Good Idea/Bad Idea game

Bad idea: Painting a panther. When it’s hungry.

Good idea: Throwing your litter in the rubbish bin.

Bad Idea: Throwing your rubbish bin in the recycling bin

Good Idea: Washing your hands

Bad Idea: Burning your hands.

Good Idea: Flushing the toilet.

bad idea: flushing your head down the toilet
good idea. drawing. c:

Bad Idea: Drawing on a sleeping persons face

Good Idea: Staying warm in the cold

Bad idea: Staying warm when it’s already warm.

Good Idea: Running for Presdient.

Bad Idea: Being an evil dictator.

Good Idea: Watching family movies (?).

Bad idea: Watching movies of your family (especially those when you were a kid/infant).

Good idea: Learning a new language.

Bad Idea: Learning a new language so you can curse

Good Idea: Wearing purfume

bad idea: spraying perfume in your eyes.
good idea: eating ice cream

Bad Idea: Eating the stuff that somewhat remembles chocolate ice-cream and comes from…gross! Why am I posting something like that? How tasteless. I apologise guys, I couldn’t resist. :unamused:

Good idea: Obeying traffic laws.

Bad idea: Recklessly driving your entire family downtown to fight a robotic threat. (pardon me for the incredibles reference) 8D

Good idea: Drinking water.

Bad Idea: Drinking sea water

Good Idea: Calling 000/911 if someone is hurt

Bad Idea: Calling 911 to ask for a sandwich… (heard a story about some guy actually doing this!) 8D
Good Idea: Playing outside in the snow

Bad idea:playing outside in the snow and licking a frozen surface and getting your tounge stuck! (OUCH!)
Good idea. brushing your teeth.

Bad Idea: Brushing a wild tigers teeth

Good Idea: Using capitals at the beginning of a sentance

Bad Idea: Using captials on everything.

Good Idea: Singing your National Anthem

Bad Idea: Singing your national anthem disrespectfully

Good Idea: Sneezing when you feel the urge to

Bad Idea: Sneezing in your bosses face.

Good Idea: Calling 911 ona burgler.

Bad idea: Being a burglar.

Good idea: Learning to play a musical instrument.