Old Priest Predicts The Rapture To Occur On May 21st, 2011

I read on some sight that see sais they were. :confused:

yeah, a sign that we ain’t taking care of our ecosystem properly!

Do earthquakes have anything to do with that?

yes, definitely.

Or if you’re Michelle Bachman, it’s God saying he’s mad at Democrats and Obama.

I’m not making that up, she said that. And to think, she wants to be the next US President. o_0

I hope Harold is ready for more embarresment on Oct 22nd.

Yeah… I believe in what the Bible say about the end of time, and this guy is… way wrong. I think he may have lost his marbles.

Is anyone even following him this time?

Sadly, yes. And I don’t understand why.

Yay, another crazed robespierre activist! I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to believe this!

Yeah, seriously. It’s like hello, haven’t you ever heard of science people?

What does that have to do with the predictions? The “priest” is clearly associated with Christianity, not Atheism or Agnostics. :confused:

Really? Are you kidding? Some people are just so dumb.

Yeah. A bunch of people stopped following him after May 21st, but a ton still believe him. It’s just sad. I seriously can’t wait to her his response on the days following October 21st. He’ll probably come up with some excuse about how he misunderstood and that that date meant something else and now there’s a new date and we’ll go through all this all over again…

What does he think of 2012?

My opinions on this:

  1. “The end of the world has been coming since 1903. BC, that is.”
    -Jiminy Cricket, Fun & Fancy Free

  2. Any priest who says he knows the end of the world is a hypocrite. The Bible said no one knows when it will happen. :unamused:

  3. Hey anyone want a shirt that shows you survived?

That’s terrible! :open_mouth: It’s a good thing animal control saved the poor thing from his deluded owner! And I hate when people say that about animals. I remember this one time when a kid wrote a letter to ask someone if his dog would live on in heaven, and it was so sad. The jerk responded that the dog would be eaten by people in hell like every animal that ever lived. It made me so angry. The poor kid. :cry:

Oh man I hate it when people say animals have no souls. I have this strong Christian friend, very sweet and outgoing and talkative and understanding, a good friend. I just make sure not to bring up animals around her. This one time I brought up that someone had a sign up for their lost pet and offered a hundred dollar reward, and was about to say how sweet that was, when she said, “Oh yeah, all that for a stupid cat.” Suddenly the conversation swerved to her laughing, “When kids cry, ‘The poor puppy!’ I’m like ‘Shut up! There’s people dying of leikemia!’” I really wanted to leave at that point.

Yeah, I know how you feel. I mean, ok so Christ came to save humans’ souls only. That’s because humans were the ones that needed the forgiveness for their sins. Animals didn’t corrupt the world, and they don’t sin like people. Whatever they did was for survival. Humans, however, were supposed to take care of animals (in the Bible it says we rule over them, so shouldn’t that mean we look out for them? Shouldn’t we respect and love those we “rule” over?) and were given higher responsibility. The problem is that people took advantage of that. And now the meaning is twisted. People will now not only tell you that we are better than animals but some go as far as saying animals have no thoughts and feelings. Says the species that causes more destruction than any other species on earth.
And who’s to say humans can’t go to heaven because you need Christ. We humans do, but animals don’t carry that responsibility so they are innocent. Besides, maybe animals believe in God all along, like you said. I think God has a special place for them prepared in the afterlife. He created them all and made them so diverse and beautiful, millions of species everywhere, and “He saw that it was good.” Heaven is the paradise that we were supposed to live in before the Fall. If animals were in His plan before, I believe they’ll be in His plans still. :slight_smile:

sigh Yeah, I know. It’s sad. I’m a Christian, and I just hate when people who share the same faith as me misrepresent it. Not just the hypocritical “end of the world” talk. Cursing people out, thinking themselves higher than others, and so on. There is a saying, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are nothing like your Christ.” I don’t remember where exactly it is, but in the Bible it says that when people question your faith, you should answer with confidence, but also with gentleness. There’s another one that says if we judge others, we’re no better than them. These two verses seem the most overlooked. I think they’re among the most important.

Please excuse my rambling.

Irrelevent, since he says that the world will end by then.

Didnt this guy suffer froma stroke recently? I think that was God delivering him a message…

eh, i would’ve said Kharma, but yeah, that works too.

Wonder what will happen to him after his second predicsion.