
I’ve recently gotten very heavy into the Teen Titans. I freaking love this show! And Raven is my absolute favorite. So, so far, Violet, Raven, and X-23 are my favorite characters of all time <3 .

I remember that my neighbor use to be obsessed with that show in middle school! Very nice!

Ah, I’m very glad to hear you like it Violet, I just recently rewatched the whole show. Brought back so many memories. :smiley: To think I was only 7 when it first aired! :open_mouth:

I’ve been involved in countless fandoms online and off, but I think Pixar is one of my most involved ones. I think in part because I actually don’t often join forums for fandoms I’m in, but the friendliness of the community here has kept me actively involved. :slight_smile:

Disney too, even if I’m not very vocal about it.

The first I was ever actively in was Kirby, mainly through the site KRR and although it’s had its ups and downs in popularity, I’ve still stuck with it through all these years. (The site’s almost as old as I am!) I was an active contributor to their fan art galleries from 2007-2009 and I still occasionally submit. I miss the strength of the community there though. :frowning:

And there’s Queen and the dozens of other classic rock related fandoms I’ve been in, mainly through Tumblr (which is responsible for getting me into half of these people! 8D ). Queen’s fandom can be surprisingly argumentative but there’s plenty of wonderful and fantastically talented people I’ve met through it, from all parts of the world and at all age ranges. I think the other significant fandoms in the classic rock spectrum I’m in are Beatles, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, The Velvet Underground, T.Rex, The Who, and Yes (yes, there is a Yes fandom. :laughing: )

Plus Ponies! Yes, won’t forget about Ponies. Mainly Friendship is Magic, all the wonderful fanartists are what helped draw me into it. There are some really nice bronies out there, even if I’ve also had bad experiences with some of them I will never really write off this fandom. Plus, it’s so broad, you can’t say they’re bad just because some of them tend to misbehave (same can be said of Homestuck.) :frowning: I joined MLP Arena and have taken interest in MLP in general; still mainly in Friendship is Magic, but I’ve grown to appreciate & enjoy the roots of the series as well. :slight_smile:

The MOTHER fandom is fantastic. Starmen.Net is the pillar site of course and although I don’t really frequent it these days, the fandom has left a large (and definitely positive) impression on me and my enjoyment of these games. And without them, we wouldn’t even have the third game in English! I’ve never seen a fanbase more united and devoted. They’re amazing. :smiley:

I’m the ninth. Pixar’s my only one, really. DioM(Dragons in our Midst isn’t popular enough, nor the type of books that would have one.

I wouldn’t really consider myself to be part of any “fandoms” besides Pixar. I mostly just enjoy a lot of different things without getting too deep into the community surrounding it.

My fandoms:


Star Wars: The Clone Wars (and the movies, of course)

Avatar: The Last Airbender (don’t forget the spinoff, Legend of Korra)

DreamWorks :open_mouth:

Anyone else besides me a fan of Humongous Entertainment’s games?

That’s pretty much all I can think of for now

My biggest fandoms are Pixar and Disney, but also Big Time Rush (I love them okay!), Avatar/Legend of Korra, and Vanessa Carlton.

Lion King and American Girl are the main other ones besides here.

I remember when I was around 7 or 8… American Girl was my biggest fandom at the time. I was soooooooo crazy for all the books in The American Girls Collection.

Did you have any of the dolls? I have 9 of them.

I was a huge fan of American Girl when I was younger! I think i still have all of the books.

Wow!!! So I wasn’t the only one who was absolutely crazy over the American Girls when I was younger!!! :laughing: My favorite was Kirsten, and I had her doll and almost all of her outfits. My sister had Addy and we played with them all the time. We had all the books and this game for the PC where you could make your own plays. We loved the heck out of that game and did the dumbest things with it, omg. xD I was always sad that the dolls were so expensive and that I could only have one of them. I always wanted either Kit or Molly.

It’s so sad to see that a lot of the originals aren’t even there anymore! I sold my Kirsten doll recently, but if I had held on to her I could have made a lot of money, since she’s considered a collector item now. :confused: oh well!!

little chef

Oh wow! There’s a lot of American Girl fan on here!

Amy43: Yes! I’ve got Felicity, Kirsten, Samantha, and Julie (the 70s one)

K9Girl: High Five: I still have the books too, but not all of them.

little_chef: Kirsten was actually the first one I was introduced to, and she also was my favorite! (she’s actually the reason I came to like Swedish culture a bit) And I have the play-making game too (I always loved playing with the music for Molly, 'cause it was all upbeat Big Band swing). My little brother once used the Felicity sets to try and create a parody of Stargate SG-1, and I tried imitating SpongeBob episodes and doing other nonsenses with it too.

And it’s sad you sold your Kirsten doll… maybe you might be able to get Kit or Molly someday (the 30s and 40s have great fashion!).

That’s so cool! I actually didn’t get my first one (Samantha) until 2010. I got introduced to AG in 4th or 5th grade when we split into groups that each read a different character’s books. I was in Samantha’s group, and she was always my favorite. I always wanted her, but couldn’t afford it. It was when she was put in the archives that I realized I should try to finally get her, and then I found her on Ebay!

One word: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Wait, that’s six.

Oh, and Pixar. That one’s one. :smiley:

JSWeC: Didn’t Humongous make Putt Putt and Fredie the Clownfish? In that case, sign me up for the Nostalgia Express, baby! :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, I’m also a huge fan of police procedurals. A few off the top of my head: Flashpoint, Hawaii Five-0 (the reboot), and NCIS.

I used to have some of the American Girl books (might still have some!) and I remember liking them. Really a shame the dolls are so expensive. It’s cool that you guys like/liked it though, I didn’t realize how popular they were.

TDIT: Actually, it’s Freddi Fish. And yes, that’s the company!

I totally feel left out, I never had American Girl dolls when I was little. Or the books.

Does fandom include things that aren’t movies, books or tv shows? If so, Beanie Babies, Silly Bandz, Virtual Pets and Slap Bracelets. As far as other stuff. Xmen, Mario, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Pixar (of course!), Goosebumps, Archie Comics, Disney, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Spongebob and HtTYD.

Nothing tops Xmen (during the 90s) when it comes to me and fandom. I collected all the action figues (heros and villains), wore clothes, collected trading cards, WROTE MULTI PART STORIES :laughing: , acted out made up storieswith fans and friends, watched the show with groups of people when it aired during the summers on weekday Fox Kids and got into heated discussions out it afterwards and drew the characters like crazy. I loved every minute of it. The funny thing is that I didn’t read the comics that often. And my love for the 90s cartoon hasn’t diminished one bit over the years. It’s actually grown stronger. The bad animation, dialouge, voice acting and use of the same scenes in more than one episode doesn’t bother me one bit. The fact that as I’ve gotten older and realized what was really going on in the stories helpes my love for the show stay so strong. I own the complete series on DVD and I can’t bring myself to get rid of the VHS tapes I grew up watching.

Sorry to hear that. I got my first one when I was 17, so it’s not too late for you! You’re never too old for AG! :slight_smile: