Mitch's Compositions

Wow, that’s some incredible line quality! =)

Editted by TSS: No need to quote all of the pics. Saves up space.

Those are great, Mitch! I can see that you’ve definitely improved both in your style and ability to capture expressions. Is the first one painted? I like the texture of the background. And the others are really good as well, especially where you’ve given certain lines a slight furriness, like with the Mayor from Horton Hears a Who.

I saw these on dA a couple days ago. They’re awesome!! You really captured the characters and your line work is great! Keep it up!

The Star Swordsman - Thank you, dude!

queen_of_painting - Before The Star Swordsman edited your post, I noticed that note that you posted saying that you reposted/quoted my drawings so as people wouldn’t have to go back a page to see them. Although we don’t recommend quoting entire posts in that fashion, I thought that that was very kind of you; no one’s ever done that before for that purpose, so thank you, and thanks for the compliment, as well! I really appreciate it. :wink:

lizardgirl - I swear, I put fur on everything. It’s not even funny. (snigger)

As for the first composition: I digitally painted the image in Photoshop CS2 and then added a special texture to it via the same program. There’s quite a selection of patterns to apply to one’s images, many of which make the original photograph/drawing look pretty interesting.

Thank you very much for the compliment! :smiley:

Hannahmation - Much obliged!

– Mitch

What? I haven’t commented on this yet? I could have sworn I did!
Amazing artwork there, Mitch! Jiji and Bartok are incredibly lovable, and I like how you drew Horton and the Mayor’s faces. Horton’s is clear and full of wonder, and the Mayor’s panic cannot be hidden. Spectacular (I almost said speck-tacular, with Horton still on my mind, lol) pieces!

bright dot-dasher - Ha-ha. Thank you very much, dude! :smiley:


I’d wanted to draw that for a long time. Heh.

– Mitch

I love Larryboy! It’s nicely rendered, Mitch! I really enjoy looking at your drawings. They have a nice quality about them. :smiley:

Hannahmation - Thank you very much! And yep – who doesn’t love Larryboy? :wink:

– Mitch

YAY! Larryboy! One of my favorites Super Heroes before the Marvel and DC SUpers. Nice Mitch.

The Star Swordsman - Ha-ha! You and me both. If I didn’t like Batman so much Larryboy would probably be number one on my list.

Thanks! :smiley:

– Mitch

You’re welcome Mitch. I can’t wait to see more.

“Not a pickle” :laughing:
I like how you did the lighting and color volumes on Larryboy.

bright dot-dasher - Thank you very much! I tweaked the image a bit in Photoshop so as to enhance its texture.

– Mitch

Here are some more sketches that I’ve recently done:



Jester Poses: … -110702752

More Jester Poses: … -111589326

And last, but not least, here is some very terrible animation! Badda-bing: … -104947965

I don’t remember if I’ve posted that third entry (the first batch of Jester poses) here before or not. Huh. Oh well.

For those of you who don’t know: Jester is my own, original character that I created a few months ago. Basically, he’s my version of what the Joker would look like as a rat.

Gosh, that animation is so terrible… (snigger)

– Mitch

Bartok looks great! And so does Stitch- ah, I love Stitch…
Your Jester character is interesting, and good job keeping the same face and different poses (I struggle through that, but you seem to flow at doing that).
The animation is, I cannot lie, not as good as your recent work. But it would make a pretty good start of something new that you can definitely improve in your spare time if you want to. And though the animation isn’t too good, still, the drawing/design of it is pretty good. :wink:

Jester is such a cool character! I love all of his different poses, and his design flows really well. Your Stitch drawing is really good too, looks as though it’s a screenshot or something! And yes, the animation might be a little choppy, but it’s better than anything I could ever do. :laughing: And practise makes perfect, anyway.

bright dot-dasher and lizardgirl - Thank you very much for your comments and critique! I appreciate it. :smiley:

Ha-ha! Oh, no, believe me, I have an extremely hard time trying to get various facial expression to look convincing and true to the character. I swear, I get so frustrated doing it. (heh)

– Mitch

Here are Lady and the Tramp:

I used references, of course. Dogs are most difficult for me to draw, even at the best of times.

– Mitch

Nice, Mitch! I can’t tell that dogs are difficult for you to draw! They’re really nice. :slight_smile: I know I’ve said this before, but I do really like your line quality in your drawings.

Hannahmation - Thank you very much! I appreciate it. :wink:

– Mitch