Good Idea/Bad Idea game

Teo is right. I said “adopting a pet”. You would say “Yelling at a pet” or something. You said “Going to school everyday”, then it’s the next persons turn.

Bad Idea: Skipping school

Ohhhh! I think I get it now, sorry guys. o:

Good Idea: Skipping rope at school

Bad Idea: Littering

Is that right?

The bad idea is supposed to go on the top and good idea on the bottom.

Bad idea, littering anywhere.

Good idea. having a relaxing bubble bath!! :smiley:

Bad Idea: Having a relaxing lava bath (Ow…)

Good Idea: Making coffee at home

Bad idea: Spilling your homemade coffee on yourself

Good idea: Buying your friend some flowers

I like this game!

Bad idea: Buying your friend some man-eating flowers.

Good idea: Wearing a scarf.

Bad idea: choking yourself with a scalf
Good idea: SLEEPING!!! c:

Bad Idea: Sleeping on the bus

Good Idea: Drinking milk

Bad Idea: Drinking milk from a cows utter

Good Idea: Recycling

Bad idea: Not recycling recyclable materials.

Good idea: Listening to David Bowie.

Bad Idea: Murdering David Bowie

Good Idea: Watching Titanic

Bad Idea: Being an actor in Titanic (Director James Cameron has an infamous short temper).

Good Idea: Helping an old lady cross the road.

Bad idea: helping an old lady across the road and getting hit by a bus.
Good idea: watching pixar after a long day! c:

Bad Idea: Getting scratches on your Pixar DVD

Good Idea: Mowing the lawn

Bad idea: Mowing the lawn early in the morning whilst others are trying to sleep.
Good idea: cleaning your room.

Bad Idea: Cleaning someone elses room without permission

Good Idea: Baking cookies

Bad idea: burning the house down whilst bakeing cookies.
Good idea: makeing new sigs.

Bad Idea: Making rude signatures

Good Idea: Doing sports

Bad Idea: Doing sports in your kitchen

Good idea: Painting a picture