Knick Knack

Being one of the most

unique shorts Pixar has created, feel free to let out what ever ya feel about this short.



I feel so sorry for Nick! Man, does

that guy have it bad!! But it’s such a great Short . . . but sheesh, the last scene just had that same feel as

when Woody’s match was blown out by the passerby car. Just - [i]You gotta be kidding


Knick Knack is has always been number 3/4 on my list of PIXAR Shorts, after One Man

Band & Geri’s Game!

Ooo…Knick-Knack – my favorite Pixar short!


Haha – I know. I was thinking, “No way…”. (chuckles) Although, my sister

and I figured out how he could eventually escape: He could just open the “Exit” door, dig deep

underneath the pebbles, and reappear outside his little home. :wink:

Lol, that little bad

tempered snowman always makes me chuckle.

The only short

that didn’t blew me away.

It’s just the simple things that make it funny along with

a ridiculously funny soundtrack. Don’t expect a good joke to come out of it. That’s what “silent”

cartoons aim for, physical and situational humor. Plus it’s got a little dust to it so your “funny”

might not be the type of funny the short was aiming for.But it’s all good :mrgreen:

More like

“Prison” - and I get the feeling that Nick would have simply broken down instead of digging!


then again, he IS a PIXAR character, and they are mighty resilient . . . .

Haha – “broken down”. 8D


they are. Cartoons can do anything, even though Nick probably wouldn’t be classified as a “true”

cartoon. Actually, I take that back. He would be. :wink:

Who directed Knick Knack anyways?

I absolutely

love this, must watch it about once a month at least :laughing:

I just love the way the credits have blah blah

over it, a phenomenon explained by John (I think) on the commentary version of the short.

I REALLY want that music on CD. :laughing:

Yeah, it would rule.

I just always want to know little details like that, where

is that music today, on some computer at Pixar. That would be so cool.

I love this one! It’s my favorite

original (not based on a movie) one! I feel so bad for that little snowman! plus I love the pyramid with

sunglasses, i dont know why. and the music! I love singing along to it!

Yeah, anyone got the story behind the two

versions. One having large errr, things, and one have smaller things. :laughing:

Ha – yeah, I noticed that. I saw the “older”

version first, before I saw the…err…“revised” version. I know where to view the older version, if

anyone would like me to tell. :wink:

I didn’t realise there even was an older version! I’d love to see it.


Can you make a screenshot to compare the two please. And

send me the link.

lizardgirl: Yep, there are two of them – the older being a tad bit

more…“revealing” than the latter. :wink:

luxo: Haha…I wonder if I


Ok, you do this:

  1. Pop in the first disc of your [i]Toy Story

2[/i] dvd (if you have it).
2. Go to Scene Selection and click on the

part where Ham is skipping through the channels on Andy’s tv.
3. If you have a play-by-play button on your

dvd remote – the kind of button that will let you play any film/dvd frame-by-frame --, click it.
4. Either

the thing will play-by-play by itself, or you’ll have to keep clicking the thing yourself, but either

way…it’ll work. Just keep skipping/watching until a frame from Knick-Knack

appears on the screen. It will be a frame with the girl in it.

Enjoy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooooh…I really want to do that, now…Darn geography coursework. grumbles I’ll

try and do it tomorrow, but you’re just making me curious with your chuckling and everything! :laughing:


Don’t worry, you’ll get to see it! :wink: