glp's Radiator Springs Adventures W: New fanfiction rated T

Okay , here’s the link to my latest fanfiction


Unadulterated Loathing

I decided

it’s best if I just post the links to where my fanfictions are , as it looks a bit more … neater . :wink:

OMG , Mitch gave me OCD ! lol , jk Mitch ! :wink:

That was really good! So much

suspense! I gotta admit I was getting a little misty. I was all “nooo! dont die on me Doc!” But anyway,

that was a really good one :slight_smile:

now, raine hudson, raine hudson, where have I seen that name before? I

must have spotted it half past sometime ago when I was searching Cars on DA…

lennonluvr9 : here’s her profile


Geesh , I’ve been hangin’ out there too much , I put

yamihoole before I changed it to lennonluvr9 . lol

WARNING : The first two dialouge quotes in my fanfiction

are rated T for mentionings of female puberty and … how can I put this … talking about certain things but in

dog term .

So here it is ! The first chapter of my latest fanfiction , since you guys are ahead of the

people on and will be for a long time ! :wink:

Stars were shining bright while Angie Weathers tried to sleep . As soon as one of her troubles ended , a new one

always began . Doc wasn’t even home for an hour when Angie had to give Sally and Lightning the news of their

first child being on it’s way . Angie couldn’t help but listen to the couple’s new ( and first ) argument


" One time , I mated with you <u>one time</u> , and now you're pregnant ?! It 

would’ve been nice of you to tell me you were in heat ! "

" I'm sorry , but I thought you 

would’ve noticed by the oil I was dripping !" Silence lingered after Sally’s remark ,

worrying Angie even more . It was awful how something like this could put such a passionate relationship in

danger . “So . . . are we going to keep it ? I could still get an abortion if we want .” Sally had

finally asked the question Angie was waiting for .

" I don't know , Sally . . . . I don't 

know , " came the correctly guessed response from Lightning . Angie wanted to listen more , but she soon

drifted of to sleep , all of her troubles leaving her for a short while .

The next day's practice 

was pretty silent . Doc’s daughter Raine , who had just decided to move back in with her father , had ordered

Doc to take it easy for a couple of days , which meant a bit more practicing without their beloved crew chief .

So it was just the two at Willy’s Butte .

"I know you heard us last night , so don't try to 

deny it ," Lightning had decided to say something first . They were taking a break , something Doc would

probably never let them do , since they only practiced for two hours every day . Angie only nodded in reply .

“How much did you hear ?”

" Not much ," she replied softly . "Did you . . . 

. did you make a decision yet ?"

" Yep , " Lightning said . A few seconds passed , 

" Oh you wanted to know ?" he teased .

Angie laughed ," Duh ! Spit it out Mcqueen 


" Well , it looks like there's gonna be a Baby Mcqueen in the future , " 

Lightning smiled proudly as Angie squeeled with joy . Lightning winced at the sound , " Please don’t do

that again … it’s annoying . "

" So's your 'Ka-chow' , but you don't see me complaining 

! "

" True ... hey , you wanna race ? " Lightning asked , " I'll let you 

choose how many laps ."

" One lap , " Angie decided , " so then you only have to 

fall into the cacti once ! "

"Fine then , " he said as he rushed to the turn , as 

she soon went ahead of him . Angie got to the dreaded turn three , but she turned to late . Angie looked like a

dog , pawing the edge . She soon fell with a thud into a pile of the cacti that was originally reserved for her

racing partner .

Lightning rushed to the scene , " You want me to go get Mater ? 


" That would be nice considering I can't move ! 


Sally gazed outside of the Wheel 

Well’s office , daydreaming while waiting for customers to come around the bend of the road , laughing about how

fun the drive was . Ahe rememered when she first brought Lightning to Wheel Well , but that was long ago . A

least it seemed so , for it seemed so long ago before everthing changed . Before there were many customers ,

before they were together , before they had met Angie . . . before they were expecting a child .

Sally noticed all of the 'they’s in that previous thought . Over a year ago she would’ve laughed if somebody

told her she was going to fall deeply in love with a famous racecar that was once the biggest obnoxious jerk ever


The phone rang , oulling Sally away from her precious thoughts as she answered .

"Sally Carrera speaking , ower of the cozy cone motel and co-owner of the Wheel Well , how can I help you


"Sally ? It's me .."

“Dad ?” she was shocked . Sally hadn’t talked

to her fater in years . The past anger soon bubbled up again , “How did you find me ?”


You’re all over the news with that famous racecar Sally , or do you no longer own a television ?" if she

didn’t know her father , she wouldve took that as an insult , " I just wanted to tell you I’ll be visiting

you soon . I’ll probably be there by tomorrow , maybe early morning if I’m lucky ."


great , " Sally lied , " I’ll see you then . "

She quickly hung up the phone .

"When did I change back to the fast lane


Not bad for the first chapter. They should name the kid “Ka-chow” – heheh. Keep up the good work!


Mitch : Sally would probably smack Lightning in the face even if he thought of naming the kid that !


Yay for Lightning & Sally!

They’ll hear the pitter-patter of little tires soon. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m glad they’re keeping it. I wonder who Sally’s

padre could be? Seems like she’s starting to get a little anxious about life moving more quickly for her


You’ll see next Sunday . :wink:

And "Baby

Mcqueen" ( lets just call him/her that for now , haven’t picked yet … or have I ? ) won’t be coming for

a while . This will be my first actual long fanfiction since Cars 2 itself ( wow that seems so long ago ) . It’s

actually two fanfiction ideas in one . You know what they say , two birds with one stone . :wink:

At the

moment there will be about four more fanfictions after this before Baby Mcqueen . I know , you want the baby to

come , but it takes a while you know ! Don’t worry though , two of those mentioned fanfictions are one-shots ,

and the rest are going to be smaller than the one I’m working on now ( i think ) .

Two things …

  1. )I am working on chapter two …

it’s just taking a while . It should be on sometime this week .

2.) I forgot my password and I’m not

aloud to go on the email adress that this name is under , so if somebody starts putting chapters under the name

of AngieWeathers ( or something with Angie’s name ) , don’t worry ! It’s me . :wink:

Let’s just hope my

saved name will kepp me on for about two (or more) weeks , when I can go on that email adress .

Take your time,

gottalovepixar. I’ll be waitin’ for it. :wink:

That’s a cool story. I’m going to read it over and over. Nice job gottalovepixar! :wink:

HatCat:Wow , you read it all ? Cool …

thanks , i’ll be revising “Cars 2” so it’s aloud on (they don’t allow script form , and about half of the fanfiction is in script form) .

gottalovepixar- I did read it all. it was funny and fun to read :slight_smile:

Since i’m really busy i decided to post my prequel “Home” on

should be up soon , when it is i will post the url . :wink:

EDIT : here it is [url][/url]

Just read it Glp, :smiley:
Like it so far…
Just a Question, but was it a one shot?

yes it was … :wink:

Oksy jus’ wondering, I also, reviewed on FF.

I read it too! I guess I was expecting to see a little more but I liked it. It’s nice she’s

mostly content with her life now. :slight_smile:

i was gonna make it a chapter fanfiction , but i have too many ideas in my head , it’s bad enough i have to postpone the baby car(s) (no i still dont know if she’ll have more than one !) birth date …

I see. Well I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next installment in this saga! :slight_smile: