Has Anyone had a crush on a cartoon character?

I’ve had a crush on Lisa Simpson since I first started watching The Simpsons. And now I’m nearly twice as old as her, and the crush wont die. She has the mind of a REALLY smart 40 year old, and the childlike innocence of a 12 year old. The perfect girlfriend for any 14 year old boy who favors personality over appearance!

Alright, I have a crush on Conker.

Yeah, he’s a misbehaving, materialistic squirrel who likes to get drunk. Not a perfect rolemodel it seems.
BUT I LOVE HIM ANYWAY. Because he’s funny. And cute. On the outside, at least. He can be quite a… shall we say, meaniepants. But of all people, he says that war is a terrible thing. And he’s quite different from most other ‘cartoon gone bad’ characters… he’s just a guy who wants to get home.

Suuuure, he didn’t listen to his girlfriend 99% of the time, but he did love her to some degree and when [spoil]he became a millionaire, she got killed and he got crowned king of the land.[/spoil] He spent his days mourning, claiming that ‘You don’t really know what it is you have until it’s all gone’. Hey, at least he’s no Edward Cullen…

Badger- I used to like a squirrel too. His name was Rocky. I don’t like him anymore though.

And people keep thinking I like Pepe Le Pew, but I don’t! Atleast not love-like, he’s chased too many girls. Sorry Pepe.

Technically he just chased one girl, Penelope Pussycat, across different locales and situations. But yes, he did come on a bit strong with her (pun intended). :laughing:

LOL True mogwai_milkshake… I have seen some episodes with a different cat though…one wasn’t even a girl. :open_mouth:

Ah, that Pepe. :laughing:

I have a crush on a few cartoon characters actually. Syndrome (I just love Jason Lee) and Atlas, from Bioshock. His cute Irish accent just seals it for me :slight_smile: I also like Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon; I like shy, nerdy-type guys, and he’s just adorable.

W.O.O.D.Y.!!! You know it. :smiley:

I’m not the only one that noticed Andy grew up to be a total hottie am I?

I mean, look at those eyes! And I’ve always been a sucker for freckles! Not to mention he’s totally sensitive! :wink:
We could play with Woody, Buzz, and Evil Dr.Porkchop all day long. (:

Haha, there’s a thread bout that here, Just Like Guinevere, so you’re in good company! :laughing: I agree, he does look very handsome, especially with those eyes.

Yes,someone else who thinks Andy is a total yummer,he’s 17 only a year to a couple of months diffrence from me.I love Andy!!! :-*

lol I had a crush on Ariel since I was 3 I kinda grew out of it but I still find her realy cute ^.^

I’ve always believed personalities are more important than looks.

Which is why Lisa Simpson is the ultimate cartoon hottie.

The show claims she’s eight, but she actually has the intelligence of someone OLDER than me, so I can get away with thinking she’s hot and not being a cartoon-pedophile. :laughing:

Yes. I do. :blush:
DJ from Cars. He is in love with music as well as me. I fall for any musical guy.

My goodness I wish he was human.

Hehehe… I do.

My friend and I were talking about that last night actually xD

I’ve never really had a crush on an animated character until recently. I now have a slight one on Aladdin. <3 But hey, he’s all Jasmine’s, and I’m fine with that. Still, he’d win me over with a magic carpet ride like that…
Hey, btw is there a word for a kind of crush that you just wanna hang out with that person but not really kiss them or anything? Cuz it’d be so cool to just meet Aladdin! And Naveen…

I know exactly how you feel! Yeah, what’s up with that? It’s one of the most annoying stereotypes. It happens a lot on TV, so maybe that’s why. But it’s so ridiculous! Just being nice to someone like one should be, anyway, and possibly trying to befriend someone doesn’t have to always mean being in love!

BDD, I agree completley. People are stupid :sunglasses:

Well I have grown out of the cartoon crush thing for now… My jaw is now dropping for a girl that i met a month ago, hey when your 16 I guess your hormones really kick in…

When I was a little kid, like 6 or 7, I remember having a crush on Dagget from The Angry Beavers!!!

Yes, I was a WEIRD kid!

I don’t have a crush on any cartoon character, but I will admit, Prince Naveen from The Princess and the Frog is FINE! What hunk, hahah :laughing:

I asked someone to make me a Lisa Simpson avatar.

It didn’t happen…yet.