Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II

He can’t. He’s said to be incapable of love.

Oh, I would hate that. Being ugly and not being able to love would hurt. Watch him be on one of those Tonight Shows. I guess that explains why he will kill anyone.

I hope there are no re-makes of the movies, but it might happen decades from now. It’s like asking them to remake Star Wars. It’s just too classic.

But Harry Potter is an adaptation. Star Wars was originally born as a movie.

I would welcome any faithful adaptation. But it won’t work as a movie, we need a series, probably animated.

Screw Transformers 3. This will be the movie event of the year. I’ve waited a decade for this, and I’m definitely seeing this in cinemas with my buddies.

I think Voldemort’s scream will be the next Wilhelm.

EUUUUAAAHHH… :sunglasses:

Just wait till you get my friend and I at him.
One shot with the killing curse on us…we look around, look at our hands, then look at him and say, “were immortal moldywart”

I don’t think Transformers 3 is gonna have a chance to beat Harry Potter. I mean, an epic franchise vs a third movie packed with tons and tons of visual and dizzying effects? C’mon man.

You know I personally think the transformers movies suck. Not graphic wise, storywise.

Well, if your entire backbone for the film is just explosions and actions, it’s cool. I mean. it’s sweet to have that stuff, but if you look past it, there’s not much riding on this movie. Overhyped I guess.

Yep I agree…

So…who wants to give good old moldywart a bad day? :smiley:

If you’re talking about Moldywart from Fairly Odd Parents, then oh boy. I haven’t seen that episode in awhile. But if we’re talking about Voldemort, then I don’t want to tick him off.

I wasreferring to voldemort. It’s sort of an inside joke between me and my friend.

I didn’t know there was a moldywart in fairly odd parents (Ive never watched it)

Besides, I really wonder what would happen if you put a portal underneath him just as he was about to hit you with the KC (killing curse).

And what would he do if he met Davy jones?

No doubt it will be the movie incident of the year. And if there’s another one that will get close, it won’t be Transformers 3.

He would cringe at how Jones’ designers actually made him look great while he is just hilarious.

If Voldemort met Davy jones? Boy, that would be an interesting encounter.

What is Davy Jones? Is it a flavor of ice cream from Flortean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour?

Anyway, I apologize for my previous comment about Septimus Heap…as good as Septimus Heap is, it’s not Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling’s masterpiece is incredibly well written, and it astonishing that a book so good sold so well, because usually books that good are ignored.

I am re-reading the last book and am noticing that Harry sometimes says ironic things without realizing it, and they are ironic only after you know how the book ends. And of course, all the reversals of things that happened before make this book engaging…but all of the Harry Potter books are engaging, so…

Oh, yes, my favorite irony is on HP6, when he claims [spoil]that the Half-Blood Prince has teached him much more than Snape.[/spoil]

And Davy Jones is a character in sea men lore.

Very excited for this! Going to see it at midnight at this wicked nice movie theater at the Boston Common.

Midnight huh? Well, be sure to get there early.

Yeah davy jones would get annoyed quick! :smiley:

I like it in the last book when [spoil]Harry says that he has to be the one to destroy the Horcruxes to Ms. Weasley, and in the end he only destroyed one out of seven Horcruxes, way back in book two.[/spoil]