Make a Wish... And Get it Blessed! :)

Granted and you get to hang out with Pixarians! :smiley:

I wish I could have a pet skunk soooo much.

Granted and it does stink!

I wish I had a TSC Buzz Lightyear.

Granted, and John Lasseter signs it!!!
Edit: sorry I wish I was less confused…

Now its your turn to make a wish IncredigirlVirginia.

There :blush: I didn’t realize that…I always forget the fun part!!!

Granted, and everything seems so easy.

I wish I could buy a Pixar t-shirt with my name on the back :wink:

Granted, and it’s spelled right, and signed by JL himself!!! :smiley: I wish my dad would quit calling Toy Story a cash cow… :unamused: Not cool.

Granted and he says its the best movie in the iniverse.

(make a wish)

Yes!! I have a Pixar t-shirt with my name spelled right on the back with JOHN LASSETER’S autograph on it! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Thanks Virginia!

Ahem… I’ll make a wish then:

I wish I could just bump into a Pixarian by chance when on a day out.

Granted, and they become your best friend!

I wish the Miami Heat never won another NBA championship.

Granted, and the Cavs win every single one from now on! (I’m assuming you’re a Cleveland fan.)

I wish I had a glass of water right now.

Ding: yes, yes I am. :slight_smile:

Granted, and it’s holy water!

I wish Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck would disappear off the face of the Earth.

Granted, and politics never existed and everyone got along with each other!

I wish I was a billionaire.

Granted, and all that money gets you everything you ever wanted (material-wise, that is), and now more of your life is a breeze so you have less worries and can manage for the rest of your life. :smiley:

(I personally think it’s a little more fun to corrupt someone else’s wish, but nevertheless, this is a nice, interesting idea! :slight_smile: )

As weird as it sounds, I wish I could meet some friendly ghosts this Halloween.

Granted. And his name is Caspar. And he takes you to heaven, where there’s a mini-bar full of chocolate milk and apple juice.

I wish all minorities were wiped off the face of the Earth, thus making it IMPOSSIBLE for racism to exist.

I get your dark sense of logic here, The Chicken Man, but I don’t think genocide should be an issue to be discussed about on a family-oriented forum (as much as we all despise racism).

So no, I’m not going to grant the wish for all minorities to be wiped off the face of the Earth in order for it to be impossible for racism to exist, and add something extra to that wish that would make it ‘better’. Please ask another wish. :neutral_face:

I’ll make a wish TDIT!

I wish I lived in California!

Granted, and you live next to Pixar!

I wish Cars 2 came out today.

granted and you get a vip pass the the behind the scenes!
i wish my mom would take the money i want to give her