I’ve always wondered about the location of Ant Island and “The City”. My best guess is southeastern Texas, but there really is no other clue other than the climate and that whatever nation they’re in speaks English (the Casey Jr. cookies). It seems to be somewhere in the United States because of the style of the nutrition facts label, although I’m not sure if that style is used by other nations or not.
Trust me, there’s way more places where that happens, example, anywhere in Florida. But I don’t think Ant Island was meant to be anywhere specifically…
The bug city is located beneath the trailer which is also the same trailer in Monsters Inc. when Randall gets banished into the human world. So in Monster’s Inc, we hear the accents of the residents there, so I’m assuming that that accent might give a clue to where about’s they might be?
It might be Rhode Island, because the island is out in the middle of the water and pretty small, and “The Big City” is pretty close (in human terms) to Ant Island.
I’ve also thought about Texas as the location. I was stationed at Fort Sill in Southwest Oklahoma and often crossed the Red River into Texas. The settings in “A Bug’s Life” look remarkably like the whole Texhoma area. But who would want to set it in Oklahoma when Texas is more popular. Besides, Grasshoppers are too small to fly from their hideout in Mexico to Oregon, but Texas is right there. I was thinking more like Central Texas, between Austin and Kileen. That’s were Ant Island must be.
Well in The Pixar Story, they said they had used the 1 inch bug-cam, which they used to get an idea of what an ant’s perspective was, in their own garden… I suppose you could base it off of Pixar’s lawn!