How to get Pixarian autographs

FunnyGirl - Ha-ha. Go here: :wink:

– Mitch


I actually do have Brad Bird’s autograph, as well as Producer John Walker, and 2nd Ass. Editor Jason Hudak on my ‘Art of Incredibles’ book. The movie theater I worked at a few years ago, had an early screening of Incredibles in 2004, and they signed my book. I have a pic of myself with Bird and Walker. In 2006, I covered The CARS Premiere for Jim Hill Media, but wasn’t able to get autographs (had to be professional). So, I interviewed numerous people, including John Lasseter. Albeit I froze up and squeaked out a request for a photo. So I have this photo of me and Mr. Lasseter.

Maybe I’ll have to format that for my avatar.

Really cute/cool avatar, uruseiranma. That photo you used is a really good way to show you are a Pixar fan. It sounds like you are building up quite a good Pixar autograph collection, as well. <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />

Oh wow, that’s really awesome! I can only imagine being able to meet John Lasseter, let alone get a picture with him.


I’ve been very fortunate, though I still am waiting for the day when I can call Andrew Stanton a ‘Supa-Genius’ to his face. After seeing the ‘Bug’s Life’ 2-Disc set, that has been a major goal for me. I also got the idea from the Ultimate Toy Box where Lasseter goes ‘Andrew, you get to say Super Genius all the time!’

When I attended the CARS Premiere, I was a little sad that Joe Ranft was not alive-he’s one of the guys I would have loved to have gotten to talk to, notably about story.

I may post a ‘banner signature’ at the bottom soon with my Brad Bird autograph (if I hadn’t put my Iron Giant poster up on ebay a few years before, that would have been my main signature item). When at the time I heard our theater would have an early sneak of The Incredibles, I lobbied hard to be the one to make sure the film got built correctly. I was under the gun from the moment the film got in, and had to take it apart immediately after the screening.

I was in such a hurry when I put the film together, that I cut off Bernie’s words to the Principal, so Bernie didn’t get to finish his full ‘guilty’ speech and the door closing. So I feel I miscut ‘The Incredibles’ with Mr Bird in attendance, and I froze up when Lasseter signaled that he was more than willing to answer more questions (though the assistant to him said I only could ask 1). It’s times like this I wish I could get an assignment to cover the Wall-E premiere. If I could only see 1 film this summer, Wall-E would be it.

Wow. I am really in awe of the opportunities you’ve gotten! It’s like DJs who get to meet musicians I like. (Like the one I know who has interviewed Paul McCartney. Lucky!)

:open_mouth: I gotta try this! Maybe I can get stanton’s autograph! I wonder if they have WALL-E pictures yet.

I wrote the letter and put it in an envelope with a little doodle of [spoil]EVE all happy and WALL-E all smitten[/spoil] on the front of it. Hopefully I’ll hear back. ^^

If this works rachelcakes, I owe you a short Ratatouille fic. :smiley:

I’m sure they will love the sketch you drew, Netbug009. And you’re welcome. :wink:

I sent two requests for autographs a few days ago. One was for John Lasseter and the other was for Lou Romano, in separate envelopes. I didn’t bother professing my love for Pixar in great detail, as it was only going to be read by the secretary and then passed onto the admins. If I get anything back within three months I’ll be happy.

I hope they like my doodles. I did a horrible job Drawing WALL-E though. EVE is easy to draw though, which is good, because I’ve been wanting to draw her for a while.

Yeah, I’ll be happy if I hear back too. I mean, I was so happy that I even have a chance at getting one. I took my letter, skipped to the mailbox with it, and prayed over it like it was gonna save my life if they replied. XD Geez, I’m obsessed.

I did that when I wrote to John. I sent copies of some of my Cars drawings just to show him what he inspired me to do (ok, and to show him what I was capable of) Of course, I didnt expect him to respond personally about them, but I’m thinking he liked them :slight_smile:

uruseiranma - Wow. What an amazing range of opportunities! That’s awesome that you got to experience them and receive autographs in the process.

Great picture of you and Mr. Lasseter, by the way. :slight_smile:

Netbug009 and rachel - I hope that you guys receive a reply from the entities you sent your letters to! :wink:

– Mitch

Although Pixar seems like such a big company, it’s actually relatively small company that happens to do powerful things. If you see someone who works at Pixar, talk to them and they’re more than likely to talk to you. It’s likely that they don’t have paparazzi following them, but for Pixarians, they love it when fans come to talk to them.

On the topic of how to get a Pixarian’s autograph, it’s not all that hard, it’s best to be in the know of events around and people to talk to. I’ve been to several promotional events for Pixar and met lots of Pixarians in the process. I always end up getting really star struck, though.

Also, Pixarians aren’t going to ignore your fanmail. Actually, I’ve been exchanging e-mails with the Pixarian in charge of Disneyland’s and Walt Disney World’s Toy Story Midway Mania. Although a relative of mine gave me his e-mail, but it wouldn’t have been that hard to guess it, either.

I’ve posted this before, but here it is again:

During The 2004 Oscar Season, right before The Incredibles won its Animated Feature Academy Award, my dad’s coworker interviewed Brad Bird for E! Network. Brad Bird was ever so kind to sign an autograph for me. I want to thank Mr. Brad Bird for the love.

All right, I know most people don’t have these kind of connections, but it’s nice to know that if they’re there, to take them. Keep up the good work, Pixar fans!

TheIncredible - Ha-ha! Awesome autograph! I love the little drawing that Mr. Bird did on the paper, there. :laughing:

I forgot to mention earlier that I also have a Finding Nemo poster that was hand-signed by Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, and Alexander Gould. My mom got it off of eBay back when I was overly-obsessed with Finding Nemo, and she’s pretty sure that it’s an authentic piece of merchandise and not a copy of the original poster. The thing is still sitting in my closet somewhere, although my mom and I plan to have it framed when we get enough dough to do it.

– Mitch

TheIncredible: Wow! You’re so lucky! :smiley: That’s awesome! x)

The Incredible - Love that picture Brad Bird drew for ya! When I meet him I want him to draw me the same picture.

Mitch - Sweet poster! You can take a photo of it and upload it in this thread if you want. :wink:

Oh wow, how cool is that, that Brad drew a sketch for you!

I am so glad I found this thread! I am a big Pixar fan and I hope to get some autographs soon! :slight_smile:

Jimmeny jilickers! I got my autographs! <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/grinandwink.gif” alt=“;-D” title="Grin and

Wink" />

I only sent the requests on the 21st May, and got it back exactly two weeks later, which suggests that they sent them out on the day they received the request - now that’s organised! Here’s what I received (click to enlarge each photo):

Envelope and standard letter

Autograph 1

Autograph 2

So, I requested an autograph from John Lasseter, and another from Lou Romano. What I got sent back was a glossy Toy Story 2 print from with John Lasseter’s autograph, and a Ratatouille glossy print with Brad Bird’s autograph. I’m a bit bummed that they couldn’t have taken a print up to Lou Romano and gotten him to sign it, but maybe he was too busy so they sent me a Brad Bird one, instead. Maybe I’ll try another time. In the Toy Story 2 print, Wheezy looks a bit ill, to say the least. Heh.

Upon inspection of the autographs I’m certain they are pre-prints, but you get them for free (I didn’t even have to send Pixar any stamps), the prints are of very good quality, and I actually have a letter from Pixar Animation Studios, so I won’t complain. I’ll probably send some more requests so I end up with a glossy print from each Pixar director. Also, I love how it says on the letter “we apologize for the delay”, when they sent them out on the same day. Heheh.

rachel - Man, that is so cool!! You got a certified letter from them and everything! You should frame it or something, dude. :wink: :mrgreen:

Congratulations on receiving your autographs, and so quickly too! It’s nice that you were able to get them free of charge, as well. I’m sorry that you weren’t able to nab Lou Romano’s autograph but, like you said, there’s always a next time.

Man, that is cool… :smiley:

Yeah, I might post up a picture of the “Nemo” poster after my mom and I get it framed. (heheh)

– Mitch

Wow, Rachel! That’s brilliant! Those posters look amazing, and only two weeks? Very efficient! Even the envelope is awesome. Looks like something you’ll be treasuring forever. :smiley: