I assume you guys know this but I just want to be sure, you guys do know only the top picture with the purple background is mine, right? The other one is the official model.
Nice! Buzz is looking really good so far! That’s cool John Lasseter provided you with that great reference in his last video! Should make things a bit easier. I can’t wait to see it when it’s done!
All of this stuff is good, did you self-teach yourself?
Slight update. the official wires are helping me get the flow down a bit better. Still frustraiting though.
Heres what it will look like with the leg seams. for now though I’ll just hit undo until I do other tweaksto their proportion first.
I meant to respond to this one earlier…
thanks. this is one area I usually need a lot of help from other modelers though. Im horrible at avoiding triangles, and usually have to get input from others to figure out how to turn my tris into quads. what confuses me about the official buzz here is that I believe I see some tris. I’m wondering if these are rare instances when tris would benefit the model? or should I still avoid them here? they seem to use a few of them in the pelvis to re rout some of the loops into more logical directions. but as I’m sure you know, tris lead to bumps in the model.
As it is I need to change the topology of the loops in the butt, as there’s already a bit of a bump in it. The reference makes this look so simple too.
Edit: Also, Ive been wondering for a while now how his room in Toy Story 3 would look, and weather or not I’d try to do that as well, and now that we can clearly see it, I’m not sure I can handle all that clutter he has now, haha. but maybe I’ll try. I mean, I will already have the furniture, it’ll just require a new layout, and lots and lots of stickers/posters and such. the rest is random clutter, and more wear and tear. it’ll need a new chair too, and some new props. (trophies, stereo that kind of thing)
Still looking good! I can understand your frustration though. I’ve been working on some modeling for my short film. It is giving me a lot of grief.
Lookin’ good! Seems like quite a bit of work, but it’s paying off! I take it you’re still rendering the head, and are gonna smooth it out over time? You’ve got an excellent start, and I’m sure that the render photo is working wonders for guidance. Keep at it! Looks awesome!
Still modeling it, yes. by the way, rendering just refers to the process used to add more accurate lighting, anti aliasing and whatnot, right now its still in the sculpting process. this is the model in its most primitive form. once sub divided it’ll indeed smooth everything over. Right now its all about getting the basic details down.
Edit: Every now and then a wierd glitch happens, and I thought this was kind of amusing.
Ahh, okay. I’ll be taking a basic 3D course in the spring, so I SHOULD have more of the terminology down, sorry bout that. Keep us posted! Looking good!
Finally managed a decent mouth. still riddled with problems to solve though. like the brow area. and I need to define the lips a bit more. Im actually kinda scaring myself though how accurate its looking so far.
Wow, that’s really coming along nicely! Excellent job man, it really looks great!
Fantastic! It’s looking really great so far!
Thanks guys, as usual.
how about some animation for a change? heres my first test.
This is looking fantastic! If I had one problem, it’d be that Buzz’s chin is a little long/big, but apparently it’s like that in the TS Collection video so it’s accurate. Great job so far!
Cool! Did you use blend shapes for the mouth animation? Or just a facial rig?
Your not wrong actually. the problem is I dont have my references lined up perfectly, which means from profile angle the chin is perfect, yet the front view has the chin too large. it can be really hard to get refs to line up just right, and often times, at least in my experience you dont notice until its too late. but I’ll defiunetly be working on the chin more, it still needs some rounding out and thinning out toward the bottom too. its a bit too square.
It goes by different names, but I know it as morph targeting, I assume that’s what blend shapes is for you. But yeah, its not a rig, I’ll need that in order to get the eye blinks and eye movement in later, along with his lower set of teeth.
Wow, amazing stuff! I wish I could do graphics like this.
That’s so cool! How did you learn to do that?
Finally figured out how to smooth out a rough edge around the mask.
Think I’m burning out on Buzz here, I might take a break from him and move on to starting Woody’s head next.
This is all so impressive, Kyle! Your Buzz animation is so nice and smooth, and your rendering of his body looks very good- I especially like the little details, like the lines down his legs and the texture of that sort of black rubbery bit between his legs and torso. The shape of his torso looks perhaps a little off, but it’s so difficult to get just right and you’ve done a spectacular job so far! And I’m looking forward to seeing Woody, too.