Most overrated films of all time

I can’t seem to understand it myself, they seem to have some good hits in their movies, i was surprised that no one mentioned Eddie Murphy as one of those overrated actors! I mean, he’s insane with the movies he does! They’ve been all B-movies since the 21st century!

I agree on Eddie Murphy. But seriously, I have yet to see what everyone’s problem is with Nicolas Cage. I’m in the dark here. :confused:

Well, there isn’t anything wrong with them. Sometimes, they are better than the stuff they make, and sometimes vice versa. They are crap in stuff that are incredible.

Some actors are not gold. Rephrase: the vast majority of actors are not gold. But that doesn’t stop them. Nobody’s great every time(except for Tom Hanks and Robert Duvall.) :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I think Shrek might be the most over rated animated film of all time. And it doesn’t matter to me ifd that has been said by someone else 20 pages ago, just for the record.

I disagree with Shrek being overrated. Shrek is arguably Dreamwork’s best film, not to mention Shrek is Dreamworks’ animation icon. it’s they hype and the sequels, and the other stuff after the movie that is overrated and overhyped. but the first movie was good.

You think they’d stop with shrek, but, it is the only movie that Dreamwork’s has sequeled so far.

Pixar? About…3 upcoming series with sequels

Well, they sequel’d Madagascar as well.

Madagascar actually has another sequel coming up soon now that i come to think of it.

You mean the MST3K crew, so they can be sillouetted in front of the movie and rip it to shreds for being nothing more than an expensive B movie? I’m with you there :slight_smile:

Shrek, Twilight, the Justin Bieber movie out this year…

I always look forward to those movies for the exact same reason! 8D Or the Bum Reviews.

MSTK3? :open_mouth: What is that?

Mystery Science Threater 3000.

It’s basically people commentating/picking apart movies for fun. :laughing:

I’d adore that…

Me and my friend were planning to boycott the Bieber movie… :slight_smile:

Im glad u didnt if not you would of ended up in newspapers…Headline wouldve of read two boys beaten to death by a pack of 12 year old girls.

I’d be willing to do it my own self if they couldn’t!

Of course, it’d be inappropriate.

Anything rate PG13 or higher is overrated except Forrest Gump, The Truman Show, Groundhog Day, and Family Man.

You were? Awesome! :slight_smile: