Favourite Character

I always liked Dory, but over the years Marlin’s really grown on me as a character, and I’d honestly have to go with him on this one.

Squishy the Jellyfish.

Useful to the plot? No. Memorable? Barley. Despite this, Squishy is rather cute and packs a sting. Just makes me smile every time I see (him/her?).

Ha! He/she may not be very visually memorable to me, it’s just another jellyfish among hundreds of others, but Squishy is the cutest Pixar name that I simply cannot forget! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" /> And whenever I say it aloud, it sounds funny too 8D

But Squishy isn’t my favourite- though his “namer” is. I feel like I compare with Dory most, as she is very forgetful and calls simple things the weirdest of names. She can be seriously crazy and random too ;-o

Dory and Bruce are my favourites. Dory cracks me up every time she’s on screen and I just love Bruce as a character.

Deb is my favorite character, hands down! I love her sister too :wink:

Nice one, I forgot about her, er, them! I like them a lot too Hahaha. :wink:

Gill for sure! He’s so cute, gentle, and kind. I love his voice.

The characters of Nemo are really likable for me. Let’s see…

Nemo - perfectly believable child character, innocent and wanting to break free and see the world.

Marlin - such a good dad. He really cares and worries for his son.

Dory - the hilarious, most memorable character, but that goes without saying. 8D She provides a wonderful touching moment near the end of the movie, too: “When I look at you… I’m… I’m home.” :cry:

Gill - he intially comes off as just some mysterious stranger but has a lot of energy and is very intelligent.

Peach - I love how she acts as a motherly figure to the Tank Gang :slight_smile:

Dory. I really really love Ellen Degeneres, and I feel like this is her best role :laughing: She’s also just so loveable! xD

I expect many people will be saying this on this board. But, Dory is my favourite. She has so many great one liners, the animators worked amazingly on her, making her facial expressions so hilarious. Also the way Ellen Degrenerades did her voice is just amazing. I have watched Nemo a million times, and I still laugh at Dory each time.

Dory is the funniest, but I have to say Marlin. Although not my favorite, he has to be the best Pixar parent, and certainly dad. He’s awesome and loving from the start, and he definitely learns his lesson.

Definitely Dory! I even wrote a song about it.

Check it out: youtube.com/watch?v=MmBLR541yoc

Let me know what you think! And if you like it, please send Ellen an email here:


and ask her to watch the video!

Gill, he has a lot of Wisdom, Intuition and Heart! (not exactly cute, however)

I love Dory! She adds alot of humour to the movie, and I really like Ellen DeGeneres.

I also really like Marlin, he’s a great father to Nemo.

Squirt is adorable!

I like Dory, but I don’t know if shes my favorite. I also like the Crash.

Do you mean Crush?

Yes, sorry. 8D

Either Marlin or Dory for me. Probably Marlin.


Oh, Dory for sure, she is such a great character. She is ready to help a stranger fish in the dangerous ocean, even if it means going through a lot of adventures. Short-term memory loss doesn’t help, but makes her hilarious :slight_smile:

Dory is a great character, one of the few characters who can be almost entirely comic relief but we still learn a great deal about her. So indivivually I would choose her.

However I actually would choose the Tank Gang as a whole. Like the Circus in ABL, Each member of the Tank Gang has a really unique personality and they play off one another wonderfully. By themselves Peach, Deb, or Gurgle might not be interesting but all together they really shine.