Favorite Scene

Well, one,

her is a small fish. And twoo, you got all of the other fish swimming everywhere.

Exactly. Which gives further

reason for me to look more thoroughly. I will give a status report once I have searched the entire context of the

scene for Nemo. :wink:

Okay. It might be really hard since there is so much commotion in that one


Ohh…don’t worry. I’m an

official Finding Nemo geek. I’ll find him. :wink:

I have noticed.

I’m glad. (snigger)

People stare at my sister

and I whenever they see us quoting the entire film word-for-word. Heck, just the other day were we doing the same

with Cars. We walked all the way to our local mall just because we knew that one of

the stores in that center plays Cars 24/7, and one of my biggest weaknesses is that

I like to show off. Perhaps I should rethink my obsessive actions? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we are getting a little off topic here.

I agree. I shall halt my nonsense rambling – heh.

In that case: [b]Which scene in Finding Nemo did you find the

most emotional?[/b]

Just something to get back on-track…

I think it was

the begining before the title came up. The time when Coral died and Marlin was left with Nemo, and the end after

the fish net escape scene when Nemo and Marlin were cool again.

Really :frowning:

I’ll have to buy the DVD and see that deleted scene!

most emotional scene? the beginning when almost all of

Marlin’s fam is taken away and he starts crying. I felt so bad for him! I almost started crying too!

I couldn’t belive that something so sad could just

happen at the begining of the film. I saw many kids crying on that part.

  • The whale scene cracked me up :laughing: It was so~ funny that Dory spoke Whale and marlin was afraid.

  • Marlin and Dory’s first meeting

  • When Nemo touched the “butt”

  • The farting pelican

  • The party of the three sharks. So funny, hee hee :laughing:

  • When Nigel brought Marlin and Dory to the dentist while being chased by countless of sea gulls.

  • After Cora died. It’s so sad, I was almost crying too :cry:

I was watching Nemo today, and I have to say I loved the fish impressions scene.

But the pelican didn’t fart! It was the bombs!

Yeah, but from what the audience saw, it looked like the pelican farted.

That was a truly classic cinematic moment :wink:

For me it has to be when Mr Ray is soaring above and through the reef and you see the environment in all its glory.

Yes, that was an amazing scene. Wow!

I’ve actually been watching this movie every night for about 2 months. I usually get 10 minutes in before sleeping, though. I do it just because I feel like memorizing a movie, and I think I’ve done fairly well. :slight_smile:

My favorite scene would probably be the scene just before the camera goes into the whale. I LOVE that music!

Comedy-wise, definitely the school of fish. :smiley: