Jack Jack Attack

I hate that commercial…

Yeah same here. Such a waste of money, it’s just flashcards.

Read the kid a book! ;-p

Exactly! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks it’s ridiculous.

What if a test they take when they’re older doesn’t have the EXACT words on it?

My favorite part was when Kari met Syndrome

Kari- “What does the “S” stand for?”

Syndrome- “s-s-s… sitter! Yeah, sitter. Heh. Originally, I was gonna have initials for “baby sitter”, but then I would have been going around wearing a big “B.S.”, and you understand why I couldn’t go with that!”

I love that short. It is awesome, I wish I was Jack.

I never understood the “BS” thing until recently…

Jack-Jack Attack is easily one of my favorite Pixar short films.

That’s one of my favorite jokes from the short.

I love that joke. I got it when I was about 11 and rewatched it. :laughing: It’s just proof that Pixar isn’t unwilling to push things a little further than one might initially suspect, without sacrificing their general modesty.

Yeah, when I was 9, I had to ask my dad about the BS joke. He hasn’t let me live that down yet.

My parent’s don’t care if I cuss. I’m 20 so they allow me to be my age.

Virginia’s post was on topic, because it was referring to a joke in JJA. But this has nothing to do with anything.

I think Jack-Jack looks adorably cute in this. I wonder how the Parrs felt about looking after him after they discover that he has powers.

This is definitely in my top 3 Pixar shorts.

Same here.

Good question. Maybe a little nervous.

Good thought

Because in reality, he will probably become more powerful than them.

He could be. it’s too early to tell.