Bad Idea: Playing a musical instrument loud on a Sunday morning
Good Idea: Playing with little kids
Bad Idea: Playing a musical instrument loud on a Sunday morning
Good Idea: Playing with little kids
Bad Idea: Bullying little kids
Good Idea: Doing a little April Fools joke.
Bad Idea: Playing an April fools joke that could actually hurt someone
Good Idea: Hugging someone sad
Bad Idea: Hugging someone sad and putting a “kick me” sign on them.
Good Idea: Learning history.
Bad Idea: Not listening to your history teacher
Good Idea: Playing a friendly game of dodgeball
Bad idea: hitting people in the face with the dodgeball
Good idea: watching TV with your family
Bad Idea: Watching TV with other but you keep talking
Good Idea: Watering your garden
Bad Idea: Watering your garden with chocolate milk.
Good Idea: Taking out the trash.
Bad Idea: Taking out what you think is trash but is really a bag of toys that were supposed to go in the attic (Sorry obvious Pixar reference )
Good Idea: Trying new foods
Bad Idea: Trying a new food and spitting it everywhere
Good Idea: Laughing!
Bad Idea: Laughing to death
Good Idea: Making world peace
Bad Idea: Creating world peace using violence
Good Idea: Having a family reunion
Bad idea: Having a family reuinion ruined.
Good idea: Chewing gum.
Bad Idea: Sticking the gum to someones hair
Good Idea: Drinking plenty of water each day
Bad idea: Drinking poisoned water.
Good idea: Writing a book.
Bad Idea: Writing an offensive book
Good Idea: Going for a walk each day
Bad Idea: Going for a walk in a jungle
Good Idea: Making a Youtube video.
Bad Idea: Posting a video of your friends on Youtube without their permission.
Good Idea: Going to see a new movie
Bad idea: Going to see a new movie so you can make fun of it.
Goood idea: Getting the right amount of sleep reuired.
Bad Idea: Not sleeping at all
Good Idea: Putting on sunscreen outside.