ffdude1906's art

Well, Bryko’s got me beat, sorta. I don’t take it as a legitimate victory, for reasons I can’t directly say. I’ll pass him someday, but not for a while. I’m proud of what I got though.

Be ready to be beaten ‘Up,’ all of you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for going off-topic, just had to get it out there. I really can’t wait for Up’s premiere! I’m so going to top the Up count. >_<"

That’s so cool that you did that! I was going to dress up like Jack Sparrow for At World’s End but chickened out. :laughing:

A little Up-date, most of you are aware of my fan letter. I decided to spice up my envelope a bit, just putting on the address wasn’t enough for me.

Comment! or check out my dA profile, it’s on there too.

Wow. That is extremely detailed for just being on a manilla envelope! I could never draw that!! Pete Docter will love it!

Wow! That should certainly catch someone’s attention! And all the detail and stuff. Nicely done!

I really admire your passion and dedication. . Pete might not respond but I’m sure he’ll really appreciate your effort and how Up emotionally connected with you. Good luck, keep doing what you love to do and you’ll find yourself in good company!

Thanks a lot! I actually really miss watching the movie now, I get all freaked out when trailers and tv spots and stuff come on, it’s kinda annoying. Thankfully, movie night, my new phone, monster hunter, and my trip to see my brother next week should distract me for a while. That, and a potential reply from you-know-who’s favorite writer/director.

As for my art, I need to do something pretty soon. I haven’t touched my pad for a while, and have never really gotten around to starting anything lately. I guess I need some more stills from the movie, I don’t wanna look at ‘photos’, and I wanna do a drawing of Ellie soon. Kevin would be nice too, but I have yet to find a pose I wanna do for her.

Wow, the detail on the roof tilings are amazing! This is cool, I hope Pete sends you a reply!

And I’d love to see you do a drawing of Kevin! :smiley:

That’s so cool! I’m sure that will definitely get his attention! :slight_smile:. I can’t wait to see your drawings of Kevin and Ellie! :smiley:

I know I commented on your dA page, but your drawing of Carl’s house is great! You included so much detail! It’s definitely an envelope that will catch your attention in a heart beat!

Haha, thanks Mitch, that’s what I was going for! :slight_smile: Really wanted to make him WANT to open it. :wink:

That’s so sweet that you did that drawing on your fan letter! It looks just like Carl’s house, and as others have said, the detail is great. Nice work, ffdude1906. :smiley:

Awesome drawing on the letter! I love the detail you put in it.

Thanks guys! I could have worked harder on it, but I was in a hurry. Might wanna redo it at some point.

Today’s my brother’s birthday, and a bunch of his roommates and friends have been putting together a surprise party. Presto’s his fave short, so I decided to draw Alec for a birthday present. Here’s how it turned out:

I’m pretty happy with it, took me about an hour-hour and a half to draw, and I added the text and darkened it up afterwards. I hope he likes it! I dunno if I’ll end up getting a scan of this, since he’s keeping it. I took this with my phone (has a better camera than my camcorder! O.o)

Wow, not bad! :smiley: Some constructive criticisms I would give is to make Alec’s head bigger and rounder, and maybe ‘thin’ his torso a bit (since he’s quite scrawny from being deprived of that delicious carrot!). But overall, it looks quite good! I don’t know which parts you ‘darkened’ (there’s no shading, unless you meant the lines), but yeah, you’ve drawn Alec better than I ever have (which is never, lazy me).

Your bro calls you ‘baby brother’? Haw-haw! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks TDIT, I actually drew the cage too small, his ears aren’t actually supposed to go outside the cage. It was too much effort to redraw the cage though, and it didn’t look too bad, so I just stuck with it. I think his eyes could have covered a bit more of his face, and yeah I was just talking about the lines when I darkened it.

Sweet, ffdude1906! Alec’s awesome and you’ve done him justice, you can just see the struggle and desperation to get that carrot in his eyes. The only criticism that I have is how the table has been left floating in the air, so to speak, but everything else is great and I hope your brother liked it! :smiley:

Alec looks really good! You definitely captured his struggle to get the carrot. You can see it in his eyes and his body language. I agree with the criticism that has been given already. I also think that too much of his body is sticking out of the cage. (That is where you could thin out the torso as TDIT suggested) That plus the ears sticking out make is seem like he is behind the cage rather than in it, which looks a bit odd since the bottom half of Alec looks clearly in the cage. Looks like an illusion!

Other than that, it looks really good! Keep it up! :smiley:

I just got an idea for a nice piece of art I wanna do pretty soon,… regarding a certain someone on these forums. (ooooooh, betcha wonder who it is!) I plan on at least starting it tonight.

Also, I wanna do that model that themodelmaker did at some point, but that’s gonna be a while considering my money situation. I’ll let you guys know when that happens (if you care), I’m super excited about it!