Most overrated films of all time

Yes, there is a huge following on the internet, but as I explained before I felt like it was deserved.

What films that were nominated did you like better?

And one of the worst things someone can do when trying to convince someone to see a movie is to over hype it. Movies are an expectations game- low or high expectations we have walking into the theater will be a major influence on our feelings of it when we leave. So I do understand where you are coming from.

I doubt it’s over rated. But I agree that people getting you all excited can lead to disappointment. This actually happens to me with live action movies. 8D

I haven’t seen Frankenweenie yet, but I liked Brave, Paranorman and Pirates more than Wreck-it Ralph. Even though I think Pirates might be my favourite of the three, it wasn’t as emotional as the other movies so I kind of expected it not to get the Oscar. Actually in fairness to Wreck-it Ralph, I thought its emotional scenes were handled pretty well. I just think that the other films were better overall. Paranorman was really good.

Also, of the recent Dinsey films, I liked Tangled and The Princess and the Frog more than Wreck-it Ralph (I haven’t seen Winnie the Pooh). Although I appreciate that it was an original story rather than a fairy tale.

I would be interested in seeing a Wreck-it Ralph sequel, if they do make one, just to see where they take the concept to next.

^I really enjoyed Pirates. I thought it was hilarious, and just interesting to look at, athestic wise. Brave I liked but, as I’ve made clear before, not my favorite. It was beautiful, but WIR made up for it’s lack of imagination. And I didn’t like ParaNorman much. I still need to see Frankenweenie.

I know this is a video game not a movie, but I find Bioshock Infinite really overrated.

I’ve heard good things about it. I can’t really think of a game I found overrated.

Blade Runner, one of the most boring movies of all time, and yet it gets praised as some Sci-Fi epic and yet barley anything happens. This is what happens:

1. Harrison Ford gives a robot a test
2. Robot goes into the home of a toymaker
3. Harrison Ford kills two robots
4. Other robot meets up with girl robot and kills his creator
5. Harrison Ford kills girl robot
6. Harrison Ford kills guy robot
7. Movie Ends

That’s it. I really don’t know why it gets so praised.

Out of curiosity, which version of Blade Runner did you watch? I hear that there’s several different versions, and that some are better than others. I haven’t seen it myself.

I’d like to add Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock) to this list. It’s even been named the best film ever by the BFI, but I honestly don’t think it’s very good. Although the film did pioneer some new filming techniques, on the whole it’s a rather dull movie, with several obvious plot holes. The acting is good in it though.

I can almost bear the Blade Runner mention, but naming Vertigo here is giving me a heart attack.

I gotta go. If I don’t come back, you’ll know what happened to me… 8D

:`-( I love Blade Runner!

Yes, Blade Runner is an impressive film. It’s just not such a referent to me that I can survive it’s mention… kind of 8D

Have you seen the Director’s Cut? It’s amazing! I need to rewatch Vertigo. That said anything Hitchcock is the bomb.

I only really know Blade Runner because of Vangelis’ contribution to the soundtrack, haha! Seriously, I’m a big fan of Vangelis. Great composer.

I don’t really watch a lot of live-action movies at all… but when it’s about overratedness, I know it’s not a movie, but (don’t kill me!) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It’s a cute show, and I used to like it a lot (still do a bit, but I still like the first gen of MLP better), but some people think it’s like the second coming of sliced bread or something. Eh.

The Matrix.

I agree^. The fight scenes are good, but overall isn’t a particularly good film. Keanu Reeves is beyond hopeless as an actor.

I think the first one is good, albeit a little overrated. The sequels aren’t very worthy.

Oh yes I enjoyed parts of it, but it isn’t as good as some think.

I still wanna see a Hitchcock film and Blade Runner too! And Pulp Fiction, and A Clockwork Orange, and Forrest Gump… I’ve not seen tons of acclaimed movies :frowning:

That being said, I tend to not think of things as “overrated” in my mind even if, when evaluated, I can see that it is. I love plenty of things that I could consider overrated if I really thought about it, but I don’t see too much of a point. I’m only bothered by an overly praised work if I outright loathed it.

Personally, I think Pulp Fiction is junk. People say Tarantino is “visionary”, but what they really mean, is he likes to make movies that should be graphic novels. He just likes to splash red paint everywhere and people call it “art”. Hitchcock of course is always great. A Clockwork Orange, while as violent as some of Tarantino’s films, is amazing. I love it. There’s violence for a REASON, not just that the director has some kind of a blood fetish. Kubrick is just amazing; I haven’t seen anything attached to him that I didn’t like. And Forrest Gump is one of my all time favorites! That said you should see all those movies, because like you said, they’re a big deal. I need to see The Graduate, The Jazz Singer, and a lot of foreign films.

I like many Tarantino films, however say in Django Unchained the blood looks so fake and overdone that it makes the film look and feel cheap. Not to mention some of the many impossible things that happen in that film.