Martin's Signatures

Bill- I definately will!

Haha – very funny, dude! I’m likin’ 'em. :wink:

Thanks, Mitch. I have some ideas I’ll post tommorow!

Well I just had to release these. (I hope it hasn’t been done!):

Enjoy :smiley:

Man, is that ever funny! Heheheh, good work on that one. :laughing: :wink:

Haha! Not bad, dude! Both are clever and contain a good, clean, and fun nature about them. :wink:

I love the last one! In your face DW! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the Cars graphic - it’s so true. :wink:

May I suggest though, that you use a different colour other than black? Like change the colour to suit the graphic - black can sometimes work with certain graphics, but other times it can look a bit… harsh. But that’s just my opinion.

Other than that your graphics continue to impress me. You are very clever with words and puns. :smiley:

I really like the last one. Really funny and true at the same time. Pixar Forever!

Thanks, everyone. I’ll have some more later, with some flashy colors! :smiley:

Which movie do you plan on using for your next project?

I have no idea, but I’m thinking Toy Story or A Bug’s Life, because I haven’t done them yet, or w/e makes me think of a witty remark! :smiley:

That sounds good. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for those. :wink:

While I brainstorm how about you check out my new one! It just popped up in my head.
It’s Mr. B from Lifted.
Watcha Lookin’ At? :smiley:

Hey, that is pretty good! Very nice! Mr. B huh? Once again, great work on the LIfted one. I can’t wait to see more.

Well scartch what I said about Toy Story and A Bug’s Life. I’ll be doing whatever comes to mind, and this did!
Take a look:

Hope you like this Finding Nemo sig. :smiley:

Hey, that is really, really good! Very nice and funny! I just love Dory.

Heheh. Very nice, martini! I love the “Mr. B” one. :wink:

– Mitch

Nice graphics, martin! :smiley: I must say, however, your graphics on the whole look a little too “busy”. Don’t get me wrong, their great! I don’t know, maybe it’s just your style, but if I were you, I’d tone it down a bit. :wink:

What do you mean Gasduude?