Funniest Scenes?

I have an…offbeat, warped sense of humor.

For instance, this is funny.

Fart jokes are not.

EDIT: Love, I think I’m the only one who LOL’d. Same thing with, “I think you need to be more…flexible.” <3 <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/love2.gif” alt=“:loves:” title="In

Love" /> :sunglasses:

I really liked the “flexible” line. It was so risque and enticing. How could you not want to follow her?

I just think it is so cute how Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible had that whole interaction with one another, and then ended up getting married that same day. I can’t imagine seeing my fiance like that the day of our wedding and being so calm, cool, and casual or even mention the wedding. It is really an adorable scene :smiley:

Yes. I love them together so much. Sometimes I like to pretend they’re my parents. I love my parents, but my Dad’s an Alcoholic and has…hurt me many times, and my mom is great, but I get made fun of because she’s…horizontally challenged.

IV I’m sorry to hear that about your family :frowning: I hope you are alright!

At least you have the Incredibles to look up to and provide you with support.

I adore the rooftop scene it is sooo adorable. :-D)

Yes. I guess that’s one of the millions of reasons I love them so much. <3

Hey, Love, you should join the Incredibles user group. :wink:

Oh my gosh that sounds horrible :cry: . I think its good that you imagine them as your parents. I do sometimes also. :slight_smile:

It is in my top 5 Pixar movies, and I guess I do post a lot in its forum, so I will!

I thought I already did LOL. How do I join that??

I agree 100000000% :-D)

MB, I was talking to Love. You’re in it already. :wink: And thanks about my parents. I don’t mean to complain, some things just make me so emotional…
I’m glad you like the rooftop scene, too. :smiley:

Love, you joined!! Yay!! :smiley:

Oh haha oopsie. :blush:

No, it’s fine, I was just letting you know you already joined. :mrgreen:

Some of my favorite funny scenes from The Incredibles include:

  1. “Honey! Where is my super-suit?” “What?” “Where…is…my…super-suit?!”

  2. “Oh, no. Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? And got bizzay!”

  3. “No capes!”

  4. The one where Bob throws his boss through several walls and then goes, “Uh oh.”

  5. The one where the smoke alarm goes off and the family is shouting in another room because they’re getting wet from the sprinkler system going off.

  6. The one where Mr. Incredible is being tracked with a homing device.

  7. “I am referring to last night at 23:07 hours while you were snooping around, you sent out a homing signal!” “I didn’t know about the homing device.”

:sunglasses: “We’re dead! We’re dead!” “It blew up!” “We survived but we’re dead!”

  1. The one where Dash and Violet are talking over each other and then Helen goes, “Wait a minute. You left Jack-Jack alone?!”

  2. The one where Dash and Violet get in a fight at dinner: “Bob! It’s time to engage! Do something! Don’t just sit there! I need you to…intervene!”

  3. “Edna Mode. And guest.”

  4. The one where Jack-Jack attacks Syndrome.

  5. The one where Bob and Lucius are arguing in a burning building: “I wanted to go bowling!”

Ooooh, I got a lot of favorite when it comes to the funniest scenes from The Incredibles!


And then Bob says, “Kids, listen to your mom…” 8D


~ The secret message self destrcucting
~ Mirage’s reaction after Helen slaps hers
~ Helen getting caught in the sliding automatic doors

The only one I can think of was during the teaser trailer where Bob is trying to put on the suit.

Hehe, this is my favorite. Because she gets choked, then slapped. >:D

The “Where is my super suit?” scene with Frozone and his wife :stuck_out_tongue: