How to get Pixarian autographs

:astonished: Awesome, Rachel! :sunglasses: Sorry about not getting Lou’s siggy…er, autograph. (Why do i keep saying siggy? rofl)

Two weeks?! Seriously?! starts paying close attention to the mailbox

Thanks, guys. For some reason I’m more happy about having a Pixar letterhead, than the autographs. Heh. I strongly recommend you guys requesting autographs, as well. :wink:

Mitch - Maybe I will frame it some day. Heheh.

That reminds me of when I sent a letter to Steven Spielberg in 8th grade, asking if I could ask some questions for a project I was doing on him.

I got back a envelope with the ‘Amblin Entertainment’ logo on it, and a form letter thanking me for my letter. I also got a little autograph card signed ‘Best Wishes, Steven Spielberg.’

In case anybody is wondering what happens if you go all WALL-E fan to PIXAR…I GOT A REPLY! I GOT A REPLY! I GOT A POSTCARD!

The blacked out parts are m name and stuff, for safety purposes.

Okay, so I may not have gotten Mr. Stanton’s autograph, but I got the closest to a fictional character’s signature I’m ever gonna get, and that’s a CUTE postcard.

I am incredibly happy. 8D

A part of me wants to reply ad say “thanks WALL-E! How is EVE doing?” XD But I think I’ll leave PIXAR alone now.

Okay, that M-O postcard is totally awesome! :sunglasses: I can’t believe you got WALL•E to write you back! (he can write? :confused: LOL)

Now I just GOTTA write Pixar.

LOL Netbug that’d be funny “How’s EVE?” XD

Lucky you Netbug. That was really cute that WALL-E sent you one.

I know! It was such an awesome surprise to see the signature. XD

That’s what I said. XD And wouldn’t he be so obsessed with EVE he’d talk about her or send a postcard of her or something? XD I still luv mah poster though.

That’s wicked, Netbug! I gotta try this!

How does WALL•E know Andrew Stanton? LOL

Dude, that is awesome! I wonder who actually wrote that?

Wow! Awesome stuff man, has anyone tried sending in a poster to be signed? I was thinking of doing that, but if you think I will have better luck with sending a letter I will do that.

That’s amazing! And so sweet! You’re really lucky, Netbug, that WALL-E himself wrote to you! :laughing:

I decided to just send a letter to pixar , mostly to the people that had somthing to do with Wall-E, like Elissa Knight and Mr. Stanton ( if I can ) .I will post if I get somthing back.

Wish me luck :wink:

Go for it, WALL-E-Dude! :arrow_right:

Okay, I need some help. I want to ask for an autograph, and I’d like a WALL•E one, but what autograph should I ask for? Any suggestions?

A113: I would just ask pixar if WALL-E could write to you, tell them you are one of WALL-E’s biggest fans.

Wall-E-Dude - Good luck! Post a picture of what you receive in the mail.

A113 - If you want a WALL•E postcard, I would just address the letter (and envelope) to WALL•E himself. I’m not sure if they have any WALL•E signed glossy prints, signed by Andrew Stanton or if they are just sending out postcards from now on. The postcard that netbug received could have just been a once-off thing, but I guess you won’t know till you see what you get back…

That’s genius, Racehl. I’ll try that…

Hi my first post. I was given a tour of Pixar by a friend of a friend last friday, and it was amazing. All of the Artwoprk from Walle is hanging up on the walls. I was going to take pictures but they said I probably should’nt, although I did get one from the front. One of the Pixar employess walked by and I asked if it would be possible to get Andrew Stanton and Ralph Eggleston to sign my Art of Walle book, but they didn’t think it would be possible, as Mr. Stanton was busy and that Ralph Eggleston wasn’t at Pixar. I had not read anywhere that he wasn’t at Pixar. Has anyone got information at all on this?

We didn’t get to stay long, other than a walk around the outside. I liked the big Luxxo lamp and ball in the front, although the area just around Pixar is pretty dirty.
If anyone finds a Art Of Walle book on Ebay signed, please let me know.

I’m tempted to send in my Ratatouille DVD cover to see if I could get Brad to sign it. (And in time, my Wall-E DVD cover to see if I could get Andrew to sign it.)

Pixar replied really quickly to my autograph request!

I absolutely adore the glossy picture! Perhaps Pixar chose that particular shot because I happened to tape a tiny little drawing of Linguini and Remy in my letter. :slight_smile:
