Mitch's Glitches

JV - You are most welcome! And cool – I’ll be sure to check your posters page for more updates. :smiley:

Texas - Thanks! :smiley:

Update: Turns out that I will only be able to make Ratatouille avatars and signatures until I get Photoshop or the like, unless I can find a picture of another Pixar character via the interent. Either that, or I’ll have to brave my dad and ask him if I could “borrow” his Photoshop for a few moments. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch: So if I give you the pic then you can make a siggy for me ? if so i’ll put the pic on my blog . and what were you gonna put for that picture ? you said it was good so now i really want to know !

gottalovepixar - Yeah, sure. If you give me the picture, I’ll “decorate” it for you. :smiley: And I was going to make Sally think to herself, “I love Fridays”. Although, come to think of it, I don’t know if it’s that good. (snigger)

Those are so funny, Mitch- especially the last one. :laughing:

lizardgirl - Haha – thanks! :smiley:

Those are awesome and funny pictures Mitch!! :smiley:

Thank you, Edna! :smiley:

Ok then here you go ! just double-click on the picture first mitch !

p.s. i think that caption is pretty funny . if only there was a picture of that on the internet !

Update: I added a new picture to my “collection”.

gottalovepixar: Haha – thank you. :smiley:

And here ya’ go:

If you would like a different caption (or would prefer it if the picture itself were smaller) just let me know…and I’ll fix it for you. :wink:

ty mitch i’m gonna put it on now !

gottalovepixar - Haha – you’re welcome! 8D

Update: I now have a blog featuring some of my signatures! Check them out here:

Awesome blog, Mitch!

I love the Cars one. Reminds of me and my girlfriend. Wonderful work.

JV and The Star Swordsman - Thank you both! :smiley:

I am having a little trouble uploading some of the pictures: some won’t display the captions properly, while others just won’t load at all. Looks like I’ll have to just put a few up. Oh well…

I’m glad you guys like it, in any case. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Awesome work, Mitch! Which is your favorite one?

Texas - Haha – thank you! :smiley: And my favorite one? Well…I think it would have to be a tie between the first one (Take-Out; my signature picture) and the third one (Happiness).

The first one displays my humorous and wacky side (which often comes out when I play with my sister – heheh), while the third one is rather…“calming”.

Heheh – I have the third one as my desktop. Thanks for asking! I’m flattered. :wink:

I like all of them! And you’re welcome.

Texas - Haha – thank you! I decided to create a batch of Incredibles signatures. Enjoy! :smiley:

Side-Note - The first signature featured is yours, Texas. If you would like a different caption for the picture, just let me know. :wink:

The last two pictures I found on the internet (although, I was the one who added the captions). Whoop-de-doo. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch: Very nice captions. I love them. I am going to check these everytime I come to Pixar Planet Forums.

The Star Swordsman - Ha – I thought you might like them. :smiley:

And thank you! I’m gonna make some more later. I’m on an Incredi-craze today, for some reason…