he heard more in her voice; fear or pain?

McQueen’s breathing quickened to match the pace of Sally’s. “Oh, my gosh,” he muttered nervously. His mind was spinning recklessly and his tires shook. “I’ll call Doc and Mater!” he shouted the idea like it was some kind of new discovery. He dashed for the doorway but hesitated for a second. “D-don’t move while I’m gone!”

Sally bit her bottom lip and kept quiet. She felt like her undercarriage was being ripped from her body, and he told her not to move!

New father panic!  :stuck_out_tongue:  Oh, and needless to say, McQueen won! Third time is a charm.  :wink:  Thanks for reading everyone! Chapter comments?  <img src="//pixarplanet-forums.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/2X/c/cc83e9b583138e48ff45f96609046b06d06c7f9d.gif" width="15" height="15" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green"/>

OH MY GOSH! The baby’s coming, the baby’s coming! bounces excitedly :smiley: <3 Awww, jeez! I’m so excited to read the next chapter! I can’t wait to see what the baby looks like and if it’s a boy or a girl! LOL, I love when the father goes into panic mode. I also love when the mother just snaps at him. “What do I do?! What do I do?! :open_mouth:” “What do you mean what do you do?! You take me to the hospital! :angry:8D It always happens like that in the movies.This part made me laugh…

“I’ll call Doc and Mater!” he shouted the idea like it was some kind of new discovery.

If Sally wasn’t in so much pain, I could imagine her saying sarcastically “Great idea!” :laugh:

I love the conversation about the trophy. He kisses his trophy every night- that is such a McQueen thing to do. :unamused: 8D Plus, it was a great way to start off the chapter IMO.

I was looking forward to how you were going to do the whole “the baby’s coming!” scene and I really liked the way it went and the way you wrote it. The last line was really good too; it gets me even more excited for the next chapter. Amazing chapter! :smiley:

Tiny white-wall tires… <3

Darn, I wasn’t the first reader again. 8D Anyway, I loved it! The last line of the chapter got me excited to see what’s to come.