Racrules, Hey, it sounds okay to me, as long as the mother does maintain some care for her daughter it sounds fine, and I think I read that story and liked it. And also it WOULD be something a mother might find difficult on some level. As lon as it remains fair to the mother- have at it.
About the only angst I give my version of Boo is that she is distant from her parents, but that’s partially her own fault. In terms of MAJOR angst, I intend to make it that they had to move because due to Boo’s disappearance of 24 hours the parents were suspected of foul play, and while found not guilty, their reputation was in tatters and suspicion was rife. I hope to make it realistic but I have major editions to do (I look at some of my older work and honestly CRINGE at it)
Honestly, I do see people viewing Boo as weird- my version just doesn’t care that people see her like that way, she kind of enjoys it, because she just sees weird as another word for interesting so she just laughs along with jokes at her expense. Very frustrating and completely throws people. If a person was to tease her about it she’d simply laugh, but she’d probably be friends with you once you calm down. She’s like that. Your version is different- she DOES care, which is fine too. I just had her have that view though because she ALSo has friends in the know, so you can account for the difference. She has confidence from that- she’s not alone, so she eventually rubs off on even abrasive people sometimes.
But I don’t get how the parents could be abusive in any way, as mentioned. Nor could I ever see Boo as a drug addict. My Boo? Pfft, she’s high on life. (But some angst of course, she beats herself a lot over failing others and as mentioned I make her a liar/easily manipulated in terms of wanting to help people so badly).
I want to read some of her playful side from you too.
Badger It really depends on how you go about revenge, it has to be realistic and not seem like the antagonist is shooting themselves in the foot/being REALLY stupid. Most of Pixar’s antagonists have brains. I can see it for Syndrome though all the same that version (acting that way), but he’s just one big walking cliche for me in some respects. Syndrome… bothers me. I don’t HATE him but I’m not sure he deserves the following he has.
The desire for revenge is a lot more complicated usually however than most Pixar fanfic writers make it out to be. It’s a BAD thing, but it’s usually not a black-and-white issue, and everyone has had that desire. Most of us don’t however act on every urge of this- if not for morality then practicality reasons if you get me. At least when it’s not in the heat of the moment/RIGHT in the after math/they are suicidal in the case of crazy almost self-masoshistic revenge which is unfortunatly very common in the fandom it seems. And if they ARE the latter version, you have to really tug at people’s heartstrings then in order to make it realistic, because how awful must their situation really be? Make it real. Show their side. Make people CARE about him/her even if what they are doing is wrong. While I generally prefer protaganists, what interests me most is generally their relationship with the anatagonists.
In other words- if parody is not what you are going for, think it out. Does it make sense? The antagonist probably would have too on some level if some time has passed. Plus is there anyway to make it different and have a fresh twist? You can’t just have it a black-and-white thing in the end. The antagonists feelings must seem justified on some level it can’t be a moustach twirler moment. It’s not exactly… Pixar.
(Unless it’s Syndrome, but even that’s pushing it a bit sometimes from what I see.)
thedriveintheatre I REALLY don’t get the cars thing, it just doesn’t sound like something that could be considered ‘hot’ and it just sounds bizarre- in terms of that sort of thing, humans and/or humanoid aliens please, it’s not really the same area as Cars. After some time to think, perhaps it’s not QUITE as bad as the Lion King level though of that sort of thing, though all the same it’s a lot more bizarre for various reasons.