Funniest Scenes?

I don’t think it/s much of a contest… “WHERE’S MY SUPER SUIT?!” seems to win this every time :stuck_out_tongue: . I also always laughed when Helen stopped to look at herself in the mirror, and sighed. I always get a good chuckle from that one.

There are a lot of various things throughout the movie that make me chuckle, though. The Helen and Dash speedboat, Edna in general, Bob and Helen’s argument after Helen finds him… OH! And Dash… “I’m alive… YEAH-HEAH-HA! WOO-HOO!.. Uh oh…” Him and hi big mouth, but ya gotta love him :laughing: .

That’s certainly the scene that sticks out to me as the funniest! :smiley:

Supersuit scene always cracks me up.

^ Agreed. 8D

I love the scene from Toy Story 3, where Mr. Potato head uses the tortia (is that how you spell it?) as a body and is attacked by the pigeon 8D

Tortilla. As a life-long Californian I practically live of these things, so I know the spelling. XD

And yes, that is a funny scene! His reaction when he sees the birds is great.

Oh the shame! XD It is a fantastic scene, also in Toy Story 2, when Jessie first meets Woody! 8D

Mine is still “No capes!”

“She’d eat it of we were having Tonyloaf.” XD I laugh every time.

Same here! :smiley:

My dad always laughed when Mr. Incredible stopped the car with a tree, and his reaction made it all the funnier.