Funniest YouTube Videos

Have you never seen Coppercab? The “Gingers have souls” guy?

That’s gross. Is that thing actually a real product?

Anyway, here’s a hilarious collection of prank calls that radio DJ Scott Mills makes to this crazy guy working at a Pizza shop. He simply can’t take a joke and continuously shouts and curses whenever he finds out he’s been pranked. Has to be one of the rudest people I’ve ever seen. With the attitude he has, he deserves to be prank called:

I wish I could get this store’s number…

Yes, it’s real.

This is probably the funniest hate video I’ve ever seen. It’s a reupload of a response video to Retsupurae, who do commentaries on low-quality Let’s Play videos in a pretty hilarious manner. The guy ranting sounds like Spongebob on meth. Be warned that there’s lots of bad language in this, but it’s mostly funny:

The picture of Johnny Cash flipping off is priceless by the way.

This is the greatest video ever. Rated PG-13.

I am changed.

What’s funnier is that they actually let this song play on the radio in my school. This was the first time I heard it, and I was really confused.

This is funny.

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. It’s a fandub of scenes from Toy Story with ridiculous dialouge and foul language. It’s pretty hilarious. However, if you don’t want to see your childhood movie dubbed with explicit dialouge, then I wouldn’t watch. It’s not meant to be taken seriously though, and it’s pretty damn hilarious:

This is one of my videos. I think it’s pretty funny, but then again, I made it: [url]Jack Sparrow Fails At Love - YouTube

Hands down the funniest video I have seen on Youtube: Eagles Are Turning People Into Horses: The Movie

Though this is not really a video, it’s a full blown indie movie. This dude filmed it in two days with virtually no budget for his film school thesis film, and was almost kicked out for it! xD Then it when on to win a bunch of awards at film festivals. That shows how ridiculous it is. :stuck_out_tongue: But if you get the chance to watch all 15 minutes, I would highly recommend doing so. I mean, just look at the title!

Here’s a video I made. It’s really stupid.

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Thanks, your my 100th subber.

Has anyone ever seen Spongebob edited?

I find this strangely hilarious :laughing: Also, it’s Gipsy Kings, so you have no reason to not click. 8D

This is the best video ever: [url]Pixar Announces the Next Movies! - YouTube
I love the end: “Disney and Pixar, Memories, Magic, and every movie except Finding Nemo 2.” LOL