Most excited about?

I just hope Newt isn’t going to be a knock-off of WALL-E. I really hope the director makes it unique in it’s own way.

I just hope newt has super strong characterisations. It sounds like it will need to, with it being centered around these two characters. Although I have no real worries about that since it’s Pixar :wink: I always remember in the Monsters Inc commentary one of them said that they take into account you’re going to be spending 1 and a half hours with these characters, so you have to make them likeable or interesting. And I think one of Pixars strongest points is their handling of characters.
That is probably the main reason I am looking forward to newt. I am sort of imagining it the way Buzz and Woody started out, not being able to stand each other, but having to work together anyway.
I don’t think it’ll be a knock-off of any other Pixar film though. Pixar always seem to be eager to try new things with all their films to date.

i am mostly excited for toy story 3 which the trailer has supposedly leaked.

I’m either really going to love Pixar or really hate them when Monsters, Inc. 2 comes out. As for the other upcoming stuff, I haven’t read enough information to form an opinion, except for TS3 and Cars 2, which I feel should not have been made; TS2 was wrapped up perfectly, and Cars was Pixar’s “worst” film, so why make a sequel to it?

I disagree that Cars was their worst film. It may not be the most popular concerning reviews. But I am really excited for a Cars 2. It was one of my favorites and I would love to explore their world again.

In order, here’s what I’m looking forward to

Newt (and of course, it’s the last one coming out,… :unamused: )
Toy Story 3 (thanks to the trailer!)
The Bear and the Bow
Cars 2

The reason Cars 2 is last at the moment is simply because I’m really looking forward to new stuff from Pixar. The theatrical trailer pushed TS3 past Brave on my list, and I’m just SO anxious for Newt, I love it when Pixar works with serious subject matter. Those are the most compelling stories from them I think (which is probably why I love Up, Monsters, Inc., TS2, and Ratatouille so much) and it makes an all-around stronger film. It’ll be interesting to see what Gary cooks up.

Not saying I’m not looking forward to Cars 2, from the sound of it, I think I’m gonna like it a lot more than I like the first. I just can’t wait to see and experience new worlds and themes. (then again, I really REALLY want to see a sequel to Up, I just absolutely lose myself in that world)

Well, okay, perhaps worst was not the best adjective to use. What I was referring to was the amount of money it grossed, which I’ve heard was the lowest for Pixar’s works so far. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong; I just based my opinion off of that. :blush:

What am I looking forward to? :confused: Whatever comes out next, I guess.

Maybe I’ve mentioned this before, but today I just had a craving to discover more about Newt. I have a very good feeling it will be an awesome rom-com just like Wall-E, although probably on a smaller scale. I may be wrong, and I can’t wait for Pixar to prove me so! :slight_smile: Man, I hope they show a teaser for TS3 next year.

And did I mention I’m over the moon for the Cars sequel? It’s my freakin’ dream come true, man.

I’m mostly looking forward to Newt.

Because, frankly, amphibians are awesome.

Here’s what I’m mostly looking foward to the most:

  • Toy Story 3 - :open_mouth: OMG! I can’t wait! runs around the room excited and then goes and lies down on the couch for a two-hour nap

  • Newt - it feels like it has a similar romance-style story like Wall-E, except it’s not completely the same, but, either way, it still sounds cool. :slight_smile:

  • John Carter of Mars - even though it’s not a CGI Pixar movie and the fact that I’m not familiar with the source material, I still love to see sci-fi movies and it’s being directed by Andrew Stanton (what more could you want!)

  • 1906 - it sounds like it’s a pretty interesting topic to cover about in a film and it’s being directed by Brad Bird, so it’s gonna be epic! :smiley:

As for, Cars 2, I have to wait and see the trailer to see if it’s good or not (I don’t really hate the original, I’m just thinking that, “did they really need a sequel?”). Same thing goes for the Bear & the Bow, 'cause if I were to judge films before they came out, half of them I’d probably hate. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m most excited about Toy story 3 of course! And then The Bear and the Bow. But i’m NOT looking forward to Cars 2… The first one was a good movie, but I just don’t like it… But I will se Cars 2 anyway, i’l give it a chance!

I’m actually extremely excited about Toy Story 3 and The Bear and the Bow. Toy Story 3 because recently I re-watched the first two movies and I got re-obsessed with them, so I’m pretty hyped up about the third one now. And for The Bear and the Bow because it’s going to be the first Pixar movie that’s going to ever feature a female character as the lead, and it makes me extremely hopeful that they’ll be even more Pixar films with female leads in the future. <3

At this point, I’m interested in TS3, and feel like rewatching the old movies again to rediscover them (although I already did that last year on FTA).

I’m really disappointed about the rumours of Newt being cancelled, and I hope to The Guy Upstairs that they show a teaser before TS3… I’m more excited about that one, really.

I just now saw Pete doctor on the news and he talked about a movie Pixars working on called…“Brave?” or… “the brave”?

“Brave” is just a codename for the upcoming Pixar film entitled The Bear and the Bow, which is going to be Pixar’s first fairy tale set in Scotland. It’s also going to be directed by Brenda Chapman, Pixar’s first and only female director. :slight_smile:

Toy Story 3
Cars 2
The Bear and The Bow (or Brave, if they change it)

I heard they took the bear concept out of tBatB, so I think it might get retitled. I like ‘Brave’ more anyway.

That’s interesting, amaslyo. Where did you hear that?

I don’ t remember where I heard it, but it wasn’t backed up by anything. I haven’t read the plot that involves a bear, but the closest thing Pixar’s done to a one is Lotso, so I hope it’s still included.

‘Newt’ sounds good, but 'The Bear and the Bow… ‘Merida struggles with the unpredictable forces of nature, magic and a dark ancient curse’ - In a Pixar movie? I ahve no use for that it doesn’t look very clever, Dreamworks maybe, but Pixar, nahhh. Oh and TS3 of course.