EDIT: Love, I think I’m the only one who LOL’d. Same thing with, “I think you need to be more…flexible.” <3 <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In
I really liked the “flexible” line. It was so risque and enticing. How could you not want to follow her?
I just think it is so cute how Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible had that whole interaction with one another, and then ended up getting married that same day. I can’t imagine seeing my fiance like that the day of our wedding and being so calm, cool, and casual or even mention the wedding. It is really an adorable scene
Yes. I love them together so much. Sometimes I like to pretend they’re my parents. I love my parents, but my Dad’s an Alcoholic and has…hurt me many times, and my mom is great, but I get made fun of because she’s…horizontally challenged.
MB, I was talking to Love. You’re in it already. And thanks about my parents. I don’t mean to complain, some things just make me so emotional…
I’m glad you like the rooftop scene, too.
~ The secret message self destrcucting
~ Mirage’s reaction after Helen slaps hers
~ Helen getting caught in the sliding automatic doors