Forum community project

Marie: Yeah, you can go ahead and do that one. I’ve let the project slide the last few weeks since I’ve been so busy with school. Have fun!

Okey dokey. I look forward to it.

The entry for K is now up. Great job Marie!

Thanks! :slight_smile: I love drawing The Incredibles characters. They’re so much fun to draw.

Marie, I realy like your drawing of Kari. I think her cheeks are a little chubby but it is still good.

Heheh. That’s very cute, Marie! Nice job. :wink:

– Mitch

I tried to mae it look like her cheeks were rosy, but it’s kinda hard when you’re using just pencil. Thanks though! :slight_smile:

Marie - Yes, I suppose that that effect could be rather hard to pull off, but you did a nice job of integrating it into the character.

You’re welcome, Marie! :wink:

– Mitch

P.S. Yes, I have to get on that ‘X’… It shall come…in due time!

Well, it still is beautiful. just my tiny suggestion to you. That little detail doesn’t mean the picture was horrible. It is still one of the best Kari drawings I have seen.

Mitch: I can’t wait to see it.

Update: Due to the healthy amount of work I have carried upon my back over the past few months, I regret to say that I have not even put my pencil upon a piece of paper in an attempt to sketch out the “X” composition that I planned to create. However, the end of my semester shall come to an end in due time – this being fairly soon – so I should have plenty of time after that to whip something up.

Just letting you know, Haunt. I apologize for any incovenience.

The Star Swordsman - Thank you, dude. :wink:

– Mitch

Mitch: You’re welcome! :wink:

can i get “Q”? :smiley:

i really like all the entries so far! and i also liked all you guys’ sigs

Still can’t wait for that X, Mitch And that Q, Eyfie. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I said I would do ‘G’. I have to forfeit it because even if I do get enough time to draw it- my scanner isn’t hooked up yet and won’t be till we get a proper shelf, and the scanner to my mom’s computer has lost it’s software and we’ll need it to download onto the new computer in order to scan images.

So … yeah, put ‘G’ back on the list.

I’d love to do do L, if Maggie doesn’t have the time to do it…

thanx A113 :smiley:
i pm’ed mine to Haunt so he could post it up.
that’s what we are suppose to do right?

Regret to say it…but I will most likely never get to my part of the project. Remove me from the list…or the letter ‘C’ will come after you and haunt you…(no pun intended. Okay, maybe it was, but ONLY after realizing it was a pun.)

May I please reserve the letter U? I’ve nearly finished my entry anyway. :slight_smile:


may i snatch “C” then?

I’ve got to take my laptop (aka my baby) into the shop tomorrow, but rest assured I will make these additions and any new artwork availible to view ASAP

I’ll do Z.