Al-Bob - Heheh. Well, thank you. I’m glad that I was able to transport someone into another dimension.
– Mitch
Al-Bob - Heheh. Well, thank you. I’m glad that I was able to transport someone into another dimension.
– Mitch
Mitch: Well, thanks for the preview of Madagascar 2. You now got me even more anxious to watch it.
The Star Swordsman - Sure thing, dude.
– Mitch
I’m watching the Tinkerbell movie on Youtube right now. It’s a disgrace to faeries (IMO) but … it is cute.
I think that is somewhat what they wanted it to do…be rather crazy but just plain cute.
FONY- There’s a Tinkerbell movie? headdesk
FONY - Ha! I’ve been meaning to see that, since my dad worked on the thing. I saw some clips from it, and it doesn’t look too bad, although I’m sure it’s nothing Oscar-worthy. (snigger)
– Mitch
I saw a bit of it. I thought it looks cute for little girls, but I was thinking “You’ve got to be kidding me. . .”
TSS: Ah well, at least it works for the Peter Pan fans, I guess. I haven’t really watched it myself, but as a fellow PP fan, I think it’s kinda weird for Tinker Bell to start having speeches of her own rather than her usual ringing and, well, tinkling. All in all, though, it will be a great movie for the kids.
WBoon - Believe me, you don’t wanna hear what Tinkerbell’s voice sounds like…
– Mitch
They should had just made a Wendy spin-off. I always find her to be more… on the feisty side. Raawwwrrr.
What? It would have been an interesting watch!
They should have, man! Although, I guess they kinda already did that in Peter Pan 2 by adding Jane to the mix, but still…
You’re right, though. They’re always recycling the most popular characters. Why not choose someone different for a change?
– Mitch
I just saw Sicko, thinking it looked pretty interesting, and was very shocked. No free health care in America? I never actually realised this. Though I’m sure the film made things out to be worse than they actually are, because Moore does tend to do that, it seems, but it made me very suddenly very appreciative of the NHS.
No, what you must understand is the corruption the government has. They have control over our lives, so their “actions,” so quote, might cause us daily pains (no prize for guessing the reference)!
But seriously; in my opinion, I think the portrayal of the politicians’ actions were most probably not exaggerated - at least not Bush’s actions, I would believe. But if this is correct, we are facing a more dangerous threat than simple illness and diseases, my friends. We are being manipulated by the government itself.
WBoon- Well, the government has to have some kind of control. And after all, it was the government’s idea to have free health care for everyone, so I don’t mind if they have a bit of power over us!
Anyway, getting off topic here.
Still watching the Tinkerbell movie, and feeling rather silly doing so. It’s very cutesy too the point it’s kinda sickening, but … I’m watching it for free, so I can’t complain. I have to keep minimizing it whenever someone enters the room though. xD
EDIT: And while watching this movie, I can’t stop thinking of Inkheart and how I want to read the original Peter Pan novel.
my last post went missing
here is a cut down version:
2001: A space Odyssey
Strange, good, trippy at the end, it’s pretty hard to review. 10/10
2010: The year we make contact
Explained some of the things that happened in 2001 7/10
WALL-E - Your last post went missing? Do you think that you accidentally pressed the “Delete” button on your post, or did it simply disappear? If the latter, that’s a bit odd. I want to say that it’s a glitch in the system, but I’ve never heard of a member’s post randomly evaporating into thin air like that. Hmm…
I might take this up with one of the other moderators, just to make sure that the technical side of things are running smoothly.
Thanks for mentioning that your post vanished.
– Mitch
i may have pressed preview or something :/, as the delete function has been removed.
WALL-E - Mmm, I don’t think that’s the case, as I saw your post before it disappeared, too.
I’ll bring this up to the moderators, just to make sure.
Back on-topic…
– Mitch